500+ entries in 0.036s

2 was out of poorly documented dissatisfaction with bb ash, yet he
said, "perhaps his pdksh can be of use."
jfw: that's 1).
2) what do you mean by "busybox-only" - because far as I know you can't possibly mean exactly that, it doesn't have an mkfs or make for example, let alone a compiler. Do you mean, "system which selects components outside busybox only if busybox $version does not contain them"? I'll note that busybox is an amalgam of code from a variety of sources and, ahem, "Adjusted by so many folks,
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-10 19:08:58 lobbes: Instead, I figure why don't I just cut out
2,3,4,5 and instead I just alter my 1) to pull logs from my Postgres database in the same format of your input into your backfill process (which has already been
proven to function to spec)?
lobbes: Instead, I figure why don't I just cut out
2,3,4,5 and instead I just alter my 1) to pull logs from my Postgres database in the same format of your input into your backfill process (which has already been
proven to function to spec)?
lobbes: To lay it out, my convoluted process last time of getting you the data you needed was: 1) Pulling logs from my Postgres database to a flatfile
2) importing that into mp-wp's MySQL database 3) getting a mysql dump of *that* 4) altering said dump with e.g.
sed escapes, etc. then finally 5) I give it to you
billymg: so will be at my expense. whaack talked to one of their customer support agents who didn't really know what it would cost but thought roughly $
2-5k for the laying of the cable
diana_coman: bvt: the antecedents/descendants commands behave as expected now indeed; the output from vtree though seems confusing as it is now because of the order in which children are apparently shown in between siblings so that one has to track and count spaces to be able to say what belongs where and what seems the child of the node immediately above turns out to be meant instead of child of node
2 lines above, not sure if you intended it like ...
2. I forget if I mentioned it in my spec but my code shuffles the order of transaction outputs, for obfuscation or general "why not". Is this reasoanble / acceptable?
mp_en_viaje: now consider your job is to "forensic analyze" a
2 TB file which was produced by taking the contents of a luzer hdd and xor'ing it with a PRNG working on the premise of hash ( hash (..... hash ( password)
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-01 11:28:37 mp_en_viaje: in my mind the ideal theme would be a config file, not the current pile of actually executable files wth theme is that. columns =
2; main = left ; main =
2/3; is a theme.
diana_coman: hah, it's
2 years ago already, what last year.
mp_en_viaje: in my mind the ideal theme would be a config file, not the current pile of actually executable files wth theme is that. columns =
2; main = left ; main =
2/3; is a theme.
mp_en_viaje: trinque, cool. so... line1, basically the linux discussion on yoru blog is tabled till q2 ? till 2021 ? something in between ? line
2. we gonna read the story of that win and turning or is it likely to have to be sikrit ?
ericbot: Logged on 2018-04-03 14:09:54 mircea_popescu: !!rate douchebag
2 "your home machine's name is lobbes"
lobbes: I hadn't pulled the crank it some time but just did now; it'll attempt snarf all links the bot has seen since dec 24th (probably will take about
2 hours to run I'd say)
mp_en_viaje: say BingoBoingo, did your discussion of the "young^H^H^H socialist hegelians" an' the broad programme of teh mid 1800s geared towards the
systematic falsification of history to better support the socialist mindset ever arrive at any structured anything ?
mircea_popescu: and these scions of africa
2.0, they have enough sense to object-oriented.
jfw: They'll need to get that cowpie into unicode 12.
mircea_popescu: the salient points are 1.
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958204 somehow linked to
2. something off trinque's blog which reads "Therefore we may not sin too much calling complexity the measure of how weaved-with an item is, either in itself or with its surroundings.", if that indeed's what was meant by "second line".
bvt: diana_coman: answered your comment yesterday, uploaded the regrind of p.1 and p.
2 yesterday as well.
bvt: diana_coman: ty for spotting this. i will regring vpatches p.1 and p.
2; i wanted to make the vpatch p.1 name the same in manifest and file system, but did the wrong thing there just editing the line from previous vpatch in vpatch p.
diana_coman: bvt: why does your
vpatch cancel a line from the manifest? To my mind this doesn't quite make sense - if you want to revert to a previous point, that means simply branching the tree from a previous node so using *that* manifest, doesn't it?
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: in
2 words, easily gone; only yest freenode was in full blown idiocy with all those parts, not like it can't decide one day to further idiocy.
diana_coman: myeah, version
2.0 revised and updated, quite so.
deedbot: diana_coman rated d41r -
2 << alias for c0ncord, hence the same man-alone saving the world through coding while hiding under the bed.
deedbot: diana_coman rated c0ncord -
2 << man-alone saving the world through coding while hiding under the bed.
mod6: TMSR Lords and others seem to publish all their code on their blogs, which, I think is fine. But my hang-up with allowing people to post TRB patches/seals on their blogs instead of sending them in is two-fold: 1) It puts it on me to chase these down.
2) Then I have to place them somewhere for long-term keeping anyway. As we've seen, people's blogs get rather large, hard to find things, or disappear complet
mircea_popescu: perversely, this "superior" code's even more inscrutable than ye olde asm. which civilised people could in fact read, unlike the
current shit mircea_popescu: now, all this becomes entangled once we apply our
literate coding standards, because suddenly the code-vs-text difference above dissolves, and wtf are you saying, mircea_popescu ?!
mircea_popescu: as things stand now, 1 exists (though the hash could stand improvement) but
2 doesn't and 3 is sorta-implemented.
2. there should be a sessions table, where logged in users time of log-in, ip, user-agent, session cookie are stored. sessions older than 24h should be deleted server-side. the session cookie should be a hash of at least the ip, the user agent and server date-microtime.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-24 13:14:56 mod6: The howto document now requires that you have Ada on your environment before you build, and the builder will also need to build starter_v_2 first, before any other steps are to be completed.
mod6: The howto document now requires that you have Ada on your environment before you build, and the builder will also need to build starter_v_2 first, before any other steps are to be completed.
mod6: mircea_popescu: Ok, I have published my trb keccak regrind on the bitcoin.foundation site. It comes with the following: 1. Update to original genesis.vpatch - removes the UTF charater.
2. Added mod6_privkey_tools.vpatch (unchanged fro the original ML posting by myself.) 3. A manifest file. 4. I've also updated the howto document on thebitcoin.foundation.
bvt: dorion: slowly getting back into shape after vacations, so far some workslots got sacrificed for more sports. other than that, on the vacation i started to write a v implementation that would not have the
performance issue; while it's 90% done, need to invest some more time to finish it. after that, will port the fg-rng to
mircea_popescu: bvt, i dunno man, commodity servers to this day come on
2.6, random sample turned out 100%
bvt: dorion: in this case, picking
2.6 will not be a problem, of course
bvt: porting rng to
2.6 kernel should indeed be not too hard, the only thing i may need adaptation is kfifo api (iirc it's api changed at some point, which may break the code)
bvt: mircea_popescu: moving to
2.6 kernel will be interesting experience wrt. newer hardware.
2.6.32 was one of the better-patched ones, could try to use that. otoh, the machine i am writing from requires
2.6.38 minimum for full hardware.
dorion: mircea_popescu re seriousness, I know it'd be a helluva lot, but I don't imagine porting his work from 4.9.95 to
2.x isn't trivial either. I should've asked, comment how ?
mircea_popescu: between
2 and 4 the difference simply is "
2 was a linux kernel, 4 is treasonable atrocity built atop 3, which is how you say '''mike hearn''' in linux"
mircea_popescu: between
2.4 and
2.6 the principal change is how kernel modules get loaded (they were actually linked pre
dorion: mircea_popescu comment on major/important changes between linux
2.x and 4.9.95 ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-12 12:47:24 dorion: mircea_popescu in light of never moving off
linux 2.x series, it seems to me bvt ought to port his rng work from
4.9.95 it currently sits on to
dorion: mircea_popescu in light of never moving off
linux 2.x series, it seems to me bvt ought to port his rng work from
4.9.95 it currently sits on to
BingoBoingo: Sure, but they'd have to be brought in. I dunno if the US military has anyone loyal in uniform today above E-5 or O-
2 diana_coman: spyked: I gave up and unsubscribed from trilema's comments, feedbot confirmed (<feedbot> diana_coman is now unsubscribed from
http://trilema.com/comments/feed/) and then 1 minute later, promptly fed me
2 more trilema comments; am I doing something wrong?
BingoBoingo: Blogs all appear to be back. Will read to see WTF happened to make spreading nameserving fall apart after ~
2 days
mircea_popescu: "latest and greatest" asdf is exactly like all the other gpg
2.0 - gcc 19.firefox & assorted thunderbirds. and François-René Rideau aka fare is still
that infantile dumbass.
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-02-21 21:53:17: <mircea_popescu> now, eulora DID move away from broken ints to sane ints during migration to 0.1.
2, and i don't know anyone cared enohgh to extensively debug the insanity that is microsoft. so you might have found something. what exactly were those new errors ?
diana_coman: ... lisp code is that it pulls in the drakma
http client that pulls in as far as I can see another 18 deps (and moreover so far one of them fails anyway on my current setup aka centos 6 with sbcl 1.0.39, asdf
2.26; but I see that whaack reports
sbcl 1.4.14 working for the logbot so I'll try it next with that and see.)
trinque: teaser fact: busybox is *half* the size of grub-
2 by LoC
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of Metronix from
2 to 1 << Indonesian ISP; has key, won't use it.
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of crowncloud_ from
2 to 1 << Australian ISP with US dc-partner; has key, won't use it.
deedbot: BingoBoingo updated rating of nicoleci from
2 to 5 << Midwestern Escapee, blogs @ bimbo.club
deedbot: BingoBoingo rated nicoleci
2 at 2018/10/29 02:18:13 << Mircea's chattle, summarizer in training, Outside the Wire
lobbes will bbl; attending meat matters for the holidays and will have sporadic terminal access until ~Jan
2 deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of shrysr from
2 to -8 << fuck off granted, as he clearly prefers.
lobbes: It does not look like there is any disagreement on 1. However the question of whether
2 is an actual demonstration of submission seems like it is still open.
lobbes: BingoBoingo: So if I'm understanding correctly, your argument rests on two things: 1) one must demonstrate submission to Republican processes (thus recognizing the sovereignty of tmsr)
2) your client has demonstrated submission with his acceptance to pay you 30 btc for voice
BingoBoingo: In the general case I see a -1 or -
2 negrating as a sort of "caution", but I find it hard to read a -10 as anything other than the recipient being marked as future salt-pork that happens to maybe be on the hoof at the time of rating.
deedbot: BingoBoingo updated rating of mike_c from -1 to
2 << After a long absence came to swift submission to Republican WoT power structure at a greater cost to self than initially proposed
BingoBoingo: !!rate mike_c
2 After a long absence came to swift submission to Republican WoT power structure at a greater cost to self than initially proposed
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: It's grinding, have not yet found half of 500 without turning towards the US. Will end up posting disk destruction pics tomorrow as
2 WoT'd folks viewed. 500 DC's I applied to blogging may not happen without applying to ones inside the zone.
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of juliankunkel from
2 to 1 << busy being a CS lecturer at Reading Uni.
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of alex__c from 1 to -
2 << chose to do nothing with all the time in the world.
deedbot: jfw rated jfw_travel
2 << Me, on the road.
BingoBoingo: I don't even see loss of citizenship and therefore rights as an extreme meaning of a negrating, especially at -10. That's more of a -1, -
2 mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, holy shit "red
2" is a crappy movie. what the fuck were these people even smoking, you wanna talk of deplorables, this set of singer-songwriter vhs-america hanger ons is the stiffest contender. who the fuck is dean parisot even, wtf.
mp_en_viaje: there's some slow migration from
2 to 1, like eg dns. but by and large...
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2019-12-14 diana_coman: jfw: I went through your keksum proggy and it's been quite a pleasure really; a few nitpicks on top of
those: 1. why default/fallthrough on "bad option" instead of the more useful help option?
2. you have nicely \t everywhere except in usage_err in main.c where it's \s 3. just out of curiosity re
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-13 22:23:32 mp_en_viaje: but even leaving aside how a good wot means more access to capital than any fiat bank arrangements can provide -- the ideological structure well protects him from 1 and much helps hiom with
2, by supporting strong partnerships.
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-13#1955265 - maybe it's something specific to the 3d block there that messes it up though it's not all that likely (if for no other reason than the basic 1. at first it worked
2. it still works as a separate footnote); anyways, I don't think it's worth the time right now to chase it fully.
mp_en_viaje: but even leaving aside how a good wot means more access to capital than any fiat bank arrangements can provide -- the ideological structure well protects him from 1 and much helps hiom with
2, by supporting strong partnerships.