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Framedragger: yes but someone committing to the project without having the necessary time is not far away from malice, imho
Framedragger: yeah i think they have a minimum VAT fee + royal mail fee, and then the VAT increases after some threshold of declared value or somesuch. or, increased fees / inflation...
Framedragger: nah nothing like that, only those irc lines you saw.
Framedragger: ah there was that, too. will go thru backlog. still interested in some particular detail diana_coman?
Framedragger: i assume that asciilifeform's recent ping was in connection to my attempt to update the cached stats - he saw the
http request for one of the large pages on dulap when it was still alive
Framedragger: ty diana_coman. sad to see the state of tmsr isp affairs. i suppose it was kind of always like this, the state simply got.. actualised, so to speak. still, am planning on giving small talk on ssh scan to hackerspace people, wanted to link to phuctor, now - can't. :(
☟︎ Framedragger: hello! reporting alive status. went for extended travels through portugal and the likes, moved into apartment in homeland, managing whole new (to me) world of poly relationships, and other fun stuff.
☟︎☟︎ Framedragger: (i thought you maybe wanted to check if archive.is tampered with it; which yes we should be able to do as well)
Framedragger: i just wasn't sure if you were looking for a particular downloaded-from-earlier copy of that zip file
Framedragger: i'll do the latter, as to the former, i'm afraid it doesn't have it as of yet
Framedragger: i'm sure mp has some weird probabilistic intel hahaha
Framedragger: but i'll catch up on log, may be missing (lots of) context
Framedragger: if so, only thing scriba has is -- not a local copy, but a note of link being successfully archived, and link to archive =>
☟︎ Framedragger: [PSA, framedraggerish duties to resume soon and answers to irc pings to come (country move done nao, much win). talk soon]
☟︎ Framedragger: if this means english were to regain cases, i'm all up for it
Framedragger: ah, you quoted the athletes part quite exactly, and 'tis a nice passage
Framedragger: check the video i guess, tastes can differ heh
Framedragger: and yeah i guess just literate programming. i was *even younger*, recall
Framedragger: asciilifeform: got shown shit effectively while also staring at relevant places of codebase so it was all contextualised well.
Framedragger: trinque: yeah i acknowledge that. well fuck, i need to actually try to respond, but for that i'd need to take a look at subject again. which i can do and probably should do
Framedragger: and hence need multiple hashrings (which ensure uniformly random distribution of them), etc.; many moving parts.)
Framedragger: "heavily documented and commented without useless comments code", effective use of OOP in python without using classes just for the sake of it, tackling a technologically entangled thing (i could explain but basically there is this "bridge db" which gives "bridges" at some churn rate, but bridges come in different "buckets" (different obfuscation protocol etc),
Framedragger: trinque: she agreed that "yes i was quoting here because i liked the quote, didn't understand in depth", many times, while at the same time i didn't think it was all nonsense. i would have to dig up to actually provide examples, which i suppose yes would be nice.
Framedragger: i don't mean easy as in lazy, i mean that there was no point for the historical bad to be so clumsy
Framedragger: basically she inherited this terribad codebase, "bridgedb". she rewrote parts of it (possibly finishing the rest but i didn't stay in touch), and fixed all kinds of weird threading issues by effective use of semaphores etc, which is nothing special, but the result is just so damn easy to read
☟︎ Framedragger: trinque: i read said flatmate's dissertation on critical writing and provided lots of criticism, it was nice, not sure what else to say
Framedragger: well your pseudpsychoanalysis is always spot-on, so would appreciate explanation re avoidance
Framedragger: (had a flatmate who was into that for long, had some good engaging convos)
Framedragger: ah or not because probably no proper response. i mean, i ack the contradiction.
Framedragger: this ad hominem (some ad hominems are completely valid, that i understand) is orthogonal to technical knowledge and its conveyance to other people. i know that there is no apolitical knowledge and you maybe can't separate the two, but i think sometimes it's possible, to an extent.
☟︎ Framedragger: ftr i respect her a lot, tmsr and me will have to agree to disagree
Framedragger: "the former has regulationz and policies to protect it!" doesn't sound very tmsr to me, hm
Framedragger: i personally don't see any big diff between myblog.com and myblog.landlord.com
☟︎☟︎ Framedragger: sina: point was to prove continued identity of A, continued ownership of A's private key, so to speak.
Framedragger: asciilifeform: ah, damn. is the point to prove to B that A holds A's key at time t? i feel dumb
Framedragger: if incoming message is *not signed*, then i understand - it sets a fixed horizon in terms of how much you can spam.
Framedragger: and if the main work is in checking signature, how does a "could not have practically come into existence before you broadcast S" help with regards to DoS?
Framedragger: asciilifeform: but the main work by the receiving peer is in checking the signature of the other peer anyway (besides decrypting the message itself), no?
Framedragger: i'm in fact curious why in your model lighthouse has to be unpredictable, asciilifeform. maybe it's something very obvious
Framedragger: asciilifeform: i never got to comandeer one from irc channel, am sad
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: well you did say "whenever operator feels like it, keys get nuked." (i guess that's not the same, tho)
Framedragger: asciilifeform: ah, then i confused things by way of saying that "challenge-response needs to be ditched in gossipd model". hmm. i did think that the two items are not conceptually separable anymore
Framedragger: "Re 119 : You'll have to properly spec this if you want it." (you said it!)
Framedragger: also lighthouse concept didn't get properly included in spec because it's probably not yet finished, ha
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: yeah lighthouse discussion does complicate matters, the fact of the matter is, it's the only current (written) alternative to DoS-prone traditional challenge-response (A asks B to plz send challenge, A then response to B with that challenge), within gossipd universe
Framedragger: (in fact maybe that's an important point as well: lighthouse shits at a fixed rate; there is a discrete amount of auth strings which can be used. i guess this is obvious, i'm slow)
Framedragger: situation is different if the point is for peer A to newly introduce self to B. then (sina) "unpredictable lighthouse" is important because it sets a limit to how many auth strings can be used.