700+ entries in 0.006s
Mocky: indeed. I've had my fill of java, but get paid for it so it's still in my immediate future
Mocky: sounds accurate enuf
Mocky: erlang I did look at briefly, but not the concurrency, seemed to me like a puzzle lang
Mocky: fortran threading I never looked at, but will. pretty sure threw away all my punch cards tho
Mocky: iirc that was after backus turned to shit in committee
Mocky: serious question asciilifeform, where do I look to see better threading that java. I honestly dont' know
Mocky: nope
Mocky: zackly
Mocky: also threads in infinite loops can always be stopped on every platform
Mocky: anyway coherent != good
Mocky: i wouldn't argue that explicit threading is good. but instead of concurrent i++, consider concurrent assignment to heap references, even without locking always have a valid reference, never a garbage pointer, no matter how many threads or cores
Mocky: i've seen dozens of those. look equally shit on every platform
Mocky: I'm not defending java, I'm stating that in addition to pile of shit, theres a coherent memory model, thread model that is not agony to work with.
Mocky: yeah, early java lists were shit in that way but no more. now shit in diff ways
Mocky: it is on c machine after all
Mocky: so not optimal, maybe even laughable, but yet has a model and as spec that is not self contradictory
Mocky: laugh if you will, yet still can't do it even *with* locking in standard c++, as far as I can tell
Mocky: and yes can increment global and local counters in threads and have it add up, but requires locking or cas
Mocky: i'm not saying they solved threading once and for all, or that eliminated deadlock. any system that allows you to acquire locks in different order can be deadlocked. i'm just saying that there are concurrent primitives that can be understood and which have guaranttes that hold
Mocky: can do multithreaded i++ and never get garbage, if you mark it volatile forces read and write to main memory
Mocky: setting and getting
Mocky: there are explicit and implicit semantics, but if you read the spec, you know what you'll get. multiple threads setting a value on the same variable never create garbage
Mocky: I mostly agree. They did manage a coherent threading model / memory model which turns out to be the thing I miss when I'm writing in something else
Mocky: i mean, entire jvm is c/c++ and filled with c/c++isms so not exactly in the direction of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-20#1898128 , more in the direction of 'just want to' cross platform ☝︎
Mocky: I was hopeful back in the day at java chip and java os, nothing worthwhile surfaced
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-20#1898149 I know of a couple attempts at java os, one I installed on my Compaq iPaq in 2002. but they were shit ☝︎
Mocky: thx asciilifeform
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-11#1894983 << I'm gonna reorder my list and move to wp first ☝︎
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-09#1894296 << answered ☝︎
Mocky: i'm assuming "Eu cind vreau sa fluier, fluier" == "Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier". The former named in http://trilema.com/2016/a-story-of-men/ the latter available for download
Mocky: Pretty likely I haven't encountered the like, I'll watch
Mocky: i will answer
Mocky: yeah, my hand rolled blog is not long for this world http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-09#1893948 ☝︎
Mocky: i'm still reading the links. currently at http://trilema.com/2017/paolo-il-caldo/
Mocky: mircea_popescu: thx for the mega comment
Mocky: trinque: I approach it by engaging them in conversation only
Mocky: in other news, I got my first ru spam blog comment разработка сайтов
Mocky: lol
Mocky: so many roles in 'modern development', mostly slotted by chix 'scrum master' 'product owner' 'ux designer' in addition to the traditional hr
Mocky: BingoBoingo: ah yes, i remember reading as much in the logs
Mocky: mircea_popescu: thought that was where the black chix who can't code go
Mocky: mircea_popescu: buncha cute chix there yea, lucky for them they now get a man to admire
Mocky: BingoBoingo: how so, bash still bash
Mocky: it's so social compared to working alone at home
Mocky: my first torx was to pull a ford brake pad
Mocky: at least there's an actual terminal unlike windows
Mocky: took me a full minute to find the power button, turning it over and every which way.
Mocky: 'thunderbolt' ports only, even for power. every periph unusable without holy water blessed apple dongle
Mocky: my new slave galley issued me a mac book pro. ugh, i thought i was going to make it to the grave without having to mac ☟︎
Mocky: such branding
Mocky: franchise, wtf lol
Mocky: im on 6 month contract to hire, so no paid time off until they beg me to go perm in July
Mocky: i haven't had to go into the office every day for 10 years. takes some getting used to
Mocky: *now that I'm back to work
Mocky: then imma migrate to wp ☟︎
Mocky: got a handful more to grunt out. not that I'm back to work I have free time again
Mocky: thx
Mocky: well child-like is not the term, but I do think childish only applies to adults. calling a child childish would be in jest
Mocky: if a child is doing it, it's not childish, it's child-like. it's only childish for an adult
Mocky: if so then why would picking writer be the argument, why not cook?
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-30#1890838 ☝︎
Mocky: mircea_popescu you're equivocating between being an amateur conceptually and being an amateur at X
Mocky: the proposed meaning describes a mindset or attitude only, with no consideration of actual ability
Mocky: I got paid to do some development for a game, but still would say amateur game developer
Mocky: not paid to do it
Mocky: seems like an intentional amateur (amateur pilot) is different from an oblivious amateur
Mocky: yes those are the hand levers can curved plates
Mocky: in my mind zundapp has reversed hand levers and curved license plate on front fender, although I know not all did
Mocky: asciilifeform: maybe my eye is misreading the perspective, which would make more sense, but that's how it looks to me
Mocky: handlebar is in contact with the sidecar
Mocky: bullshit, no one used a bike that can't turn right for anything except ridicule. it was used with a proper side car!
Mocky: asciilifeform re zundapp, leaving aside that it dun look much like a classic blitzkrieg bike to me, I'm commenting on the massive side car that makes the pictured item factually unusable, even with windshield removed
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-30#1890659 << ha, nice sidecar. makes it the motorcycle precursor to nascar... right turns not needed. plus good luck reaching that hand clutch ☝︎☟︎
Mocky: ahh figures
Mocky: wasn't it shannon with the otp proof?
Mocky: morning
Mocky: which means mooching off family, not actual hunger btw
Mocky: by the looks of it, will go approx 4 days without food money before first paycheck, so this was cut pretty close
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-26#1890218 << I finally got job offer yesterday ☝︎
Mocky: being chucked into the air?
Mocky: will do
Mocky: BingoBoingo: got it, thx
Mocky: BingoBoingo can you set me up with mp-wp in my wwwhabeeb directory on uy1 for mockyhabeeb.com? I want to see what migrating my blog will involve.
Mocky: !!v D80D0E6CF388A6BFEF9DE3BB9B283433119DE1BD1B3D8AA59A341A4ABB2CB678
Mocky: !!pay-invoice BingoBoingo 1
Mocky: ok thx
Mocky: trinque is there anything wrong with my deposit from a week ago sunday? It seems not to have gone thru
Mocky: instead of an offer for this one prospect I got "one more interview, next week" but still imo looks probable
Mocky: howdy asciilifeform
Mocky: if they are gonna look at afrofacts, what next, look at femfacts?
Mocky: they think in terms of nanny state policies and what policies statistical facts would imply
Mocky: thx mod6
Mocky: fingers crossed maybe I get a job offer today
Mocky: hiya
Mocky: indeed
Mocky: right
Mocky: hard coded
Mocky: is the number of witnesses to be a knob or fixed?
Mocky: weekend works
Mocky: mircea_popescu sure, no problem. I'll fire it up tomorrow, make sure I'm good to go.