700+ entries in 0.014s
Framedragger: actually, i had started reading that one, too!!
Framedragger: erlehmann: original url http://fan.lib.ru/e/eskov/last_ringlord.shtml ; translation url above ; older LJ link gives more context: http://ymarkov.livejournal.com/270570.html
Framedragger: oh there's a .de translation apparently, but can't attest to quality
Framedragger: i *think* http://ymarkov.livejournal.com/280578.html , digging thru bookmarks
Framedragger: 'tis not bad, but read only small part. decent ru->en translation by a guy on livejournal (not joking, promise)
Framedragger: fate*
Framedragger: and how the elves with gandalf conspired to rewrite story ("written by the victors" and all that), and ring was actually a side plot to distract people
Framedragger: you may be interested in "the last rinbearer" by a russian geologist (iirc), tells ring tale from perspective of mordor on a brink of industrial revolution
Framedragger: erlehmann: i mean, old wise men decide faith of orcs, yeah :D
Framedragger: erlehmann: "blatant racism" is an empty label here, and won't carry the same "prescriptive power" as elsewhere. that said, maybe you meant "heuristic generalisations are dangerous" (my (overcharitable) interpretation)
Framedragger: just to balance things
Framedragger: !!v 239BABC6689F5067B0BF7307DF8EF040B9BF1D59B457BE150A0E2A7EB3572CB8
Framedragger: rehashing *conclusions* of tmsr dogma does not do much good. (i guess counter to that is "we don't have time for proper free education", which is fair). ☟︎
Framedragger: yeah i guess that's basically 50% of berlin (*dodge*)
Framedragger: and emerge in late morning with frappucino and american accent "any free wifi around here, maan"
Framedragger takes point
Framedragger: plenty of folks quite content living their frugal lives (in e.g. leipzig, from what i hear, to be particular), i guess #t doesn't think much of them, i happen to have friends, what do. if bitch at 5% rent increase, sure, not much sympathy from me
Framedragger: you mean, what's their recourse / what leverage they have? yes, not much leverage at all, sucks to be them
Framedragger: gotta agree with you, #t will disdainfully sneer at "omg, kom000nity!!", but it does suck that local communities get negatively impacted in this regard ☟︎
Framedragger notes "join erlehmann's local anarcho cell when ready" to list
Framedragger: :)
Framedragger: any personal experiences there? i've heard of "frozen piss" bomb concept, yeah ☟︎
Framedragger: basically, if we were to stay for a longer chunk of time, different arrangements would be made. very-short-term... hm, hotels are boring
Framedragger: (or well, maybe i'm misusing the term) ☟︎
Framedragger: re. a), yes ACK re gentrification, sure.
Framedragger: (there may indeed be no harm, tho)
Framedragger: fair point, thanks
Framedragger: erlehmann: girl says "wtf, plz to elaborate" :D is that due to high degree of scams, or just the high possibility of misunderstandings? (only time i used airbnb was in morocco, but that was planned well in advance, and kinda-vetted place)
Framedragger is also curious if isis from tor is still in berlin, too
Framedragger: so like, hackerspace stuff, nice party stuff, etc.
Framedragger: erlehmann: i've been to c-base a coupla times, curious if there are any hackerspaces which are less about showing off and more about actual DIY projects etc (not sure if can meaningfully interact in the span of only a week tho, i guess) ☟︎
Framedragger: funny thing is i'm not really into raves. at the same time i have a pile of high quality mdma that i now need to dispose of, because changing country. so who knows ☟︎
Framedragger: erlehmann: airbnb apartment, 3-4 people, possibly neukoln or thereabouts, not sure yet
Framedragger: good point, i'll get back to you later. it's not a well-defined request/problem in my mind. "shit to do at night in kreuzberg / east berlin" would count, including rave parties (sounds teenage-ish when i put it like that heh)
Framedragger: erlehmann: question #3 -- any recommendations for what to do in berlin in july? i'll be there with a few friends from 5 july (may travel to leipzig), random recommendations welcome (we'll visit the nsa tower/hill, etc)
Framedragger: /me ends barrage of questions
Framedragger: oh lua, cool, is that how you write those subgames?
Framedragger: (from initial glance at website)
Framedragger: i see map generators, but that's something else, i assume the subgame thing is the way towards the "generalized"/"arbitrary"
Framedragger: erlehmann: i like my voxels, looks nice... generalized CA, as in, you can run arbitrary programs in the space (or somesuch)?
Framedragger: lol, i see :D i take my inner skeptic back
Framedragger: hehe ok thanks, i missed that one
Framedragger: shinohai: where is the flash crash? https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/#charts or were you talking about ETHC?
Framedragger: https://www.qualys.com/2017/06/19/stack-clash/stack-clash.txt
Framedragger: i, too, know
Framedragger: i, too, know
Framedragger: a good UDP joke
Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170619/#34 << this reminds me -- current UK PM's response to "what's the naughtiest thing you've ever done" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9cdhaBfre0
Framedragger: !$ssh
Framedragger used sopel successfully. would also like to eventually migrate to ircbot/logbot, tho
Framedragger: ah, just that all this time i was thinking #t was making fun of wannabe-board-member derps, but the above ^ are actual quotes
Framedragger just got reverse-poe-law'd. apparently this isn't parody, omg
Framedragger will read. need to catch up on logz, too
Framedragger: diana_coman: yeah, not too geographically ambitious for the time being, i'faith, hm
Framedragger: ah, cool!
Framedragger haz some meatwot and friends in berlin (will pay a visit in july), considering that, too, but not in a hurry
Framedragger: .lt for the summer at least. no master plan, and right now don't feel like having one (first time i feel like that in life)
Framedragger: asciilifeform: unless #3 you meant ssh key to rfc4880 pgp converter (http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/ssh-to-pgp.py), but again, prolly not. don't remember seeing any phuctor innards tbh (except for fingerprint algo), but could just be me ☟︎
Framedragger: ah
Framedragger: (also iirc .hu gobmint wanted to shut down CEU (this uni in budapest) because it had some unhappy words to say about gobmint or somesuch, but then again maybe CEU is ~liberalshit anyway, so fair)
Framedragger: i can believe re. whores! visited briefly. weird language, one of its kind in that branch or something like that, right?
Framedragger: will be relatively (entomologically?) interesting to watch from some distance away (i mean, europe is all the very same swamp, sure...)
Framedragger: brexit negotiations about to start, such timing huehue
Framedragger: still in the cryptobannedmmkay.uk island :) off around ~5-7 july, travel for a bit (but not much), just finished handover at $ukjob, quite happy
Framedragger: asciilifeform: unless #2 you meant jurov's pgp packet parser but probably not? (http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/pgp.py)
Framedragger: s/else that the/else than the/
Framedragger: (the latter is http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/phuctor-fp.py) ☟︎
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667749 << sorry asciilifeform, i missed this "tell" and only saw now! hmm, key *parser* - as in, pgp parser? i don't believe you've posted that before, or i haven't seen it. at any rate you probably meant sth else that the phuctor fingerprint generator i assume? ☝︎
Framedragger: (oh and siphnos.mkj.lt where scan data and phuctor mirror are hosted will also be offline for a bit "some time soonish maybe")
Framedragger mostly afk due to country move and related
Framedragger: (in truth, whole loggotron is in need of drainage, just fyi that i don't forget previous requests.. but yes, slow)
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669119 << yes can do, if no other opinions, then will do - i like the way btcbase does it now! ☝︎
Framedragger: (scriba unaffected)
Framedragger: PSA, the `!$ssh` command may go offline for a while "soon", moving the db server which is used for this to a better, more tremendous place
Framedragger: solitary and/or solipsistic (where person assumes there is no republic)
Framedragger agrees. solitary republicanism not viable
Framedragger: to the*
Framedragger: i think there was an altruistic / sentimental component, so the case cannot be reduced the above, which (on its own) of course stands (i.e. agree fully)
Framedragger: not sure if delicious.com was acquired (maybe only del.icio.us). anyway, sorry for spam
Framedragger: asciilifeform: oh, or did you mean delicious.com? yeah seems offline
Framedragger: !$getarchive https://blog.pinboard.in/2017/06/pinboard_acquires_delicious/
Framedragger: (hm, "archived by scriba" should say "no", will investigate)
Framedragger: !$getarchive https://blog.pinboard.in/2011/03/anatomy_of_a_crushing/
Framedragger: loads fine here... root cert is "USERTrust RSA" CA, then gandi
Framedragger: i think he had some sentiments for delicious users, + perhaps expects some of them to migrate to his paid service. who knows
Framedragger: related (longer article) https://blog.pinboard.in/2011/03/anatomy_of_a_crushing/
Framedragger: "As for the ultimate fate of the site, I'll have more to say about that soon. Delicious has over a billion bookmarks and is a fascinating piece of web history. Even Yahoo, for whom mismanagement is usually effortless, had to work hard to keep Delicious down. I bought it in part so it wouldn’t disappear from the web." ☟︎
Framedragger: yepyep.
Framedragger has > 3k bookmarks on delicious
Framedragger: https://blog.pinboard.in/2017/06/pinboard_acquires_delicious/ mr. maciej acquires delicious, i like dis.
Framedragger: it *reminded* me of that fact, i knew it was crazy turing complete madness before tho :D
Framedragger: isn't it fun that even C macros are not context-free, huehuehue. such language!
Framedragger: thanks for the pointer, will actually check. i know a bit of german but too little. may make it even more fun, tho
Framedragger: signed by her majesty the queen
Framedragger: erlehmann: am currently in UK which given its government's position on "weird sex" probably has outlawed said website through multiple acts of parliament
Framedragger has a folder of shit uni java too, somewhere
Framedragger: lol, ok :D gotcha.
Framedragger: (not sure what "good philosopher" would even mean these days, most of "modern philosophy" is same ol' "research journal" printolade anyway)
Framedragger: sad to hear
Framedragger: erlehmann: ah, shit, well ok