500+ entries in 0.005s

diana_coman: noted and will do.
jfw: I'm digging for a known working zipper-opening guide, I know
diana_coman has one.
diana_coman: not as I'd conceived it but seems that's what we're trying to determine
diana_coman ok. ty, I asked because it was mentioned in your
notes, albeit with skepticism.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-12 01:31:41 dorion: sorry for the busted lines. mp_en_viaje,
diana_coman, does eulora use python for anything ?
dorion: sorry for the busted lines. mp_en_viaje,
diana_coman, does eulora use python for anything ?
dorion: ^^ mp_en_viaje jfw bvt spyked
diana_coman and any other parties interested in tmsr os ^^
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:51:09
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: to my mind there wasn't anything new/unknown/controversial in there really; (or I'd have moved it to #t earlier anyway).
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 13:23:21 mp_en_viaje:
diana_coman, i guess you're stuck with a much larger chunk than originally contemplated, unexpectedly enough.
diana_coman, i guess you're stuck with a much larger chunk than originally contemplated, unexpectedly enough.
diana_coman, i kinda think it is. typos aside, but anyways.
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09
diana_coman: jfw: the minds that discard the message because of less than perfect spelling though might be better off enjoying their fence.
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09
diana_coman: ftr re clock, my scripts don't bother with "end of task" - there's no end to anything, only start of next thing whether that's break or whatever; since time is spent anyway, the start of a new thing is by definition the end of the previous.
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-09
diana_coman: spyked: well, no boost dep is certainly a gain; and yeah, I'm sure that the earlier the version the less of a monster it is; that being said, I'm either really getting old or something but I can hardly see the point of >10k LOC for what can be done precisely as wanted through <1k lines of cmd line tools, huh.
diana_coman: fixed link; ty for your test set, i have the fix (totally my bad), which I can upload today in a few hours (as a vpatch) if you still have a timeslot dedicated to v.sh tomorrow, or if you prefer it with a writeup, i will publish it until thursday.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 03:55:25 bvt:
diana_coman: i have a question about leafs command: can you explain how you use it? i gave it some thought, and honestly i fail to see how it is useful: after adding the manifest which linearizes the vpatches, "leafs" reports only one leaf, without showing the split vtree branches before it.
diana_coman, i am too lazy to search where in the discussion on which blog inside which comment i made months ago the point that he's very poor at estimating anything and generally (and universally unreviewed) wrong
diana_coman: i have a question about leafs command: can you explain how you use it? i gave it some thought, and honestly i fail to see how it is useful: after adding the manifest which linearizes the vpatches, "leafs" reports only one leaf, without showing the split vtree branches before it.
diana_coman, i just did it, so yeah. fly avianca though, via colombia, leaving either spain or germany. easily the best airline over the atlantic today.
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Thank you. I've been making progress fitting more of the tools in my hand and building with them.
diana_coman is working me on how to plan, re-examining my relationship with time and how I budget it, and grounding myself in practicality. I've surrendered to
diana_coman's mastery and the breaches in my head aren't completely closed yet, but I'm surrendered and working her program.
diana_coman, i hope it doesn't come across as any kind of disinterest or noninviting. i very much would like to do more steaks, but i don't want to produce an obligation.
diana_coman, well, the problem with anywhere not-here is that the summers do get too hot and the winters too cold. i intend to travel maybe to brazil may-ish, but otherwise i expect i'll be mostly around, so if you feel like it...
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-18 19:29:06
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: to my mind the "no one user matters more than another" means of course "no user matters at all" ; because it follows by necessity.
diana_coman: could perhaps include it as a util you can pull into your theme or not
diana_coman: I'm happy to "fix my quoting". Who is the source of truth for mpwp?
ossabot: (trilema-hanbot) 2020-02-17 BingoBoingo: hanbot_abroad
diana_coman: The problem of identifying an article url on a blog url without importing python or something else heavy has me stumped, so I've been reconsidering the possibility of blasting out a crawl over serveral degrees. The flow filewise would be something like 'churn' to 'churndomains' to 'churn2' to 'churndomains2' and so on out to the ending on a list of all the urls scraped in the third or four
diana_coman, amusingly enough, if one were tasked to discuss your evolution over the past decade, it'd inescapably run something like "she moved on -- from the theoretical, to the practical". am i detaining you from the day's restatement in #o of the basic explanations re "somewhat of a superficial approximation of work" or have you already done the day's quota ?
deedbot: dorion rated
diana_coman 9 << she's helping me kill my stupidity. writes at ossasepia.com , owns younghands.club , S.MG CTO.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-19 15:44:57
diana_coman: jfw: eh, that's the usual way socialism always goes - it's "the people's interests" except of course they get defined discarding any given individual's input if it does not match "what the interests should be" etc.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-18 19:29:06
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: to my mind the "no one user matters more than another" means of course "no user matters at all" ; because it follows by necessity.
diana_coman, but she died BY HERSELF, among 50 dogs, and nobody found her for a week. none of those thousands of facebook friends.
diana_coman, can tell you some joys of oo-idiocy and the sorta lulz it drives.
diana_coman: answered your comment yesterday, uploaded the regrind of p.1 and p.2 yesterday as well.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-17 09:37:40
diana_coman: maybe I'm not fully getting the idea of the manifest file here but my current understanding is that it's a record of the history and as such I really don't see any case where something gets deleted from it - at most it gets branched from a previous version but that's still an added line to (a previous version of) the manifest file.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-05 22:50:12 mircea_popescu: well, hm. maybe it's time to re-iterate
this point, especially seeing how
diana_coman 's
recent work,
diana_coman: ty for spotting this. i will regring vpatches p.1 and p.2; i wanted to make the vpatch p.1 name the same in manifest and file system, but did the wrong thing there just editing the line from previous vpatch in vpatch p.2.
diana_coman, i mean it's not the effect but the cause.
diana_coman, what the fuck, so im gonna make my own boot atelier, produce locally everything, clothes made in the house, have my own pizza oven... do you realise this is EXACTLY what created the "Dark" ages, all the lords retired to their latifundiae and made everything there on slave labour ?
diana_coman, you know, reading your boys' things, the most striking lulz is the creeping in the usian socialist republic of the traditions of the romanian socialist republic. do you recall how utterly infuriating for the general population it was, in the 80s, the constant need to have all social arrangements dependent on the very flimsy supply arrangements of the bankrupt & dysfunctional state ?
diana_coman, you know, obviously the correct solution is the correct solution ; but ad interim you can set your chan to
+m anyways, and then voice whoever you personally want, manually.
diana_coman rated d41r -2 << alias for c0ncord, hence the same man-alone saving the world through coding while hiding under the bed.
diana_coman rated c0ncord -2 << man-alone saving the world through coding while hiding under the bed.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-06 19:19:05 mircea_popescu:
diana_coman, tbh, the reflection looks pretty cool ; there's prolly a hook there to specify "no reflection past heightmap" or somesuch to get rid of the ultramarine legs
diana_coman, tbh, the reflection looks pretty cool ; there's prolly a hook there to specify "no reflection past heightmap" or somesuch to get rid of the ultramarine legs
diana_coman, afaik it actually has evreything needed, including rsa, hash function, oaep even ? just no pss implemented ?
mircea_popescu: re-writing the signature part starting with say
diana_coman 's eucrypt could give us a chance to ditch all the warts of a very usgistani past, and even maybe implement PSS or somesuch.
diana_coman: ty. re: the line styling, each line has its own class, so can be trivially styled at the theme level to suit any author's preference. i think it should be up to the blog's author to decide how they present their content (and if they do a horrible job of it, their readership loss is on them too)
dorion: re 4.9.4
diana_coman noted GNAT and Eulora have been built/tested with it and it's unknown at present how earlier versions will fair on that front.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 13:32:53
diana_coman: aww, dorion , that was my fun with it, don't take it all that seriously.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-27 09:18:54
diana_coman: hopefully it's not *that prospect* that keeps ave1 from resurfacing in the first place!
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-24 12:59:24
diana_coman: jfw: Keksum's 3rd genesis
is now signed and mirrored; as you've gathered already the previous comments on your article directly, I linked that and there's no need that I see for an additional article; also, you messed up something with your Keksum's article title now.
hanbot_abroad: bvt,
diana_coman tyvm for the links. none are the specific itam i'm looking for, though all could be used to segue into the discussion of such, so once i (probably) peter out on the search i'll pick from there...and naturally the re-reading is pleasant. this isn't even a bad reading compass, throw an idea into chan, enter the reading linkmaze thusly! :D
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2019-10-29
diana_coman: oh my, if I ever start "developing programmers" do me a favour and shoot me.
mircea_popescu: man, i gotta read this log lol. currently stuck on what's becoming an endless piece for
diana_coman ; but I SHALL PREVAIL!!!
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-18 18:32:16 dorion: on the dissect Gales front,
diana_coman reported a successful install, lobbes got a start, but is sidelining for logger work and
expects to be done by Jan 31 and ...
lobbes: Although, it looks like in some cases it will
default to selecting the end of the paragraph when done across tag boundaries
whaack: if the text one's selecting is all within a tag, then the selection tool will properly match. But if you cross a tag,
like so, then the markup will interfere
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-01-17
diana_coman: jfw: fyi, I got around to build Gales and it seems to have built fine on a CentOS 6 with gcc 4.9.4; there was just a short wtf moment when the... tar cmd failed; it turns out that the --sort option is available only from tar V 1.28 while my local tar is ... 1.23; I didn't see any version spec in the prerequisites though probably my CentOS 6 is about as old everything as one gets nowadays
dorion: on the dissect Gales front,
diana_coman reported a successful install, lobbes got a start, but is sidelining for logger work and
expects to be done by Jan 31 and ...
diana_coman, could you plox send me a transcript of your convo with feedbot? I wanna cross-check with what I have on my side. I think I got why the messages got sent after you unsubscribed, but it's weird that all trilema.com feeds would get removed (were you previously subscribed to anything other than the comments feed?)
diana_coman: spyked: I gave up and unsubscribed from trilema's comments, feedbot confirmed (<feedbot>
diana_coman is now unsubscribed from
http://trilema.com/comments/feed/) and then 1 minute later, promptly fed me 2 more trilema comments; am I doing something wrong?
diana_coman: woah, you are right; I had never realized that there is no year 0 in that calendar scheme
diana_coman: hm, but then what about, say, 0 A.D.? Wasn't that the start of the 'first' decade?