7200+ entries in 0.599s
fluffypony: mircea_popescu:paging fluffypony. hey f, lay off teh womenz and irc more! <- he says at 1am :-P
shandid: hey
mircea_popescu: paging fluffypony. hey f, lay off teh womenz and irc more!
BingoBoingo: Hey colinistheman that was me sent the message. Love your BFL thread.
mircea_popescu: hey there!
mircea_popescu: hey, maybe.
pankkake: hey, it's valid!
bitcoinpete: hey Pierre_Rochard
bitcoinpete: hey, if you can spend $75k on a nanny, why not a daycare
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell sexysaffron hey, when's the last time you got 2k retweets ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i was thinking, "Hey, whores were never ever more than 10-15 per kilo)
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitcoinpete im not sure of the reasoning on the "if guilty he's a hero". seems to me the guy's fucktarded either way, but hey.
mircea_popescu: o hey d. how's ghana ?
nubbins`: hey, people climb a ton of steps for 10 seconds in the crown of the statue of liberty
chetty: hey do they do that for guys that have testicular cancer?
mircea_popescu: "It's a fact. Yeah. You see, uh, Sicilians have, uh, black blood pumpin' through their hearts. Hey, no, if eh, if eh, if you don't believe me, uh, you can look it up. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, uh, you see, uh, the Moors conquered Sicily. And the Moors are niggers."
decimation: hey that's wall street's game (chinese woman spies) http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Bay-Area-inside-trader-Winifred-Jiau-convicted-2367259.php
TheNewDeal: ;;later tell bitcoinpete hey would you want to give me a rating for that bitbet deal
mircea_popescu sneers at the monster-of-the-week flying-around-space-in-our-livingroom-watching-tv hey-look-it-s-a-model entertainment
mircea_popescu: o hey cool.
benkay: hey my imagination counts
benkay: hey logs aren't half as long as i expected today.
benkay: <moiety> hey my benkay has rearry improved! // your which now?
Dekker3D: Hey.
mircea_popescu: dignork designed by fucktards. all the explicit switches in the code, "these ips for fvey" "these ips for non fvey" "hey i just coded this shit one weekend"
moiety: hey my benkay has rearry improved!
mircea_popescu: o hey wd.
mircea_popescu: o hey nice, a corset girl.
mircea_popescu: Bella_ o hey, a pro. cool.
mircea_popescu: Minxhibitionist hey there. i assume you're here for the tits ?
mircea_popescu: davout_ hey i hear the german team was all sick so they sent some strippers to play france while they were in bed.
dmmill_: hey
nubbins`: but hey, i'm not complaining, great photo ops
shandid: hey thx
mircea_popescu: hey.
Dekker3D: Hey, I'd just like to check
mircea_popescu: o hey.
Padstomper: Hey. A friend of mine got a message about this channel, so I'm just checking it out
mircea_popescu: o hey. i was jus tbitching about it.
mircea_popescu: hey there fulloffantasies
benkay: hey danielpbarron that's you!
mike_c: hey, what about american odds?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell kakobrekla hey let's improve the odds calculator for bitbet. Calculator: placing a winning BTC bet on:Yes pays: 1.46984385 BTC No pays: 2.41177082 BTC should read : Yes pays: 1.46984385 BTC (~47/100) No pays: 2.41177082 BTC (~141/100). it's fucktarded, but some people are used to it.
benkay: hey thestringpuller lets get you inked
benkay: yeah but in the open market i can say things like 'o hey mpoe will probably be worth quite a bit in the future." and play based on that.
benkay: hey who's the blogger doing really great mining analysis?
mircea_popescu: hey lambchop, if you're reading this : i've had enough entertainment i'm willing to pay. pick any bitbet you want, i'll put 1 btc in your name on the side of your choice. lemme know.
mircea_popescu: hey, im willing to go to february 3rd 2015 after that. ☟︎
benkay: i stop in, figuring - hey, art school, coffee, wine, surely there will be some cuties around
mircea_popescu: hey, it's namworld's friend we're talking about. che c'entro io
thestringpuller: hey Bugpowder how's it been man?
ninjashogun: hey, so I don't know if it's related to my offer the other day or what by an op in another channel got about 23 PM's from people in this channel.
punkman: "o hey dude awesome. it sucks, but I LOVE PADS"
benkay: "hey your previous developers left a great big fuck off steaming pile of shit on the floor of your production instance. it's going to take me a while to clean it up. you'll pay."
ziggamon: hey guys
benkay: hey chax - finally we meet
bitcoinpete: hey dude
bitstein: hey bitcoinpete
mike_c: hey bingo.
ThickAsThieves: hey hey
mircea_popescu: <benkay> hey asciilifeform you've done it too get off my case << best argument ever </sarcasm>
benkay: hey asciilifeform you've done it too get off my case
benkay: hey, p.neat nubbins`
mircea_popescu: hey, earlier i was trying to write an article and you kept zinging me
kakobrekla: hey its from your guy (i think) https://twitter.com/garybernhardt/status/480105287689314305
benkay: hey bitcoinpete
bitcoinpete: o hey benkay !
nubbins`: hey, do you guys get seasonal homeless where you live?
nubbins`: hey, it's all anus in the dark
mircea_popescu: o hey boxing
mircea_popescu: o hey cool.
mircea_popescu: o hey that patriarchy article yielded quite the scandal huh
chetty: pankkake, hey don't insult folks, feminist is a dirty word no matter what you think of rape
dub: hey, doing drugs is studying medicine
extra: hey guys so
mircea_popescu: hey mike_c you got like 10 btc with your name on it! s.wol mktcap like 400 atm.
mircea_popescu: "hey us economy, remember that time in 1929 when you had lupus ?
kakobrekla: hey at least some words came out of this one
ThickAsThieves: hey mp, you have a stock exchange
Vallance: Hey, does anyone know what is going on with UpDown.bt ?
cazalla: hey Vexual
benkay: hey baby doll
mike_c: not as cheap as doge, but, hey.
mike_c: hey TheNewDeal. by the way. don't bet against difficulty.
rithm: hey i just copied and pasted it
benkay: hey chax
mircea_popescu: hey, mine too.
Vexual: hey
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell rithm hey you got old -assets logs ? dump em on mthreat
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell pigeons hey you got old -assets logs ? 2012 to 2013 ?
bitcoinpete: lol hey benkay
benkay: hey i'm not saying mud's great
mircea_popescu: benkay> two months later, the house has been dragged down from 900k to 700k, and that broker has straight ghosted with all the leads she generated via excellent hustle. << dumbass approach imo, but hey
mircea_popescu: Cosmos hey there. and who might you be ?
punkman: hey moiety
mircea_popescu: mthreat: if things go smoothly we'll have a #bitcoin-assets log search engine in a few hours << o hey!
mircea_popescu: hey
benkay: hey nerds redis or memcached?
benkay: hey you think i leave details out of stories you should have seen fluffypony earlier
Mats_cd03: prob compromised already, but hey...