4600+ entries in 0.109s
mircea_popescu: there should be a short story about this, 1988 soviets don'
t spontaneously combust, but instead invade. find a mexican dude in all of new york
BingoBoingo: The story doesn'
t make this clear, but this is not the only recent case of the emergent fad where fuel is dumped into the armored cashier box and lit.
phf: craziest thing, i forgot my gpg password for about 5 days. was walking around trying to remember parts of it, obviously couldn'
t get access to anything meanwhile
☟︎ mircea_popescu: b) install gcc. and then make. because it SHIPS WITHOUT THESE. and then of course discover the current versions don'
t match what the kernel was compiled with.
☟︎ deedbot: mircea_popescu rated cnomad 1 at 2018/06/12 21:46:46 << dood either ran off with my boards or else produced an image of some sort ; we don'
t know the future yet
mircea_popescu: all these big deals were here at some point. at some point in my lifetime. frankly, it doesn'
t seem so much earlier than today's breakfast.
mircea_popescu: it's just... look, i guess a preoccupation with gravestones and old musty writs and whatall else is to some degree a professional deformation / professionalized mental issue. but nevertheless, consider : slashdot. fucking slashdot, yes, the people who named the site so that lamers couldn'
t tell it each other over the phone, calling each other from the video store (which, face it, early ,com internet was 100% videostore cle
diana_coman: asciilifeform: my test was with bits directly read from fg, not buffered (if it wasn'
t clear); also fwiw further timings and tests are still on my list - it's just that my hands are/have been rather overflowing with eulora
BingoBoingo: Possible. I'm inclined to suspect there weren'
t any big bills.
BingoBoingo: Right now I'm inclined to see if we start getting the OTC market going here that -otc doesn'
t have
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-06#1917490 << The long USD position was during the recent market bottom. Now datacenter needs paid monthly again and I don'
t know if going USD long is the most prudent decision. Jurov put in a bid for the DC wire, and I'm curious if the bidding will get more heated near the end as it did with the smaller 500 USD auctions.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: "nobody does ill willingly" ? gimme a fucking break, seems the better definition for average human / subhuman (no, the two aren'
t distinct or distinguishable) readily reduces to "does nothing but ill".
mircea_popescu: about the ONE THING they can'
t fucking take, yak yak yak all over again. why, because "for everything else it goes without saying" ?
a111: Logged on 2019-06-05 22:25 asciilifeform: ( can laugh at this hypothesis if you like, but i can'
t think of how else to explain the still-palpable amt of minerism that happens ~outside~ of cn and other cheap-mains locales )
mircea_popescu: nfi how they got to this notion, "o, you know what the best thing to do would be ? if people wanna do things in our game... ADD TIMERS SO THEY CAN"
a111: Logged on 2019-06-05 11:55 diana_coman: lol! oglaf-style game doesn'
t even sound bad
a111: Logged on 2018-05-21 22:21 ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: it doesn'
t make sense to put delicate items acquired with much suffering like BingoBoingo's cedula immediately into the statists hopper (localbitcoins demands "an ID" to post ads), when one can pick from the sale offers and operate on the side of the transaction where id is not asked for
mircea_popescu: just as fucking long as it doesn'
t amount to a hill of beans, they're a-for it.
mircea_popescu: to escape it one'd have to realise WHAT precisely is so intrinsically wrong about being wrong ; but those who do so realise needn'
t, and those who need... well... lucifer is belabouring in hell under the (significant, btw) burden of the misapprehension of his own rightfullness.
diana_coman: stjohn_piano_2: note the dissonance in your approach - if you want reputation here, you need to do stuff that is useful here (there's a long list of such stuff that needs doing, pick, start on it and document as you go/ask politely and intelligently for help when you need it); onth if you want "reputation" for landing a programming job irl, dropping links here won'
t help (I doubt the Edgecase thing will help either but that's entirely up to
mircea_popescu: and #2, this isn'
t somewhere for you to upload your autism. nobody gives a flying fuck about a marginally functional aspie and his worldview. start doing something useful so i don'
t have to send you down the chute ; stop picking at your bellybutton lint in any fucking case.
BingoBoingo: Many hours have been spent log digging and the big take away is that while overspecing a contract to cover every contingency is bad, time doesn'
t ever stop what happens at renewal time has to be clear.
BingoBoingo: Just because it is micro doesn'
t mean the maintenance needs are micro too!
a111: Logged on 2019-06-04 13:19 mircea_popescu: i was thinking copies of extant, so as to give them to pizarro in exchange, see ? this way i don'
t have to move hdds
mircea_popescu: i was thinking copies of extant, so as to give them to pizarro in exchange, see ? this way i don'
t have to move hdds
☟︎ diana_coman: there is the fiddly part with sjlj vs zcx but that in itself doesn'
t justify 2 machines, no.
diana_coman: to answer the q directly: not permanently, I'd hope! But it does seem to be rather long term since atm I have my hands full with SMG Comms on both client+server and otherwise we don'
t yet have a full Cuntoo setup to deploy and say that's fixed
mircea_popescu: this ~last type~ is perhaps amenable to treatment. because if you give the kid-thats-a-blur something to fix him the fuck down for five minutes he might have the breather to figure out which way the shoes go on ; and if you don'
t... well, esp at that age, it's perfectly possible the brain window closes, and he never the fuck will. because this is how the brain works, either learn language by ~5 or forget about LANGUAGE. al
a111: Logged on 2019-06-02 05:03 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in delicious nonsense,
https://pastebin.com/h5HxRWa9 ; moneyshot : "A thought we had a few weeks ago during one of our low-low mood phases, that perhaps it isn'
t worth pursuing bodily separation since we all already know each so well and can basically form new sentient agents in this brain on a whim, with a second's effort; namely, that if any one of separated into a new brain or some other medium of mind, that a
a111: Logged on 2019-06-03 18:54 diana_coman: eh, from asciilifeform's snippets the dude's "evaluations" seem to be more mix-and-match premade expectations than actual evaluations; fwiw I met Nicole and I don'
t see why exactly couldn'
t she do those reviews she did.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-27 22:29 mircea_popescu: thatg aside, the more pressing problem is that we don'
t have a proper pdf-decrufter, (random moron with delusions of self-impoirtance failed to be useful, as you prolly recall), and if we're going to do something by hand this'd be more sorely needed than that.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-03 18:11 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i wasn'
t initially going to say anything besides "nay" ; but hey, pizarro's a friend of ours, so : nsa would sell the spare machine for cost, which is about .371. comes with two fgs installed and free shipping.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: why or how exactly different from all the others who decided that reality doesn'
t apply to them when it trips over their expectations?
diana_coman: eh, from asciilifeform's snippets the dude's "evaluations" seem to be more mix-and-match premade expectations than actual evaluations; fwiw I met Nicole and I don'
t see why exactly couldn'
t she do those reviews she did.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-06-03 16:33 asciilifeform: 'I am very unhappy with this interaction, I don'
t believe I met MP (since I asked for very clear corroboration bur didn'
t get it), I don'
t believe Nicole does the work ascribed to her without assistance (rather, a team does) and more to the point I don'
t get the whole point of the project. Why would this be done since 2018? Please give me a simple answer. (Two examples would be tracking international sex trafficking, or making black
a111: Logged on 2019-06-03 11:47 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-02#1916860 << usually just disguised campaign donations, "i didn'
t give $$$ to party, i bought ticket". very popular dnc strategy in the us, since the 70s at the least.
mircea_popescu: i'm not trying to eat your lunch here, you should be paid a fair amount ; but note you that "sin" was ongoing for as long as i didn'
t say anything ? this is just not how things can possibly work.
BingoBoingo: At the same time the Blancos and other opposition parties are doing the thing where they take street corners and don'
t sell tickets
mircea_popescu: if my net didn'
t churn 1 gb / minute i dunno wtf i'd be doing here. or rather... i do know.
mircea_popescu: and in ongoing other-half lulzsaga : ubuntu installer dies, drops to busybox ash because initramfs can'
t find a live filesystem
a111: Logged on 2019-06-02 13:37 asciilifeform: speaking of which, 'Smart drugs, so long as they're not Benzedrine and don'
t you dare mention that Paul Erdős lived to 83, that Norbert Wiener pioneered cybernetics, that the mother of all demos was done by an LSD aficionado...'
a111: Logged on 2016-09-07 02:41 alice_: i'm alice. i haven'
t interacted with this channel before. but i don'
t imagine that's the answer you're hoping for
a111: Logged on 2015-02-19 11:50 brendafdez: Last time was also Pete from Coindesk, he interviewed all the poeple claiming to run 'exchanges' here. There are a huge numer of such 'exchanges', most of which don'
t even exist like coinmelon (refered to by mp as coinmuon bc of the sign at the doorbell). Then there's Latincoin, which is also there athe 'embassy' and also doesn'
t even exist and is only piching to 'investors' to get money with no product. Last time they were asking for $7
mircea_popescu: (of course, that sorta workforce can'
t be fielded, because gabriel_ladel, adlai, brendafdez etcetera type reasons ; meanwhile the sorta workforce that can be fielded, well... they're the office drone, wanna pray and future_
mircea_popescu: leaving aside how they didn'
t even have the fucking decency to 2020, they're that mememe narcissistic -- so it goes from killing to chasing to jacking off ? such progress redolent of decay!
a111: 2015-03-25 <brendafdez> mircea_popescu it works now. Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP, and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn'
t know you were filtering.
mircea_popescu: misfortunate pantsuit, can'
t escape unfairness even in purely hallucinated masturbatory fantasy.
t this point we might be fractal might inevitably reinstantiate everyone else wherever any one of us goes and would be back to square one, or worse with some copies having bodies they want and others being reinstantiations in bodies they don'
t particularly want"
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in delicious nonsense,
https://pastebin.com/h5HxRWa9 ; moneyshot : "A thought we had a few weeks ago during one of our low-low mood phases, that perhaps it isn'
t worth pursuing bodily separation since we all already know each so well and can basically form new sentient agents in this brain on a whim, with a second's effort; namely, that if any one of separated into a new brain or some other medium of mind, that a
☟︎ mircea_popescu: what the fuck sense does this make is anyone's fucking guess. why the fuck would you ever review the os on a box ?! this is the fucking definition of the os in the first place -- that part of software that DOESN'
T need to change. it hugs the hardware and is changed with the fucking hardware.
mircea_popescu: but you can'
t expect game makers to solve problems fucking "our democracy" altogether hasn'
t managed to even verbalize or conceptualize, let alone even take the first steps towards solving.
mircea_popescu: i would like, of course, to have a say in how that money is spent, so that i don'
t end up paying 99% on ever-greater-pixelcount textures and support for 4k px wide monitors and other such
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-20#1843222 joys. but... wide franchise amirite, you know going in idiocy's gonna rule all things around you.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: there's no fucking difference. i expect to pay ~something~ because i don'
t expect anybody can just photosynthesize games into existence.
mircea_popescu: not to even mention how one server of a (iirc, identical ?) pair goes for 0.0396 while the other apparently 0.0578. even using your own prices : item 1 paid yearly in april 2018 then comes to... o wait, can'
t use your own numbers, start in june 2018only. but anyway, april 2018 was ~5k.
mircea_popescu: i don'
t specifically care about a few bitcents or a few hundy, but by the time we're talking of