14200+ entries in 0.132s
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-11#1823026 << this sort of statement would be so much more useful/important/noteworthy/actually existent if it came in the form of "i'm the guy from $X, long term so and so". where $X doesn't have to be a "our words are backed by nuclear weapons" state. can even be a blog. a dogshed. SOMETHING. but something specifically and identifiably existent.
☝︎ BingoBoingo:
<mircea_popescu> asciilifeform, unless you're looking for confused teeny cunt, you never miss much by missing the congregations of confused teeny cunt.
<< And for that alf needs to do Uruguay delivery runs during the summer.
<Mocky> i suppose idiocy not baked into hindbrain
<< What you described happening to you was light coming on in a dark place letting you see. It is an absence phenonmenon. Nothing inherently bad.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-11#1822648 << can you step back from your own insanity, and look at how they fucked your head ? really, you're going to go through your entire life "taking lessons", ie not doing anything, because that's what they made you do it at the child abuse camp they call college ? and then what, you'll be 80 and dying on a borrowed mattress, and... what ? you'll have had all these lessons you "took" ? wh
☝︎ BingoBoingo:
<hl`> that doesn't protect against physical attacks.
<< Buy a dog and carry a hammer
lobbesbot: trinque: Sent 13 hours and 6 minutes ago:
<asciilifeform> might be worth testing whether koch's latest lul affects deedbot's gpg hose
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated nikki_ff 1
<< aspiring slavegirl ; also famous for the "piss on the bitch" cocktail.
mircea_popescu: "We disdain otter piss alcoholic Coors or Budweiser swills wrested from sprouted rice"
<< utter!
mircea_popescu: but anyway, to put the matter of piss and gurls to (temporary) rest : Jun 09 01:57:42
<nikki_ff> yes sir i am drunk
<mircea_popescu> how do you like your piss ?
<nikki_ff> best its ever tasted.
mircea_popescu: techcrunch.com/2017/08/11/the-minifree-libreboot-t400-is-free-as-in-freedom/
<< lol the ersatzen.