2900+ entries in 0.539s
fluffypony: "We work on commission. We don't charge for our ebook publishing, conversion and distribution services, and we don't sell publishing packages. We earn our commission only if we sell your book, and our commission is only 15% or less of the net, which works out to 10% of the retail price when your book sells at our retailers. For example, a $10.00 ebook sold at one of our retail partners earns you $6.00 and earns Smashwords $1.00. The same
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/i-wrote-a-book/
fluffypony: I await your first book with eager expectation
jurov: yes, you can even put it into the -otc order book
TestingUnoDosTre: I'll read the book. Love formatting my own opinion
mrstickball: the book is arguing a point without context
benkay: mrstickball: get past the krugman slant. let me know what you think about the book under review.
mrstickball: he's reviewing a book that takes a very dim view of economics which is typical for Keynesians
benkay: cracks me up that y'all would rather harp on krugman than derp through his review of a book written by someone else.
TestingUnoDosTre: That's the whole thing. Its a book review
benkay: mrstickball: let me know when you get to the part where krugman reviews a book someone else wrote.
BingoBoingo: "Weev: One can abandon their citizenship in a tyranny for more reasonable shores. That’s about it. “Three Felonies a Day” is a great book explaining the commonplace reality of capricious indictments."
asciilifeform: complicated, to say 'book is dead.' books of horoscopes and dream divinations still printed by the zillion, 'soviet encyclopaedia of physics' - not.
mircea_popescu: yet the newspaper died, as did the book.
asciilifeform: i found my first book on 'forth' there
asciilifeform: TestingUnoDosTre: in the end, the creditors confiscated the shelves, and there were gigantic mountains of book
TestingUnoDosTre: asciilifeform - there was a book burning or what the hell happened?
Apocalyptic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anathem is this the book TAT mentionned earlier ?
TestingUnoDosTre: I just listened to the book on audio and its probably one of my favorite science fiction
gribble: Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 16452.849 bitcoins, for a total of 14624837.6264 USD and take the price to 99999.9900. | Data vintage: 0.0850 seconds
mircea_popescu: cgcardona_ actually they're using every trick in the book. most any two natural curves will look "fitted" in a log 10 graph
fluffypony: and book signings
fluffypony: passive income is not a thing unless you happen to write a massive single that will be played for the next 100 years, or write a timeless book that will be sold for the next 100 years
Mats_cd03: read a book
minersdidit: miners created bitstamps order book every 3 days in november
bounce: back in the days of 'zines over modem and even the odd book with virus listings from the library. forbidden knowledge!
bounce: did get a forth from somebody, but without a good book it was hard to get started with it
mircea_popescu: "This brings me to the core of what I dislike about Wolfram's book. It is going to set the field back by years. On the one hand, scientists in other fields are going to think we're all crackpots like him. On the other hand, we're going to be deluged, again, with people who fall for this kind of nonsense. I expect to have to waste a lot of time in the next few years de-programming students who'll have read A New Kind of
jurov: or a pig... there's actually a book about that
mircea_popescu: "My teacher, more patient than I would be with adolescent arrogance, gently informed me that it was a standard technique, in any book on linear algebra, called "reduction to Jordan normal form", after the man who discovered it in the 1800s. "
taub: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z73tt8mgr6tndzy/FooledByRandomness.pdf cool book i'm reading right now
gribble: Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 24098.515 bitcoins, for a total of 17899251.1321 USD and take the price to 99999.9900. | Data vintage: 0.0374 seconds
cazalla: he also ran a conference where last year he said the winklevoss twins were book, months pass and it was the winklevoss twins are a maybe, then it's deleted from the website and the headliner was jeffrey tucker instead lol
nubbins`: so my friend was over earlier and he showed me this new book he'd bought
mircea_popescu: bounce the traditional wisdom used to be that (booklength spec + half line user manual) beats (one page spc + one page user manual), because you do the book once and then the millions of users are saved a million pages.
keonne: yes, by the book, hope he ate well, compliments of the stupid american
mircea_popescu: ha. sounds exactly by the book.
mod6: < BingoBoingo> Sometime you can judge a book by its publisher << +1
BingoBoingo: Sometime you can judge a book by its publisher
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: just about anything that involves a book-length standard, esp. with the familiar committees, is an inevitable turd.
asciilifeform: 'bob the bridge builder' fucks goat after goat, has done a whole herd, but remains listed in the phone book under 'bridge builder'
los_pantalones: read a book
thestringpuller: i'm still very tempted to book passage though...
thestringpuller: jurov: I am incredibly tempted to book air fare, but as mod6 isn't going an I wanted to meet up with him there I decided to wait until next year for Series 3
gribble: The Chestnut Tree Cafe: <http://bartlebysfour.blogspot.com/>; George Orwell: The Chestnut Tree Cafe - Charles' Orwell Links: <http://www.netcharles.com/orwell/ctc/>; SparkNotes: 1984: Book One: Chapters VII–VIII: <https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/1984/section4.rhtml>
kanzure: well, yes, but i stole it from the book
danielpbarron: heh, dr. whatshisface negged kakobrekla; that's a positive in my book
ozbot: The Baldwin Project: The Red Fairy Book by Andrew Lang
asciilifeform: http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=lang&book=red&story=voice
Luke-Jr: On the inside dust jacket of Pope John Paul's book, Crossing The Threshold Of Hope (copyright 1994, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York), the Pope's message is, "Be not afraid!" <-- there was never any "Pope John Paul" in the Catholic Church
pankkake: but will they clear the order book?
mircea_popescu: this is EXACTLY the goat suspension of 2012, by the book.
the20year2: Just quoting it from the book
mircea_popescu: i rewatched jungle book and i was completely underwhelmed
mircea_popescu: it's not a bad thing to be, tbh. if the choice is that book, the only other option is the chick when young
cads: haha, the book I refer to was neal stephenson's cryptonomicon
ThickAsThieves: finding a book PRINTER aint much easier
ThickAsThieves: finding a book publisher isnt easy, so i can see phone calling being a method of you dont have connections
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves incidentally, best fun i ever had in boston was the day i decided ima coldcall small publishers for my book.
Duffer1: to be fair jurassic park was a good book
mircea_popescu: "n 1994 Crichton became the only creative artist ever to have works simultaneously charting at No. 1 in television, film, and book sales"
ozbot: #bitcoin-otc order book
mircea_popescu: obviously that 99 btc will be carried on the book until it melts away
ThickAsThieves: your whole book could be dynamic
mircea_popescu: st peter's book of investments.
mircea_popescu: you don't HAVE TO option the book
nubbins`: character does not appear elsewhere in the book."
nubbins`: crichton was interesting in that he's the only novelist i can think of who included a lengthy bibliography in each book
nubbins`: read his book "state of fear", you'd love it
MisterE is jumping out at 497 to book $50 profit :)
mircea_popescu: dirt_ it's really not weird at all. exactly by the book how these things unfold.
the20year2: When we were looking for book audits for a TSX listing possibility they ran $15k/yr
mircea_popescu: certify his book.
BCB: has anyone read the new o'reiley bitcoin book?
bounce: $other_rag presented it as the short version of that guy's 600-odd page book. I'm sure he's got bad ideas mixed inextricably with the good like any economist would
nubbins`: thanks for the link to grammar book, btw
mircea_popescu: however, i never realised it, and so i can book a gain on that buy now if i feel like it.
dignork: bocobit, he wrote a book instead :)
ThickAsThieves: that will transform our understanding of currency and credit, this book will help you engineer money. You're about to unlock the API to a new economy. This book is your key."
ThickAsThieves: "If you're interested in learning more about the technical operation of bitcoin, or if you're building the next great bitcoin killer­app or business, you will find this book essential reading. From the basic use of a bitcoin wallet to buy a cup of coffee, to running a bitcoin marketplace with hundreds of thousands of transactions, or collaboratively building new financial innovations
ThickAsThieves: http://bitcoinmagazine.com/11788/mastering-bitcoin-book-andreas-antonopoulos-available-pre-order/
ThickAsThieves: so Jesus Antonopolis has a book coming out
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: Try listen for one minute in a clip from this audio book http://open.spotify.com/track/1ydFN3EK0bhqlzjT1cRKxR
mircea_popescu: someone write the book so 50cent can make a song about the movie based on it
tg2: "Flash Boys" is the name of the book
mike_c: michael lewis' new book is about hft traders. should be interesting. (lewis=liar's poker, moneyball, the big short)
Dimsler_: go pick up a fuckign history book
mircea_popescu: mike_c oldest trick in the book, every talking head on the tv screen has a little speaker in his ear thing. course, my backup is slightly better than what tv stations can afford, but still.
mircea_popescu: the20year3 so if the claim is that rent is trading under book, why not buy back shares ? and moreover, is the book value reported anywhere in any sense ?
TestingUnoDosTre: seriously though. recommended reading is a book from the Duck Dynasty?
mircea_popescu: not unrelated to "where can i read all about the english language ?" "uh... just pick up a book ?" "what if it sucks ?" "... what do you want from me!"
mircea_popescu: that's the book.
mircea_popescu: at the top right ? you mean the book ?
moiety wasn't actually looking for a book response //rhetorical questions ftw
benkay: i lost several nights of sleep to that book
FabianB: has it been discussed yet why Huobi is paying ppl that were just too foolish to market sell into a too shallow order book?
mircea_popescu: the usg wrote the book on perverse incentives, srsly.
ozbot: Cops: Man Hit Girlfriend With Anger Management Book
chetty: http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2014/03/25/Cops-Man-Hit-Girlfriend-With-Anger-Management-Book
MisterE: probably tied for #2 with Sopranos in my book