3479 entries in 1.628s
EmanuelDeOrtego: * _matthew_ is still betting he's going to pay off
mircea_popescu: .py .0032 * 22000
mircea_popescu: * pirateat40 sets mode +m #btcst-trust
EmanuelDeOrtego: the&*
PsychoticBoy: -buttrapedat40- * | \ |__ \\_________// (__/ | * http://goo.gl/vOslB
PsychoticBoy: -buttrapedat40- * \ \_-~ ~-_\ | * http://goo.gl/vOslB
mircea_popescu: .py (10^6) / (3600 * 24 * 30 *4.0)
mircea_popescu: .py 10^6 / (3600 * 24 * 30 *4.0)
mircea_popescu: .py 10^6 / (3600 * 24 * 30 *4)
smickles: *_o
smickles: .py (.00002990 / .00345) * 12
mircea_popescu: .py 6222 * 0.0034
mircea_popescu: .py 0.00038748 * 3670.25225225
mircea_popescu: as in, s.mpoe * Y = nav
mircea_popescu: of the fool's money *(they still call themselves investors lawl)
mircea_popescu: .py 6450.93 * 10.520 * 3.58199
BTCHero: -!- mode/#btcst [+q *!~gribble@unaffiliated/nanotube/bot/gribble] by imsaguy2
mircea_popescu: .py 0.0032 * 147000
mircea_popescu: . 0.0032 * 147000
mircea_popescu: .py 0.00320000 * 378913
usagi: I just tested litecoin send and recieve -- it works. BINGO!@ F(*(^%$ BINGO ! hahaha
usagi: What the F***
smickles: .py 370 * .0045
smickles: .py (1372956 * .0032) * .998
smickles: .py 1372956 * .0032
smickles: py 1372956 * .0032
nefario: ** shudder **
mircea_popescu: .py 1600000 * 0.00035
Lucidize: usagi *
nefario: paid for a *.glbse.com cert
rg: debug1: Applying options for *
rg: take *
rg: let me see if it will tae *
usagi: **"IF"**
nefario: *** breaths in ***
rg: !ticker BIB.*
rg: ;;calc 33 * [ticker --last]
mircea_popescu: .py 0.00369363 * 1000000
smickles: .py 113.0/((270.0/2)*.05)
smickles: .py (5000000*.0034)*.005+20+8
rg: ;;calc 15 * [ticker --last]
mircea_popescu: .py 0.050 * 64000
rg: /igonre netxshare*!*@* CHAN
mircea_popescu: .py 0.00039099 * 4000000 / 1000
smickles: ;;google gaycat ~/trollascii/*
dub: gaycat ~/trollascii/*
dub: ******
dub: *** *8*****GLOBAL GOVERNMENT****************,,
dub: `-----------~` ,,,\\\ \\\````` ***********--NORTH AMERICAN UNION-----*************************
dub: ~(___________ <======: (___] =====-----FEMA CAMPS-----------------****-----NEW WORLD ORDER--------------,,,,,
dub: ___/`_____\---------/____/ """//// //.....******..********.******CHEMTRAILS---------------FORCED VACCINATIONS
dub: ______ /~~~, *********************************************
mircea_popescu: .py (0.12878070 - 0.0712017) * 1000
DeaDTerra: USD.*
mircea_popescu: * elementz has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
mircea_popescu: .py 2364.8743 * 12.72
mircea_popescu: .py 1.05 ** 12
rg: ;;calc 55.5 * 13.28
mircea_popescu: .py 10**9 * 0.003 * 10**3
mircea_popescu: .py 10^9 * 0.003 * 10^3
usagi: *** YARR: Dividend changed to 0.005/day until we get an announcement from pirate
mircea_popescu: but i mean it's block * hashes by diff times 2^32 no ?
mircea_popescu: .py 1.0*(50 * 10^12)/(2190866 * 2^32)
smickles: **
mircea_popescu: .py (50 * 10^12)/(2190866.0 * 2^32)
mircea_popescu: .py (50 * 10^12)/(2190866 * 2^32)
mircea_popescu: .py ((50 * 10000000000000)/((2190866 * 2^32)))
mircea_popescu: ((bReward * firstDiffTime * MhBond * 10^6)/((firstDiff * 2^32)))+((bReward * secondDiffTime * MhBond * 10^6)/((secondDiff * 2^32)))
mircea_popescu: * lonely_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
mircea_popescu: * kakobreklaa is now known as kakobrekla
mircea_popescu: * SaLoMoN has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
mircea_popescu: * lonely_ (59cca34d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc-eu
mircea_popescu: .py 0.00036500 * 4073981 / 1000
DeaDTerraMobil: me * not nefario xD
DeaDTerra: :)*
BTC-Mining: @#$&*%@*(
mircea_popescu: .py (1068.67052326 * 150000 / 1000000000 + 1584.69669113 * 150000 / 1000000000) * 6 / (150000*0.00030009)
mircea_popescu: .py 0.160300578489 * 12 / (150000*0.00030009)
mircea_popescu: .py 1068.67052326 * 150000 / 1000000000