1000+ entries in 0.012s
Mocky: felt like "yeah he's a mile down the road, can't miss it"
Mocky: i'm also skeptical that he's there. i was told by 8 20-something arabs lounging around the lobby desk bored. they had to call over the 9th who was the only one who could speak broken english
Mocky: i didn't ahve time to make it over there before ministry closes at 2pm, sigh
Mocky: at the other building, they told me he's at commercial bank plaza (home of servcorp coworks)
Mocky: went down to the ministry of transportation and communitications today to book an appointment. they told me he wasn't at that building but the other ministry building
Mocky: Assistant Undersecretary, Information Technology
Mocky: speaking of weight in diamnonds, I find the guy I should be talking to here: Hassan Al-Sayed
Mocky: how much?
Mocky: the mp hot seat
Mocky: i see it
Mocky: yes
Mocky: hardware baked with a specific algo, not generall purpose
Mocky: yes
Mocky: nominally because neighbors claim 'allowed terrorist donations' but i don't know the actual why
Mocky: i can't think of a good why not
Mocky: i do
Mocky: well power of 2 values i see
Mocky: right
Mocky: 64 bit bus and iirc 32 bit registers, typically
Mocky: I don't know rsa maths well enough to say
Mocky: oh, that's what i meant by operand size, the unit the processor is woking with
Mocky: if a fetch from memory grabs 32 bits, and the data is 32 bits on the memory side and the register side then you don't need the switch
Mocky: same thing on the other end of the bus
Mocky: the unit size of memory addresses
Mocky: the operand size for cpu instructions
Mocky: i see it
Mocky: ok
Mocky: like a left and right register?
Mocky: i'm trying to see it
Mocky: operands have to be fetched and results stored along the bus before and after each processor op
Mocky: a named local storage location
Mocky: yes it does
Mocky: ok
Mocky: it's on a board, between chips
Mocky: a data pathway
Mocky: I think I understand but the more examples the better
Mocky: ok
Mocky: like your computers are shitty but you could remedy that?
Mocky: what do you mean by tech transfer?
Mocky: re bikers, some of these guys seem so happy to just *have* the bike. i have neighbor who fires his up every 3rd day and twists the throttle for 5 minutes while it sits. but maybe it's to scare all the cats away
Mocky: good morning mircea_popescu
Mocky: ^ Ok this is my last post of the night. Going to sleep now
Mocky: lol
Mocky: more like trust Allah and don't be the faithless one studying knots
Mocky: oh, thank you
Mocky: ah, thx
Mocky: i guess so
Mocky: not supported yet
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-22#1865064 ☝︎
Mocky: hey! i didn't want to wasted time implementing a big comment thing when i get 1 comment per month
Mocky ducks
Mocky: I don't have moderate per se. I have a manual process where by if i type in "pull-comments.sh" i see if there are new comments to manually copy paste into the document
Mocky: yes
Mocky: mircea_popescu, I've spent the day going over and cleaning up my outstanding notes to date. I have 6 blog posts that will be dropping the last of which is my evaluation of where I'm currently at with this thing.
Mocky: just got a nibble on my BTC ad, someone created an account named SyedAlthaf 20 minutes ago and opened a cash buy of 500 QR worth. But then cancelled trade 1 minute later.
Mocky: heh heh
Mocky: one hotel has chineese only hookers, which... who wants this lol. but someone must be buying
Mocky: its either hotels, bars or online, bars an online are freelancers
Mocky: the hotels do. hotels need a way to distance themselves from the occasionaly law enforcement, scapegoat
Mocky: *dudes*
Mocky: the price for rich oil duded swimming in the worlds densest sausage party
Mocky: no that's converted to USD, 2000 QR / hr
Mocky: everyone else starts at 425 / hr, but will jump at much less
Mocky: 20 something attractive white euros 500 / hr and wont negotiate down
Mocky: well i don't know but they don't tell me to fuck off, no matter how much i ask them but never agree to pay
Mocky: the fun thing is, like any salesman they *have* to talk to you and answer your questions if they think you'll buy
Mocky: what would be considered a normal rate for an hour with a whore? i don't know anything about how things are elsewhere
Mocky: and then the whores, oh my god, imma have to do a post on that
Mocky: not allowed to leave house but one day a week, even then with cerfew
Mocky: the 75/25 male female ratio is actually a lot worse than that, given how locked down a lot of the domestic female workers are
Mocky: filipinas have like 50% obesity rate here in my estimation
Mocky: no idea, but given the excess mass, i don't think any cock is on the table
Mocky: she was 'too busy' after meeting me once
Mocky: she's not speaking to me anymore. i've got a few days to get one of these other chicks to do it tho
Mocky: hell yeah
Mocky: the dude who messaged me from luxemburg wanting to buy coin
Mocky: i trolled him, he seemed pissed :)
Mocky: he still has the same number of trades (12) as when i first spied him in sept.
Mocky: hasn't been up since
Mocky: i can still buy btc from the one guy, presumably. but the other guy pulled his ad before I got the coin into my account there
Mocky: yeah! he disappeared
Mocky: but serveral dudes from luxembuourg want's to buy bitcoin from me
Mocky: in terms of actual traders, the guy actually trading on localbitcoins pulled his ad. So I posted my own ad up. It's been up for some time now, more than a week i think. no locals contacted me yet
Mocky: this seems to be the only group that actually does anything
Mocky: mircea_popescu, there's a "gulf blockchain foundation" meet up in three days I'm going to. two speaks giving talks then mingle time: "Governance: DAOs and traditional governance" and "Proof of scam: Drawing the line between the good and the bad"
Mocky: you meet someone new and don't know who they are, they could be anything
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868347 I don't see how it's any different from e.g. http://btcbase.org/log-search?q="who+might+you+be" ☝︎
Mocky: such strategy
Mocky: unrelatedly, "In its IPO prospectus, Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Company said one of the strategic objectives is to maximize shareholder returns by increasing financial returns." -Gulf Times fishwrap
Mocky: but there's no way this kind of spade work is going to be harder than trying to wrap my head around code for hours. I always came out on top of the code, so what I'm not gonna figure out how to talk to people if actually try?
Mocky: i know about raising kids, now that they are grown. and I know about java now that I'm sick of it
Mocky: I didn't have any more experience talking to orcs than chatting up chicks or writing c++, or rebuilding my bike engine back in the day, or fixing a million and one things for the first time. I don't know shit about shit. I never did
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868297 >> congrats, ur the first person to leave a nameless comment on my blog. I may have to update my cgi to complain now ☝︎
Mocky: mircea_popescu, ok, thx
Mocky: orange tint that my eyes seemingly adjusted for
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-11#1860606 << btw mystery solved, once I discovered my window opens: https://imgur.com/a/s8q4SHE ☝︎
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-01#1868244 thx, fixed ☝︎
Mocky: lol, so mean!
Mocky: I have more blog posts churning thru the pipeline atm, mostly written for some days now. photo handling jammed up my process ☟︎
Mocky: wouldn't that require sync'd clock cycles?