26400+ entries in 0.07s
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: thx for the link :]
mod6: I some old footage recently, it stuck with me.
mod6: Speaking of holes, was the signifigance of the revolutionary flag in '89 to cut out the old coat of arms?
mod6: btc-e has nmc
mod6: ponzi alert!
mod6: ouch
mod6: if you like your swisscheese website, you can keep it.
mod6: haha, drop that baby on its head.
mod6: select * from health_care_chumps where 't' = 't'; drop heath_care_chumps; commit;
mod6: mircea_popescu: heheh
mod6: much faceplant
mod6: such bids
mod6: to the moon!
mod6: s.moon: mp's forth-coming lunar cold storage warehouse
mod6: anyone else try this out?
mod6: hmm neat, just made my first twister post
mod6: haha "NSFW!!1" what a bunch of crybabies
mod6: :]
mod6: cool beans
mod6: :]
mod6: ok looks to be werkin now
mod6: I suppose this is the problem: https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/24239
mod6: This is an important notice for developers still using HTTP plaintext connections. On January 14th, 2014, connections to api.twitter.com will be restricted to TLS/SSL connections only.
mod6: huh, weird
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: ;;ticker
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: let us not forget there were at least 2 other assets listed at mpex where mp wasn't involved in the direction or operations of the company that are now no longer listed (s.bvps & s.dice)
mod6: kakobrekla: yup. so could be even more, 30, lowest case.
mod6: well, if one wanted to not be lazy, one could add up the montly income from new accounts in the mpoe monthly statement then / 30
mod6: ^ > "no volume"
mod6: $vwap s.mpoe
mod6: dot com
mod6: fresh noobs
mod6: aight at train stop. bbs.
mod6: heheh
mod6: haha
mod6: that will be even trickier. lol
mod6: irc from cellphone is kinda neat.
mod6: *something
mod6: some is wrong with those qtys methinks. heheh
mod6: $depth s.mpoe
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: ;;ticker
mod6: (19:17) < asciilifeform> people using winblows and btc together should also smoke at petrol pumps << lol
mod6: the walls they build to keep out the mexicans will someday keep the fleeing americans out of mexico
mod6: http://www.scribd.com/doc/194899209/Nsa-Ant-Catalog
mod6: haha
mod6: cool
mod6: ;;tslb
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: hmmmm
mod6: i did `65' the first time.
mod6: bah, my bad: 650/(1-.02177107) = 830.89465751
mod6: so yeah, not sure...
mod6: well this page: http://trilema.com/2013/introducing-the-oix/ says that it should be: 650/(1-.02177107) * Trade Vol / Total Vol | in this case = 83.08946575 ~ $830.8946575
mod6: lawl
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: HEH
mod6: "Put a little dash next to each one. Theymos likes dashes."
mod6: - We will demonstrate our ability to use dashes.
mod6: - yeah
mod6: the ~27M share bid went away over a week ago.
mod6: $vwap s.mpoe
mod6: ahh, wow. :(
mod6: you could have a QR code on your shirt that was just your public key or whatever..
mod6: asciilifeform: Just finished part I. Strangely, I feel like I've read it before. Looking forward to parts II & III though. Really good stuff.
mod6: haha
mod6: ah, yeah The Graduate.
mod6: i would assert that he's wrong and that his writing does have meaning. although dark, what can be more important than the lessons of the past to future generations?
mod6: haha
mod6: so many books, so little time!
mod6: maybe i should pick up one of those.
mod6: ahh, thx.
mod6: Perhaps we'll all look back in 25 years and realize that it has already started, just that the switch hasn't been flipped to "rock & roll" yet.
mod6: Thanks for the link. I always like to read about peoples accounts of what they went through during the fall of the USSR. Seems like a light-version of what the USSA is going to go through soon.
mod6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17yfqxoSTFM
mod6: "doggie submission"
mod6: it's like this old Martha & The Vandellas song: "No where to run to baby! No where to hide..."
mod6: yikes
mod6: ^^^
mod6: "Well, Sir, that will be six trillion fuffles, if you please."
mod6: "How much do I owe you for this latte, dear graduate?"
mod6: A better term would be “qualitative fuffling:: the financial snake is finally eating its own tail.
mod6: Another example is America's favorite fufflemobile: the SUV.<< hahah
mod6: yeah, same thing with a lot of these places. Verisign got hacked, lost all SSL private keys. Pff.
mod6: haha, bingo
mod6: asciilifeform: you mean, you can build 1000 bridges and always be known as a 'bridge-builder' but if you suck 1 dick, you'll always be known as a cocksucker?
mod6: (who was really suprised about the RSA/NSA news anyway?) I don't think there is a single software or hardware producer in the US that trust. Not that I perhaps ever did, but now its all out there!!
mod6: s/coming//
mod6: No Such lAbs can fill a huge coming void here.
mod6: With the news about RSA/NSA/BSafe and that they put in a backdoored Dual ECC RNG as default in the rolling key fob, I hardly imagine the demand for a trustworthy and open-source producer of cryptographic devices.
mod6: I'm excited for the Cardano.
mod6: i need to steal this and use it elsewhere: Contemplate your pyramids elsewhere.
mod6: *baby
mod6: and lol @ "Hugs and kisses," & "Of what use is a bay?"
mod6: this stuff was good: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1390&cpage=1#comment-8475
mod6: heheh