12 entries in 0.595s
Mocky: mircea_popescu: thought that was where the black chix who can't code go
mircea_popescu: anyway, but the above line re "consolidated into" is there to explain how exactly $item became shit : at time t0, there existed $item, and it was respectable. at time t1, misguided "pluralism" allowed a bunch of rank imbeciles, such as here typified by charles f wilson, to open $rakim-and-his-black-chix-code, $faggots-fashion-law-review etcetera. then at time t2, the foregoing useless items "got consolidated" into $item. the
mircea_popescu: as opposed to the usual black chix code bs, which is never about any black chicks getting anything but reamed.
mircea_popescu: "To put the matter in simple terms : next time you get a "black chix code" itch and feel like vomiting your idiocy in the shape of "patches" and "code submissions", seriously consider writing strings on your tits instead. It's infinitely easier to clean up, and it ends up costing us less money! This is what true ecology is all about, ye ken ?"
mircea_popescu: moreover, explain. what DOES make such a new member in good standing ? trinque goes riding through poor neighbourhood, sees fetching negress, goes "hey ho! wanna be my slave ?" she goes "Sure loverboy". he takes her home, wipes her laptop and installs tmsr os. next you know it, black chix code.
mircea_popescu: but at least black chix code.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-21 14:25 mircea_popescu: and speaking of black chix code : https://www.google.com/search?q=Elena+Istode&tbm=isch
mircea_popescu: the crazy batshit they have to argue. "oh, ethereum is rapemeat but totally worth the money also ethereum never happened also ethereum has nothing to do with the enthusiams, also black chix code, also that doesn't matter, also"
mircea_popescu: "github presents -- black chix code. this is what's important. we'd know because be bamboozled 5mn sinas into giving us free shit!"
mircea_popescu: and speaking of black chix code : https://www.google.com/search?q=Elena+Istode&tbm=isch ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-06-17 03:45 mircea_popescu: the cogent objection to x is that "design irrespective, something this fucking long can never be good." the redditard objection to x is "omaygerd, black chix code!"
mircea_popescu: the cogent objection to x is that "design irrespective, something this fucking long can never be good." the redditard objection to x is "omaygerd, black chix code!" ☟︎