22 entries in 0.542s
asciilifeform: another interesting... character reappears in $thread , 'cousin_it' << iirc , a ru d00d, who was what passed for intellectual backbone of the lw forum until formally expelled for -- iirc -- pissing on the 'roko's basilisk' chix
trinque: whole thing begs you to believe socialism will last long enough to create that fat lesswrong pig's basilisk nightmares
a111: 18 results for "basilisk", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=basilisk
mircea_popescu: !#s basilisk
organdnor: you ever heard of rokos Basilisk my presumably educated friend?
mircea_popescu: oh, oh, with the independent girlfriends and the ai thing ? and the something basilisk mega-pantsuit ?
asciilifeform: phf: i've contemplated a 'cheat' : run macivory 'lifesupport' on patched m68k emulator (e.g., 'basilisk') that would bring nubus i/o out to a test stand, on which the card would sit
asciilifeform: roko's basilisk ?
a111: Logged on 2015-03-20 03:35 mircea_popescu: "Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment that assumes that an otherwise benevolent future artificial intelligence (AI) would torture the simulated selves of the people who did not help bring about the AI's existence. [...] The concept was proposed in 2010 by contributor Roko in a discussion on LessWrong. Yudkowsky deleted the posts regarding it and banned further discussion of Roko's basilisk on LessWrong af
a111: 9 results for "basilisk", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=basilisk
asciilifeform: $s basilisk
asciilifeform: ^ interesting character from the lesswrong heyday. wrote 'harry potter and rationality' but for 'fifty shades'. also famous for having introduced 'offending wimminz is off limits' to lesswrong; and for suffering 'nightmares' on account of 'roko's basilisk'
asciilifeform: incidentally, the 'basilisk' spoken of is not the usual mythological one,
assbot: Logged on 20-03-2015 23:06:34; nubbins`: and much realer than rololol's basilisk
nubbins`: and much realer than rololol's basilisk ☟︎
trinque: part of the basilisk thing
nubbins`: man, this Roko's Basilisk is some straight-up bughouse stuff
poli_: Plus, I didn't think the Roko's Basilisk scenario was all that likely.
poli_: Well the idea is that Roko's basilisk
mircea_popescu: "Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment that assumes that an otherwise benevolent future artificial intelligence (AI) would torture the simulated selves of the people who did not help bring about the AI's existence. [...] The concept was proposed in 2010 by contributor Roko in a discussion on LessWrong. Yudkowsky deleted the posts regarding it and banned further discussion of Roko's basilisk on LessWrong after it had ☟︎
bitstein: asciilifeform:he actually proclaimed a fatwa, since deleted (iirc) justifying the murder of anyone who might risk bringing about this situation << Roko's Basilisk at least frightened people enough for him to delete everything about it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LessWrong#Roko.27s_basilisk
truffles: thought Basilisk had anime