153 entries in 0.652s
jurov: SuchWow: what about the code your ass runs on? no trust system needed?
SuchWow: anyhow, all i wanted to say was: [09:22:08] <SuchWow> anyhow i'm gonna drift off for now [09:22:23] <SuchWow> thanks for the good convo, be well sir (and all)
mircea_popescu: !up SuchWow
mircea_popescu: SuchWow hey, govt has a lot of experience running ponzis. heck, social security is still somehow magically protected by illusion.
mircea_popescu: entertainment and trust are orthogonal matters SuchWow
assbot: Logged on 01-03-2016 09:06:04; SuchWow: Just out of curiosity, what do you guys think about ethereum, meaning this chan in general
mircea_popescu: SuchWow 'emeritus" just means retired, neh ?
SuchWow: [08:49:46] <SuchWow> (just as you literally don't know me, at all lol)
SuchWow: [08:49:16] <SuchWow> (i won't pretend to act like i know you because, i don't)
SuchWow: [08:49:05] <SuchWow> mircea_popescu: how is bitcoin and all of your various endeavours whatever they may be?
SuchWow: [08:48:40] <SuchWow> mircea_popescu: you guys are so pompous lol...i haven't been involved in crypto, trading or otherwise, for almost 2 year. Doge seems to fine, still has a small community (moreso than litecoin anyways), and i've been watching crypto in general just for fun. Eth seems interesting, but still not convinced.
assbot: SuchWow is not registered in WoT.
mircea_popescu: !gettrust assbot SuchWow
mircea_popescu: !up SuchWow
mircea_popescu: lol staff emeritus. how's the scam these days SuchWow
cazalla: lol seeya SuchWow
cazalla: SuchWow, even if it was the second coming, idgaf as it will inflate forever
cazalla: SuchWow, i don't really follow altcoins, so many of them, so many failures, bitcoin remains #1 despite all the 2.0 shit that has been promised to topple it all these years
punkman: SuchWow: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-01-2016#1381117 ☝︎
cazalla: thanks SuchWow
cazalla: still have those dogecoin investments SuchWow ?
cazalla: i remember you SuchWow
ben_vulpes: !up SuchWow if you have complaints to render feel free to do so here
ben_vulpes: !down SuchWow
ben_vulpes: !up SuchWow
shinohai: SuchWow: "staff-emeritus" of ............ dogecoin
BingoBoingo: !up SuchWow
BingoBoingo: !up SuchWow
shinohai: ;;later tell SuchWow Your quit message is atrocious. "This too is temporary, as most things are" reduces your comma usage and makes you not sound like a hippy.
ascii_field: you're welcome, SuchWow
asciilifeform: !down SuchWow
SuchWow: I am just SuchWow, never cared for identing with anything other than nickserv
gribble: Nick 'suchwow', with hostmask 'SuchWow!~SuchWow@unaffiliated/suchwow', is not identified.
Adlai: ;;ident suchwow
ben_vulpes: !up SuchWow
cazalla: SuchWow, show me on the doge dolly where palmer touched you
cazalla: SuchWow, how about that dogecoin eh
BingoBoingo: !up SuchWow
funkenstein_: !up SuchWow
mircea_popescu: SuchWow investor may not mean what you think it means.
shinohai: anywho ben_vulpes did u say i no can give cheezburger to SuchWow ?
ben_vulpes: SuchWow: get a fucking key.
ben_vulpes: a lol is a "line of log", SuchWow.
ben_vulpes: too heady for you, SuchWow?
ben_vulpes: SuchWow: what's litecoin?
shinohai: ren't you a dogecoiner SuchWow ?
shinohai: !up SuchWow
jurov: !up SuchWow
BingoBoingo: !up SuchWow
ben_vulpes: !up SuchWow
Vexual: !up SuchWow
ben_vulpes: !down SuchWow
ben_vulpes: naw it'll be great SuchWow
mircea_popescu: SuchWow nobody asked them anything.
ben_vulpes: SuchWow: you volunteering to summarize the court's proceedings?
cazalla: SuchWow, so you gonna paint the #b-a fence, wax the #b-a floor or wut?
mircea_popescu: SuchWow http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoin-assets-rules-and-regulations/#selection-101.0-103.32 read that.
assbot: Logged on 23-08-2014 07:41:30; SuchWow: i've NEVER ONCE talked here lol\
SuchWow: [20:11:49] <+SuchWow> in bot trust games lol
SuchWow: [20:11:46] <+SuchWow> and i've never been interested
assbot: 263 results for 'suchwow' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=suchwow
mircea_popescu: !s suchwow
assbot: SuchWow is not registered in WoT.
mircea_popescu: !rate SuchWow 1 answered all questions, still no idea who he is.
cazalla: SuchWow, being involved in dogecoin at some point is not something you go around bragging
williamdunne: SuchWow: You mentioned the dogecoin thing, I also assumed you're still involved
ben_vulpes: SuchWow: yeah who are you actually
cazalla: SuchWow, you brought it up by bragging about being a founder of #dogecoin (wow, such bragworthy, not)
cazalla: SuchWow, you're the one that said check out the charts.. i did and btc38 is supposedly 85% of the dogecoin trade
cazalla: SuchWow, you mean i don't know chinese exchanges pump it up with fake volume to fool westerners?
cazalla: SuchWow, is this the day where you check if #b-a is still around long after dogecoin was put to sleep?
assbot: SuchWow is not registered in WoT.
mircea_popescu: !gettrust SuchWow
mircea_popescu: !up SuchWow
Vexual: are you suchwow?
fluffypony: complete typo, sorry SuchWow
fluffypony: SuchWow
TomServo: !up SuchWow
BingoBoingo: !up SuchWow
BingoBoingo: !down SuchWow
BingoBoingo: SuchWow: Well imagine yourself a "core dev" imagining anyone gets automatic +v in this chan to avoid "getting pinged"
BingoBoingo: SuchWow: While the "core devs" endlessly debate a utxo command... Bluemat introduced a subnet for miners that allows them some optimization that has had the potential to be there all along.
mircea_popescu: !up SuchWow
BingoBoingo: The SuchWow conversation was much like why I found this situation so lulzy https://bitcoinfoundation.org/2014/08/a-bitcoin-backbone/ when I linked it yesterday
fluffypony: SuchWow: one of my dogs just epitomised my reaction to this entire conversation - http://i.imgur.com/nQujc5S.jpg
mircea_popescu: SuchWow a month ago you hadn't talked enough for us to know enough about you to know it'd be beneficial.
fluffypony: SuchWow: I linked you to a blog post about it
BingoBoingo: SuchWow: Hence the hoops and the !uping passerby
BingoBoingo: SuchWow: Basically the main problem here is... There's a premium set on being sure who is speaking
BingoBoingo: SuchWow: I'm sorry if it seemed like I was trolling. Didn't realize you were hammered too.
BingoBoingo: SuchWow: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/pgpgpg-guide/
mircea_popescu: SuchWow basically, the infrastructure is new, and there isn't an answer for everoyne's needs. you're a poster child for this problem.
SuchWow: ;;eregister SuchWow
SuchWow: ;;eauth SuchWow
BingoBoingo: gribble> Nick 'SuchWow', with hostmask 'SuchWow!~SuchWow@unaffiliated/suchwow', is not identified. << WHat part of not identified is challenging?
gribble: Nick 'SuchWow', with hostmask 'SuchWow!~SuchWow@unaffiliated/suchwow', is not identified.
BingoBoingo: ;;ident SuchWow
mircea_popescu: SuchWow amusingly enough : even if you were added to assbot l2 : you probably would not up yoruself every time you joined
BingoBoingo: SuchWow: You've said so much though in little time tonight though
BingoBoingo wonders what sort of alert SuchWow has set for IRC pings