900+ entries in 0.03s
Framedragger: srsly :D ("i trust the back alley guy to only give me the tip; it wouldn't be nice if he wasn't honest about it. but if he said he'd fuck me in the ass from the get go, i guess that's ok") ☟︎
Framedragger: "According to Google, it will only send voice data back when it hears the keyword. Now if it explicitly goes against its own stated privacy policy, that's a breach of trust I would not be happy with. That said, if they explicitly stated they send all audio back, I'd actually be fine with that too."
Framedragger: just HN things - on google home (the "send all audio to google" appliance): "I have one, it's convenient and lets me control my home in what feels like a natural way. Personally, I don't see the downside of having it. Note; I mean I don't acknowledge a downside from my perspective. I'm fully aware that it's always listening and sending data home when it hears a keyword."
Framedragger: i poelaw'd on that link. " Sadly, there is a direct correlation between high IQ and “earning” a PhD in a STEM discipline, which is all too reflective of how white cishet men have designed disciplinary concepts to reinforce their own power structures." (some comment. troll? dunno)
Framedragger: i'll remember to be careful about any pics with gurls, lest asciilifeform deduce me to be scamzor by steel logic
Framedragger: i thought the suddenwealth was from the earlyadoptronium
Framedragger: mno, secrecy implies kindergarten perhaps, tho. anyway, impossible to argue due to the former
Framedragger: doesn't imply scamatron
Framedragger: would include that 3d transform on cardano.io as a free perk
Framedragger: scam as a service
Framedragger: someone needs to do a SaaS
Framedragger: this just looks like spam/scamotron. with ads!
Framedragger: asciilifeform: can't be kako, site is too positive about mpex :D
Framedragger: same number of ms? mk that's curious
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: yeah i used NAT in much too general a sense of the word. i meant "rando PCs behind routers etc."
Framedragger: mentioned e.g. here https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2017/02/27/attackers-using-cracked-builder-to-duplicate-and-spread-betabot/ ; but could be unrelated
Framedragger: asciilifeform: you may be right, seeing as that "betaBot" is a piece of some older malware, seemingly
Framedragger: i just mean that a box behind NAT won't show up in that !$ssh query
Framedragger: you may overestimating the number of non-NAT'ed boxes mircea_popescu
Framedragger: !!up gabriel_laddel_p
Framedragger: ty!
Framedragger: (i assume web caches older version for now, but web is only preview-mode of the actual thing anyway)
Framedragger: trinque: niice, lgtm, many thanks
Framedragger: (^ ah nick in lowercase, so grep needs to be, too)
Framedragger: no bother
Framedragger: vs curl http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/RSfiU/?raw=true | grep Framedragger (this is from !!reputation and also web)
Framedragger: curl http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/7QOaG/?raw=true | grep Framedragger
Framedragger: sec
Framedragger: trinque: while at it i'll just mention that mine still doesn't have teh old ratings, not that i need them any time soon, just adding to the list. god knows my own list is long :(
Framedragger: asciilifeform: checked, yeah pretty amazing, damn; obviously lots of memory overhead depending on noise/entropy, but point is that it was actually something new, as you say, not just any optimisation
Framedragger: i believe so :) http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-24#892946 ☝︎
Framedragger: aha yeah vaguely recall. "can actually skip states!!" thing
Framedragger: yeah djvu is great for what it does. never bothered to check how it actually worx, wavelet compressor, cool.
Framedragger: lol GoL in excel (via trinque) http://www.tushar-mehta.com/publish_train/xl_vba_cases/0906%20conways%20game%20of%20life.shtml
Framedragger: nice.
Framedragger: incidentally that ^ looks like an interesting piece on automata!
Framedragger: i see yer point :)
Framedragger: yes
Framedragger: of course, usually the medium is misused - sure.
Framedragger: i disagree that visuals cannot add more than text all of the time. best way to depict broken css rendering is to depict it.
Framedragger: but myeah.
Framedragger: for one, there are some lulzy screenshots showing the insanity of JS event loop, and exceptions, and css rendering, etc.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: yes, to text yes, hence why i said plaintext is the easy part ^. but you're right, maybe text is the way to go in these shitcases...
Framedragger: :(
Framedragger: in retrospect i *should* have published screenshots. at this rate original pdf is sorta-better.
Framedragger: maybe i missed it.
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-18#1657972 ☝︎
Framedragger: guess so.
Framedragger: preserve fonts and pdf formatting? yeahyeah.
Framedragger: it'd really be great if there were a ~decent pdf2html tool, with no JS. and i don't mean just "extract and dump plaintext", i can do that, too. ☟︎☟︎
Framedragger: pdf almost saner in this instance. fwiw i did try with lynx, it showed the text. but yeah.
Framedragger: :(. it's a pdf-to-js'totron. myeah.
Framedragger: (virtue signalling i suppose)
Framedragger: (but i thought this protects me from gobmint spying!)
Framedragger: that i don't understand, either. all them web designers, too, gotta protect those PNGs in transit
Framedragger: i wonder if it's due to the cert. probably yes. yeah, sad!
Framedragger: ic.
Framedragger: yup, archive.is failed on new site
Framedragger: yesyes.
Framedragger: hah, it's loading but seems to be stuck. lol
Framedragger: https://archive.is/Yzbbj
Framedragger: it can't? it loaded it for me! huh
Framedragger: you have some CA roots, therefore you (implicitly or explicitly) prefer some, neh?
Framedragger: anyway, why mircea_popescu prefers one shit-CA over the other, i'm not sure
Framedragger: there is that
Framedragger: as an example
Framedragger: i don't recall but i believe you can define ~all the params for DH key exchange in ssl, i think
Framedragger: yesyes, the whole format is broken, yes EC, so basically almost as bad as bitcoin :)
Framedragger: i've seen ~sane uses of ssl, with self-signed pinned cert (verified via side channel). it happens.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: just fyi, the site (osalabs.com) loads - you don't have a root CA which signed their certificate (letsencrypt cert). of course the point is still valid
Framedragger: (related, via punkman http://boingboing.net/2017/05/17/prophylactic-bricking.html )
Framedragger: gc!
Framedragger: in which we realise mircea_popescu's source of sanity
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: one is stdlib, the other one (itoa iirc) is not!
Framedragger: well yes, JS is a mixture of things, Self, C, etc, the best mixture of them all
Framedragger: the best take from the best
Framedragger: only base 10 digits iirc
Framedragger: otherwise fucks your wife
Framedragger: it spits back an int if it can parse the ascii string into one
Framedragger: literally eggog (undefined)
Framedragger: is itoa implemented in stdlib by default, then, as expected? NO! because fuck you
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-18#1657756 << naming scheme possibly lifted from c's `atoi`, heh ☝︎
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: ah yeah kk, terms
Framedragger: now every number equals 42! everywhere, on your whole site / 'app'!
Framedragger: Number.prototype.valueOf = function(){return 42;};
Framedragger: lang is fine??? i will remind peeps of http://fd.mkj.lt/stuff/towashitallaway.html ☟︎
Framedragger: hm right.
Framedragger: asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re verify, presumably one may be able to set some parts of the firmware to be RO? problem is, not all parts, and even then, "how deeply do you trust". so yeah i guess sisyphean
Framedragger: aha right.
Framedragger: (leaves the 'kernel', etc)
Framedragger: asciilifeform: yeah esp. for x220 and the likes when it's truly only very partial
Framedragger: hahah
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: you mean the completely unnecessary scene in the room? film is full of those. it's amazing i tell you
Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170516/#218 << will do, yeah... it does require some fiddling (e.g. http://karlcordes.com/coreboot-x220/)
Framedragger: you mean the romanian one? aha ok ic
Framedragger: hailed as "citizen kane of bad movies". for a reason! it's terrible, horrible, amazing movie you should watch!
Framedragger: ^ THIS is the ultimate film to watch
Framedragger: !#s wiseau the room
Framedragger: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/peekaboo-barn/id300590611?mt=8
Framedragger: (i sorta enjoyed it, html version here; http://fd.mkj.lt/stuff/ponzico/ponzico.html)