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a111: Logged on 2017-10-16 19:33 mircea_popescu: so your idea of how netflix works is that a bunch of couch dwelling "Criminology" majors queue up before a dc to be shown their inane shit on the dc's wall mounted display ?
mircea_popescu: latino mcrights-ciufile, wants to study criminology at florida state.
mircea_popescu: and what he's virtue signalling is one of two things : either "i am ready to be elevated into a criminology beca at spaceship" or else "i am ready to be given a precious cuntlet you no longer need to rule all things around me".
mircea_popescu: and the rurals really dun give a shit some dumb broad hoping to study criminology in maryland thinks
mircea_popescu: apeloyee o you have simulators too now ?! but yes, "we are now entering a littoral combat quantumship era, where the fiatola conduits are well in place and thoroughly divorced from results, so all you disgusting niggers listening in -- know that it's a "safe" field in the sense your "criminology" degrees are."
mircea_popescu: 10`000 idle http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=criminology experts included, i hope ?
mircea_popescu: nah, moar like failure of orange revolution ("teh people matter, and here's a buncha dorky chicks fresh from usg "criminology" studies going topless hurr durr) had dept of blue usg move to white revolution ("teh people dun matter, here's kings-youngest-son being totally the true lost tsarevich!!!"). in this case the local pretext for legitimacy is that 32yo princelet.
mircea_popescu: so your idea of how netflix works is that a bunch of couch dwelling "Criminology" majors queue up before a dc to be shown their inane shit on the dc's wall mounted display ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: lol this is proof that users are not jew-eligible for jew-marriage with the "criminology phds" over at "dutch authorities" ?
mircea_popescu: shoulda spanked the bitchezs when they were 16, not wait for the fucking "criminology" degree.
js-of-mp: got a lot of unemployed, criminology degreed latinas nobody could be bothered to fuck at home, ben_vulpes. they gotta do SOMETHING OMG PLEASE
mircea_popescu: it's actually twice as good as any collegiate bullshit of the "Criminology" ilk, in the sense that a welder can support a fucktoy, but two "college degreed" nobodies can barely afford a cat. if they scrounge.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1668882 << don't ever go to the third world, btw. every girl aspires to learn "criminology" at umd and every boy http://trilema.com/2013/i-dont-no-biari-i-know-a-littel-java/ ☝︎
mircea_popescu: usg is a major selector for shit by now, btw. ~only female here who was keen on immigrating (got some "criminology" degree from, you guessed it, umd) was ~0 market value call-center-for-lyf operator.
asciilifeform: (criminology has zero to do with scientific evidence and everything to do with adjudicated guilt and confession. just the same today as it did when folks were tried by ordeal a thousand years ago.)
mircea_popescu: A study by the Australian Institute of Criminology of 162 attempted or actual contract murders in Australia between 1989 and 2002 indicated that the most common reason for murder-for-hire was "the dissolution of an intimate relationship". The study also found that the average payment for a "hit" was $12,700 and that the most commonly used weapons were firearms.