15 entries in 0.932s
asciilifeform: 1st class 'broken glass glue'.
mircea_popescu: this is to say, standard soviet matchbox dwelling, like berlin is still full of, came from the maker with a "balcony", which was open to the outside. they -- paid, scions of the decrepit metalworking industry, to solder/weld/glue to the balustrades ugly scrap metal pikes and pipes, and in between them put glass.
asciilifeform: it's the glue-with-broken-glass we discussed in 2014, etc
asciilifeform: they are quite happy to glue with broken glass.
mircea_popescu: so they put her in vase (really, it's made out of porcelain on lead glue, much like stained glass) so she can be flower.
mircea_popescu: French housewives were using recipes to make, along with food, glue, ink, and so on, marble grains for an hour-glass:
asciilifeform: glue with broken glass.
ben_vulpes sees "glue with broken glass" in scrollback
asciilifeform: 'glue with broken glass'
assbot: 3 results for 'glue glass' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=glue+glass
ben_vulpes: !s glue glass
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: you underestimate the depth of the glue and the sharpness of the glass
assbot: Logged on 25-10-2014 03:54:31; asciilifeform: mod6: when shitgnomes glue their crap on, they use paste with broken glass.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: you weren't kidding about "glue and glass"
asciilifeform: mod6: when shitgnomes glue their crap on, they use paste with broken glass. ☟︎