3225 entries in 0.693s
mod6: !rate tomservo 2 Built TRB node.
mod6: !rate punkman 2 Development for TRB.
mod6: !rate shinohai 2 Very responsive and helpful testing of TRB & V.
mod6: !rate thestringpuller 3 Helped test TRB.
mod6: !rate trinque 3 deedbot. Great work testing & Development for TRB.
mod6: !rate hanbot 4 Wonderful help testing TRB.
assbot: trb/polarbeard_rm_unused_functions.vpatch.polarbeard.sig at master · polarbeard/trb · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1PrehPK )
assbot: trb/polarbeard_rm_unused_functions.vpatch at master · polarbeard/trb · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1PreiTM )
polarbeard: works like a charm, here is a patch for removing some unused functions if somebody is interested: https://github.com/polarbeard/trb/blob/master/patches/polarbeard_rm_unused_functions.vpatch https://github.com/polarbeard/trb/blob/master/sigs/polarbeard_rm_unused_functions.vpatch.polarbeard.sig ☟︎
jurov: but i can definitely tell myself that hacking trb and eulora client by deep immersion for days would be better life than this.
asciilifeform: and yeah there is no question of running trb on this.
asciilifeform: you can't trb-develop on the x60.
assbot: Logged on 10-02-2016 02:24:16; nubbins`: speak now if you believe a lord that has contributed TRB patches, who owns the second-largest s.mg stock warrant, who trades in the only physical collectibles that are priced solely in BTC, who pays the bill for eulora.org, who is the republic's de facto minister of letters awaiting with bated quill the whittling-down of a codebase fit to publish, should be stripped of his title; speak your treason now, th
asciilifeform: on an isolated lan, place trb nodes, and break all known blocks into tx,
mircea_popescu: having a trb-test suite is a good move, because even if dissidence is a b-a tradition, nevertheless it allows a common basis to make communication useful.
asciilifeform: this might be a productive approach for trb
asciilifeform: one tricky bit is that trb is a ~system~
mod6: any one have any strong feelings on googletest & googlemock as a comprehensive testing framework for trb ?
pete_d_out: right you are. i misspoke then, should be 'trb iterations'
pete_d_out: mod6 nice work on v99995 ! quite a few changes in there. my v99996 test has had a few bumps in the road (mostly hosting issues afaict) but is still syncing. i'll let you know if there are any snags in that, but holleee you guys are pumping out these trb releases !!
nubbins`: speak now if you believe a lord that has contributed TRB patches, who owns the second-largest s.mg stock warrant, who trades in the only physical collectibles that are priced solely in BTC, who pays the bill for eulora.org, who is the republic's de facto minister of letters awaiting with bated quill the whittling-down of a codebase fit to publish, should be stripped of his title; speak your treason now, that all may witness it. ☟︎☟︎
assbot: trb: trb/release/bitcoin/src/init.cpp File Reference ... ( http://bit.ly/1nW7cxh )
polarbeard: I've doxygened trb, https://polarbeard.github.io/trb-doxygen/init_8cpp.html
jurov: the last trb release is a WRONG thing nao?
asciilifeform: trb is alive, v is a knife.
mircea_popescu: trb is alive whether you want it or not.
mod6: <+shinohai> mod6: new trb is at height 284171 << good deal, thanks for reporting :]
shinohai: *trb node
shinohai: mod6: new trb is at height 284171
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-02-2016#1400190 << trivial - if trb marks a tx nonstandard - it is nonstandard!11 ☝︎
asciilifeform: where, say, 0 is maximally permissive (disables malleus, even) and 10 is 'any sign of deviation from trb conventions --> permaban'
asciilifeform: this would walk the razor's edge of danger, in re splitting trb into own parallel universe, however
ascii_butugychag: (picture a trb box eating blocks via diode, and shitting tx out another diode, when the knife switch is on, strictly)
ascii_butugychag: that you can theoretically maintain an airgapped trb node...
phf: trb eatblock
phf: but the thinking at the time was that trb peers shouldn't be cascade sending you bogus chains, when you don't ask for them, and that optimization should start with improvements to block request/response mechanism
phf: i recall that was first major trb patch
ascii_butugychag: but i must point out that a trb node that isn't synced should not be added to connection lists
mircea_popescu: maqp i suppose you could look into TRB. get yourself V and make your own secure node.
polarbeard: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/polarbeard/trb/master/sigs/polarbeard_add_sendrawtransaction_rpc.vpatch.polarbeard.sig
polarbeard: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/polarbeard/trb/master/patches/polarbeard_add_sendrawtransaction_rpc.vpatch
trinque: deedbot- can again happily fart transactions (into trb!!)
phf: lurk 6 months, build trb, replace RelayMessage in http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/wallet.cpp#0645 with your own thing that serializes CTransaction to file, come back if that doesn't quite work
adlai: asciilifeform: would it still be correct to say that there is no intent that people use trb as a wallet? or at least, use the same trb as a network node and a wallet node?
guruvan: asciilifeform: you have HD in trb?
pete_dushenski: bitcoin's too complicated, too barbed, too thorny, too messy, and too time-consuming for sortakindausers. this is obviously an asset in a great many ways, but it can still be frustrating for persistent folks. not that this is news to everyone beating prb into trb....
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 17:01:22; ascii_butugychag: does nobody but me actually watch their trb logs ?
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 13:20:51; asciilifeform: 5x19x141x248.static-customer.iz.ertelecom.ru << in mircea_popescu's trb fleet ?
ascii_butugychag: and the only thing the worlds share is their trb image
trinque: ben_vulpes: first I'm getting deed txns going by using the trb wallet; I don't want to have to wait for an implementation of eatrawtx to resume deeds
trinque: jurov: nah, deedbot is still jammed until I get trb to send the next bundle
trinque: speaking of which, thanks to the helping hand of the other republic nodes, deedbot.org is a fully synced trb public node
mod6: trb logs === mailing list?
ascii_butugychag: trb is what, 14 mo. old ?
mod6: i read trb logs every day. who doesn't?
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 17:01:22; ascii_butugychag: does nobody but me actually watch their trb logs ?
ascii_butugychag: does nobody but me actually watch their trb logs ? ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: i dunno what it is, i've never seen it before trb myself, nor a really good one since.
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 16:21:04; polarbeard: incest: https://github.com/polarbeard/trb
polarbeard: actually git comes handy to manage trb patch-sets
assbot: GitHub - polarbeard/trb: The Real Bitcoin™ ... ( http://bit.ly/1QcCPJQ )
polarbeard: incest: https://github.com/polarbeard/trb ☟︎
asciilifeform: 5x19x141x248.static-customer.iz.ertelecom.ru << in mircea_popescu's trb fleet ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: trinque> also, I don't see sendrawtransaction in trb's list o' commands... wat do? << cry all the way home, we don't have it yet. backport it ? :D
assbot: Logged on 03-02-2016 02:14:49; trinque: also, I don't see sendrawtransaction in trb's list o' commands... wat do?
trinque: anyone? given a privkey in hand, how the hell do I get trb to send some coin? I do not want to change addresses and nothing I find can chew on this wallet
trinque: also, I don't see sendrawtransaction in trb's list o' commands... wat do? ☟︎
trinque: anybody recommend a way to import a private key to trb?
trinque: meanwhile trb node at 393k, today is the day...
phf: polarbeard: PeterL: a getpeerinfo backport patch for trb: https://gist.github.com/polarbeard/db7909cba265c3c50c02 << http://btcbase.org/patches/polarbeard_add_getpeerinfo_rpc
polarbeard: PeterL: a getpeerinfo backport patch for trb: https://gist.github.com/polarbeard/db7909cba265c3c50c02
assbot: Logged on 01-02-2016 05:13:50; asciilifeform: tinyscheme genesis is NOT PART OF TRB !!1111111111111
trinque: felipelalli: that is a good thing; this present round of woes shall be rememdied in a few days, I think. trb node shall have reached the top. It's at about 385k right now
trinque: trb node is at 384k; I will be switching to that with anti-heathen command patch very soon
assbot: trb ... ( http://bit.ly/1Km0rix )
mod6: root 31936 32.1 37.8 1741912 1453164 pts/7 SLl 19:01 0:55 ./bitcoind -datadir=/mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin -myip= -addnode= -setverstring=trb -setvernum=99998 -lows
trinque: meanwhile the trb node is now at 383k, thanks to new SSD
phf: can imagine future where ascii big trb senator is forced by opposition forces to sign, "i will not siiiign"
assbot: Logged on 01-02-2016 13:48:58; PeterL: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/81b25113-e9e7-485d-995a-b13e790305ae/?raw=true << so I just restarted bitcoind, using -connect to all the trb nodes in the wiki, it looks like only Inciatus is letting me connect, the rest are refusing my connection?
PeterL: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/81b25113-e9e7-485d-995a-b13e790305ae/?raw=true << so I just restarted bitcoind, using -connect to all the trb nodes in the wiki, it looks like only Inciatus is letting me connect, the rest are refusing my connection? ☟︎
mod6: 22877 pts/1 SLl 0:54 ./bitcoind -datadir=/mnt/btc-dev/.bitcoin -myip= -addnode= -setverstring=trb -setvernum=99998
asciilifeform: tinyscheme genesis is NOT PART OF TRB !!1111111111111 ☟︎
assbot: trb ... ( http://bit.ly/1WV9qcg )
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2016 20:28:00; phf: huh so with original v design, mod6 could sign all the patches that are deemed releasable, and then all you need is mod6.asc in your wot and trb will press
phf: perhaps then trb instructions should be "download mod6.asc into ~/.wot" which is a trust starting point
phf: huh so with original v design, mod6 could sign all the patches that are deemed releasable, and then all you need is mod6.asc in your wot and trb will press ☟︎
asciilifeform: it is my intention to do this to trb.
phf: adlai: clasp is a good fit for tendriling trb, if i had more time, i'd use it in a similar way to shiva. but then i'm already building trb on llvm/clang, etc. it is anti-ba though because of pedigree and ownership problem. can use it, if you have resources to read through 5 or so 100k loc projects
assbot: trb ... ( http://bit.ly/1WV9qcg )
assbot: trb ... ( http://bit.ly/1WV9qcg )
mircea_popescu: if you produce a mythical man-month's code for trb, that adds the accounting value of a man-month to the tmsr gdp whether you mean for it to or not.
mircea_popescu: ascii_rear> but eventually we ought to be able to do spiffy things like writing my memory usage grapher ~entirely in shiva~, etc << quite. once this is fully functional debugging in trb can not be matched, period. by anyone, anywhere, doing anything.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, speaking of config setups : 1. pick a list of TRB nodes ; 2. add to ifconfig, deny all others ; 3. plug eth cable, congrats, you now have a secure box. go ahead install all the toolbar spyware you care to, won't matter.
mircea_popescu: not like if trb.buildroot pops up tomorrow i wouldn't at least consider it.
mircea_popescu: you wanna write trb by hand on stone, fine.
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 18:07:37; asciilifeform: but in all seriousness, a battlefield trb oughta be built on a virginal airgapped box.
assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 01:42:16; punkman: does the trb server have room for a buildatron that eats patches and craps out bitcoind's?
asciilifeform: but in all seriousness, a battlefield trb oughta be built on a virginal airgapped box. ☟︎
mod6: but, i typically don't hack straight on the built trb, ususally on a separate branch.
mircea_popescu: im actually curious which happens first, trb hardware delivery or cn hardware delivery.