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<+BingoBoingo> In europe bird hunters hit at extreme range because they use 1, 2, or 4 gauge "punt guns", US maxes out at 10 and 12 gauge for the reason that ducks respond to bigger guns by just flying higher and then arms race
<< huh. yeah those would be huge.
<mircea_popescu> asciilifeform think car. shoot driver ; shoot fuel tank ; these work with a fucking 38mm. if you're actually firing 20 gauge you can prolly fissure a cylinder / ablate the transmission / cut a hole throgh one blade large enough to make it no longer capable of flight
<< 20 gauge is small less common one, 12 gauge is bigger common one.
<ben_vulpes> so bad
<< Crank is probably best 'Murican film of the century so far
mod6: trinque imagines asciilifeform spraying ak47 rounds into flock, "FOR PIGLET!!!!!"
<< win lol
<+asciilifeform> wonder what mod6 would say to this.
<< half a mile?! that's 2`640 ft. / 3 = ~880 yards. that's a pretty decent long shot even for a .308.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-16 02:49 hanbot: what's the proper name to ascribe to this super fun phenomenon wherein trb node happily catches up on blocks until 99.x% and then drops connections and stops seeing new blocks after
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-16#1614694 << i watched a lot of "classics" in pirate quality, and i prefer it that way. notorious example is Alien, where between the original print and the pirate shit copy you could barely see anything, which made the experience more terrifying.
☝︎ BingoBoingo:
<asciilifeform> also note that if you built with malleus patch, you will be kickbanning prb peers as soon as they disgorge a prbism of any kind (e.g., 'bloom filter' command)
<< Bloom isn't what disconnects most PRB nowadays. It is "BIP 151 compact blocks".
hanbot: what's the proper name to ascribe to this super fun phenomenon wherein trb node happily catches up on blocks until 99.x% and then drops connections and stops seeing new blocks after
☟︎ BingoBoingo:
<ben_vulpes> "Obamacare's markets are nearing failure as premiums climb and healthier individuals drop out"
<< did someone cancel the penalty for rolling uninsured or am i missing something here
<< "Rolling uninsured" penalty is trivial compared to Obamacare subscription
ben_vulpes: "Obamacare's markets are nearing failure as premiums climb and healthier individuals drop out"
<< did someone cancel the penalty for rolling uninsured or am i missing something here
<asciilifeform> 'Politically, though, rehab further radicalized him. "All I did was read books on far-left theory," he said. "I started to understand intellectually what I already understood emotionally."'
<< lelz
<< What sort of shit rehab is that!
<mircea_popescu> anyway, i could never see the business case for canada.
<< Their crop (softwood lumber) is already grown!!!
ben_vulpes: "are open to anyone who want to create a bright future that's rich with opportunity and freedom for all"
<< what if my bright future doesn't include towelheads, but it's still bright for everyone else, am i still welcome?
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Do you know what provides surface area and that bacteria
<3 more than charcoal? Peat moss
ben_vulpes: "on behalf of democracy, equality, human rights, social justice and sustainability"
<< sustainability!
ben_vulpes: "when core democratic ideals feel under attack"
<< core democratic ideals! feel! a+ "assuming the sale" right there
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-13#1613506 << in none of the experimentation and blather through which i dug did anyone posit 'coal' as a carbon source. my limited understanding is that its role is threefold: surface area for bacterial colonization; surface area to ameliorate fertilizer runoff and leaching into the ground; and to improve porosity.