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ascii_field: but the mystery of building a non-usg and non-usg-pushable political clock remains, afaik, a mystery
ascii_field: jurov: it is at least theoretically possible to build a non-usg network
decimation: I didn't realize that usg owns time now too
jurov: actually, we have an usg internet, too
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: right now we have usg clock!
punkman: usg?
asciilifeform: ntp == usg
jurov: so, to summarize. 1. time can't come from net because net ==== usg. 2. time can't come from any additional hw cuz cost
asciilifeform: my point here is that the time thing ~will~ have to be solved, because it is by far the most comically usg-dependent aspect of bitcoin
decimation: asciilifeform: http://www.nist.gov/pml/div688/grp40/auth-ntp.cfm < apparently you need to sign up by post if you want to receive 'authenticated time service' from usg
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: it is seemingly surviving usgavination attempts.
ascii_field: incidentally, does anyone else suspect that cn miners, on account of their microscopic profit margins, are ripe for usgization ?
decimation: in the existing network, I suspect 99% of the miners are using ntpd traceable to some usg organ
jurov: and if we have rsa-signed time, usg will pwn or jam that too
decimation: what's wrong with usg timeservers?
ascii_field: but more than anything, i expect that any centralized points of failure ~will~ be usgized
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: because 100% usg
ascii_field: they just happen to write turdware for usg.
mircea_popescu: <mats> HT does 'hax for hire' as USG subcontractor. lulz. << mmmyeah
asciilifeform: what i'd like to see happen is for all the poor schmucks who report, e.g., a 'xen' 0day, to 'cert' et al, to understand that they are ~weaponsmithing for usg for free~
decimation: ironically usg uses the same formula for 'extending protection'
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-07-2015#1188887 << on top of this, the folks who informed 'amazon' and other usgtronic entities about the xen holes, etc. long before mortals were shown - are legitimate targets. ☝︎
asciilifeform: esp usg subcontractorz plz.
mats: HT does 'hax for hire' as USG subcontractor. lulz.
assbot: Logged on 05-07-2015 15:58:04; mats: iirc usg has provided four frigates for naval defense, a pathetic number in any case that could not stop any mildly determined attempt to storm the island
mircea_popescu: "that thing which the usg deems an occupation in the manner krill occupies a whale"
decimation: spoils of which war? usg occupation?
mircea_popescu: basically, the usg has managed to alienate itself from the thiny sliver of people who actually matter.
decimation: plenty of folks in usg and elsewhere see the big picture problems, but the usg throne seems to always get itself into 'urgent but unimportant' problems that distract them from any kind of long-term strategy
decimation: on the freakonomics podcast, they had a guy on (retired army colonel) complaining that usg has nobody who thinks about anything strategic now
mats: er, analogous to .cn going to bat against usg over havana
mats: analogous to going to .cn going to bat against usg over havana. good luck with that.
mats: usg could deploy all their carrier groups to the region and it'd make no difference.
mats: iirc usg has provided four frigates for naval defense, a pathetic number in any case that could not stop any mildly determined attempt to storm the island ☟︎
mats: 10:57:53 <+asciilifeform> the few i've spoken with personally did not seem especially happy re: their home being used as usg's 'unsinkable aircraft carrier' << hardly the case, and they're exceptionally deluded if they think so...
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-07-2015#1188163 << this is why, when dealing with a usg-powered entity, the correct procedure is not 'disclosure', which will be censored and hushed up; but - total annihilation ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-07-2015#1188139 << the few i've spoken with personally did not seem especially happy re: their home being used as usg's 'unsinkable aircraft carrier' ☝︎
mircea_popescu: this is EXACTLY how usg works throughout. first, cause black people to be poor and depenedent. then cause them to be violent. then go on press conferences about how "they're doing things about black violence"
assbot: 43 results for 'usgavin' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=usgavin
decimation: !s usgavin
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes wait, the usg dept of stupid is now on the record that miners don't, after all, decide ?
mircea_popescu: now that usg finally arrayed enough ethereum shitfountains to imagine it can pull it off, the tune changed. and it changed mid sentence and full spin around.
assbot: Logged on 02-07-2015 21:04:00; ascii_field: usgicity is infectious - no one wants to be the first fella to stop clapping when it's clap-for-stalin time
mircea_popescu: heck, the way usg is going, this is actually becoming more and more true each decade.
assbot: Logged on 02-07-2015 16:19:40; decimation: I'm sure that if you met the leaders of the average usg institution they would strike you as nice people trying to do the right thing. they are just imprisoned by their choices, making them into figureheads
mircea_popescu: !up aseriousgogetta
mircea_popescu: ascii_field what is "the very important business" a reddit chapter seeded and mostly fed by usg's own something awful crew would conceivably be doing iyo ?
decimation: usg wisely punishes you for working and rewards you for not
decimation: pete_dushenski: the problem is that usg bids up the price of otherwise servant labor
decimation: maybe in the future all farms will be owned by ADM, dept of usg agriculture
pete_dushenski: ^usg tries to make p2p bitcoin transactions only legal using x in y place
asciilifeform: usg colony
asciilifeform: same reason vegas uses prng (supplied, incidentally, by usg)
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-07-2015#1184659 << in a very important sense, those folks are the ~strongest~ believers in usg as a concept ☝︎
decimation: well, because almost by definition they have removed themselves from any kind of power, being against usg as it exists
mircea_popescu: usg isn't even paying lawsky's pension.
ascii_field: hey, usg paid'em to sit and pull. those cocks won't pull themselves
ascii_field: usgicity is infectious - no one wants to be the first fella to stop clapping when it's clap-for-stalin time ☟︎
decimation: see, this is why usg doesn't need to actually 'make law'
assbot: Logged on 15-06-2015 15:52:37; asciilifeform: ultimately usg 'department of plenty' ~really~ wants money to get borrowed. whether you in particular like to borrow money or not. if some 'helpful' nigerian can do it in your name, so much the better from their pov.
assbot: Logged on 02-07-2015 16:48:08; decimation: yeah, nobody employed directly by usg knows how to torture, and it probably wouldn't work anyway
decimation: yeah, nobody employed directly by usg knows how to torture, and it probably wouldn't work anyway ☟︎
ben_vulpes: this torture won't be performed by the usg, but regular ol' bandits.
ben_vulpes: in that sense obab (as proxy for the usg) does in fact own my company to a far greater degree than i ever can
decimation: I'm sure that if you met the leaders of the average usg institution they would strike you as nice people trying to do the right thing. they are just imprisoned by their choices, making them into figureheads ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2015 02:02:19; midnightmagic: dude. seriously plotting or fomenting the physical murder of the USG is sedition, insurrection, and various related crimes and there's no fucking way I'm interested in being associated with it just because I'm lurking in here.
mircea_popescu: creditor owed can not bother the debtor. meanwhile usg can go burn down his house for no reason.
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 04:41:25; asciilifeform: hard to picture a sorrier bunch of bitter schmucks, eagerly taking it up the arse from history's biggest and most obscene communist mega-empire (usg) to spite their little piss-ant one
asciilifeform: there once was a time when usg cables were armoured in concrete tubes
decimation: ^ plus all the bureaucrats who work for visa/banks/usg to 'oversee' the system
decimation: oh no, usg is gonna know how u shakin
decimation: cazalla: an american spy? why would usg bother?
asciilifeform: hard to picture a sorrier bunch of bitter schmucks, eagerly taking it up the arse from history's biggest and most obscene communist mega-empire (usg) to spite their little piss-ant one ☟︎
BingoBoingo: <decimation> that doesn't mean they don't occasionally drop a bomb or two << Puerto Rico is basically USG brown people practice range
mats: hm, TIL USG shuttered USN base in puerto rico in 2000s
asciilifeform: decimation: yes, can go into infinite debt; while usg uses the island for bomb practice
decimation: lolz as if puerto rico was anything other than a vassal of usg
asciilifeform: to be fair, pretty much everything we know about him comes from south kr (read: usg) mediatrons
mircea_popescu: the fsf, and the "foss" concoction, are going to be gone before the usg.
asciilifeform: idk why aseriousgogetta linked it
ben_vulpes: <aseriousgogetta> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-06-2015#1178572 << i am confus ☝︎
mircea_popescu: !up aseriousgogetta
decimation: ^ also because those generations were raised by usg
mircea_popescu: decimation the only reason the usg is its in present shape is the herd of bloviating hamplanets. nothing else.
mircea_popescu: <ascii_field> or whether folks will grunt their last in it << i am broadly unconvinced by your theory. there aren't equal sides confronting each other here. i, for one, could not care less for any secrets usg-tard thinks he has.
ascii_field: and torture is more or less legal by usg's own rules if you are proclaimed 'terrorist'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the only reason the usg-tronic 'department of fucking with bitcoin' is even theoretically of interest is that the machine isn't perfect. has some rust, sand in gears (as discussed, e.g., yesterday, re: mempool etc.) in effect there is a $maxint bounty by hitler for anyone who can demonstrably amplify the hiccups.
mircea_popescu: one wallace loh is going to be confronted with the particularly unpleasant dilemma of either saying "yeah mp was right, they were usg all along" or else fucking up an assistant.
pete_dushenski: mebbe usgbitfury will be there with their lightbulbs
BingoBoingo: At this point I'm conviced the only reason the fat hate movement is being suppressed is because USG has officially adopted Obesity as a social control mechanism.
decimation: probably would be more effective to use usg's cash to buy 6000 pogos
decimation: navy research lab is a usg funding-hole
assbot: Logged on 25-06-2015 23:02:23; mircea_popescu: "lone wolf terrorists" have a pretty decent claim to getting an ex-usg civil servant as chattel slave once the thing's done.
mircea_popescu: "lone wolf terrorists" have a pretty decent claim to getting an ex-usg civil servant as chattel slave once the thing's done. ☟︎
asciilifeform: i can buy an argument re: joe stack et al., but these schmucks are products of usg entrapment program and are really best understood through 'psychiatric' lens, rather than criminalistic much less 'revolutionary'
assbot: Logged on 20-06-2015 22:46:02; asciilifeform: i will describe, for the benefit of n00bz, the typical career path of 'let's resist usg through action' in usgland: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-04-2014#623044
mircea_popescu: it's our own "kick the usg till it bites, then shoot it" gambit.
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/2015/06/pressure-in-the-united-states-mounts-to-ban-symbols-of-rebellion-against-federal-government << is pretty plainly a 'kick the dog till it bites, then shoot it' gambit on usg's part
kakobrekla: << usgtron with elaborate graph ad < meh i checked the yellow dots but there is everybody but bitbet. even jurovs coinroll is there
asciilifeform: https://www.elliptic.co/anti-money-laundering << usgtron with elaborate graph ad