15 entries in 0.994s

girlattorney: nodes (
prb) and other nodes that first were
banned from
trinque: one which probably doesn't implement enough of the
prb protocol to get
a111: Logged on 2016-12-29 23:20 asciilifeform: type2 ( pete_dushenski's ) is the garden variety shitflood. which is sometimes solved by ip
ban, but only in the case of 'shrapnel addressed to occupant', i.e. idiot
prb nodes wildly spamming crapolade, and not in the 'bullet with your name on it' case, where somebody actually has a sybil constellation drowning your trb node in liquishit, with no SINGLE ip misbehaving in any way
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> also note that if you built with malleus patch, you will be kick
prb peers as soon as they disgorge a
prbism of any kind (e.g., 'bloom filter' command) << Bloom isn't what disconnects most
PRB nowadays. It is "BIP 151 compact blocks".
kakobrekla: its possible you are connected to a node pocket - trb do not like non-trb nodeas (
ban hammer) so they are only left connected (mostly) to trb, not
prb which you need if you want the world to see your txes