17 entries in 0.709s
asciilifeform: ideally , one'll be able to implement any crypto scheme without having to rip into the ada; simply by writing pcode.
deedbot: ave1 rated spyked 2 << wrote a scheme in Ada
ave1: !!rate spyked 2 wrote a scheme in Ada
a111: Logged on 2017-11-13 17:44 ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736892 << some years ago, several people got together and worked through 'an incremental approach to compiler construction', one nick fitzgerald worked through it in ada: https://github.com/fitzgen/ada-scheme
asciilifeform: btw didn't somebody grind out a draft of a foaetal ada scheme ? was digging in log, not found so far
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no but this is my point. "why are you using emacs when in fact trb will need ada scheme anyway and then you could just have a musl-gnat nerwmacs" ?
caaddr: instead we have... what do we have? we have the blockchain but we're still using dns. we have common lisp but we're still using scheme, or, worse, clojure. we have ada but we're using rust. "we" being "we the people", as in the redditoid masses
asciilifeform: https://github.com/fitzgen/ada-scheme/blob/master/scheme.adb#L134 << the faux cons. observe, they use pointers for the car/cdr
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-12#1736892 << some years ago, several people got together and worked through 'an incremental approach to compiler construction', one nick fitzgerald worked through it in ada: https://github.com/fitzgen/ada-scheme ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: and the supersecret future plan of factory -> vsli -> ada -> lisp -> scheme / numeric algebra / stuff is busted open by careless accidental coversations in a public channel
mircea_popescu: anyway, re earlier discussion, i guess it'd be worth belabouring the point that nothing therein contained is an argument against using ada. it's still a great technical solution, for bounds checking, for other reasons, it's still a great practical solution, for native linkability with c object code, for other reasons. same stands for scheme, still best option for a scripting language for bitcoind.
phf: asciilifeform: recall that i spent probably most time here on tinyscheme going as far as writing swank integration and unreleased bignums, i'm saying that you go through phases of "this is how we solve bitcoin". i grok the value of ada, and i grok the value of scheme, but neither are alternative-less. in fact with the amount of skill available, simply hacking on btc consistently we would've been further along
phf: but first we port symbolics ada to scheme-81, so we can compile trb with symbolics ada
mircea_popescu: mod6> bunch of us have been learning scheme and Ada << hey, time spent retooling the shop is still work
mod6: bunch of us have been learning scheme and Ada
jurov: but in the course of this, i got an idea, is there a small lisp/scheme implemented in ada?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-02-2016#1417379 << now this is complicated. commonlisp is standardized (next to ada, ~the~ most standardized language - compliance is iron, and you can actually ~use~ it as per the standard) - BUT - massive, and unsuitable for inclusion in a larger proggy. scheme, on the other hand, is also well-standardized - r5rs (ignore r6 and after, the weevils got to it) BUT the language is unusably ☝︎