23 entries in 0.078s
apt-get: I wasn't actually offended or anything, it's just banter
apt-get: I'm more interested in that kind of persona rather than adopting an identity meant to be recognized
apt-get: the reason I keep using this nick is because it's quite handy to have personal info drowned out in a sea of noise when someone tries to look it up ☟︎
apt-get: I see
apt-get: I've been interested in learning it for quite some time though
apt-get: asciilifeform, nope
apt-get: rude tbh, I've been using this one online for quite some time ☟︎
apt-get: >get yerself a proper nick
apt-get: I've been doing that a bit yesterday
apt-get: just here to lurk in general
apt-get: I just got d/c'd
apt-get: hi
apt-get: :/
apt-get: and I don't believe it's possible to fight multi-billion entities when it comes to this.
apt-get: convenience isn't limited to the device itself, it also encompasses a large ecosystem of both social and technical incentives to enter a firm's walled garden.
apt-get: convenience of usability will always trump freedom when it comes to these things, which is why you don't see minifree or purism making bank on their libre hardware.
apt-get: I suppose such conditions could be theoretically enforced in a democratic system... but it would imply making the general populace to both be aware and feel threatened by these issues, which isn't going to happen anytime soon, practically speaking.
apt-get: Well, I don't know if my political leanings would necessarily imply going to such lengths as described in that manifesto, but I am indeed supportive of any attempt to free computing from the proprietary and government boulders placing themselves between the user and the product.
apt-get: (cr50 reversal, that is)
apt-get: stumbled upon the loper blog by luck and I found it to be a cool project
apt-get: hmm, I find this stuff interesting, I guess?
apt-get: fritz, although I'm not really much of an expert when it comes to hardware stuff in any way
apt-get: thanks, but no need, I'm just here to lurk