asciilifeform: previously i considered the contemplated method impractical (in re amt of sweat req'd to construct) but from the weight of the heathen example, it begins to seem tractable.
asciilifeform: ( incidentally, a from-ground system could support migration b/w irons, in principle. )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the problem approached, is how to house 9000 heathens on 1 machine. the currently used shared hosting system presumes certain amount of literacy (and cooperation) from the tenants, it is simple unix accts thing.
asciilifeform: ( the heathens use intelism 'virtualizations' for it, wins a bit of speed but at cost of 9000 nobus )
asciilifeform: this is sorta like what the heathen vps people do, but in principle could be a clean coupla-kB tmsr item w/out buggy multi-100MB turd.
asciilifeform: << i'ma describe, for the l0gz, the hypothetical. suppose mips emu in asm ( the heathen item in fact compiles to a 30kB elf , not esp. complex, but would want clean rewrite really ). this'd be proggy that takes disk image and it tx/rx raw frames to/from nic, so can have own ip etc. then 1 large amd box can host coupla 100 instances of mips linux from known image. <1s teardown/bringup.☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: evidently! d00d sounds like early stage schizoid tho, in writing
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo incidentally imho would be good thing for piz, even if mircea_popescu ends up w/ cheaper subscription, cuz then vacates 2 piz boxen and these can be advertised
asciilifeform: << asciilifeform's orcistan transport service lives to serve ! mircea_popescu do you happen to have these machines already ? theoretically could stop in cr an' pick up etc☝︎
asciilifeform: << iirc the logic was discussed, when subscriber leases machine, piz is sworn to keep him en-machined at all times ( by keeping on hand any and all necessary spares )☝︎
asciilifeform: all of this of course wholly unrelated to the linked piece, which is about distribution of factors in uniform rand. ints. ( about which i thought ~0 is known, but turns out not quite 0. )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu can you think of any other applications for this, that'd make it worth the sweat ?
asciilifeform: ( anyone have free hands ? and inclination ? spyked maybe ? )
asciilifeform: mips specifically is compact enuff in its definition that one could write a demonstrably-inescapable sim for it. would weigh approx what peh (sans ffa) weighs, i suspect.
asciilifeform: nao that i thinkaboutit, could be useful even in such application as piz shared hostisics..☟︎
asciilifeform: which presently dun exist, but theoretically is feasible ( i've booted a working generic linux on a <3000loc-c heathen mips emu, for instance, in the past. )
asciilifeform: incidentally, i generate these by machine, and it takes about 3sec per. would have put it as a net-connected hopper thing aeons ago, BUT it of course uses a heathen render (there are no 'demonstrably electrically correct' pdf eaters, and i dun expect one to exist) and suffers from the obvious problem☝︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: s/arfificial/artificial in earlier qntra item
asciilifeform: ( incidentally remember the olden days when one could usually suppose that someone with net connection has a fixed postage address somewhere, and humanlike house, and etc ? )
asciilifeform: diana_coman: afaik not diff. only peculiarity is that he got hold of a net connection, but i suppose this is not difficult feat naodays even for hobo☟︎
asciilifeform suspects the fella's at the stage where only thing left is the folx in white coats, fixation robe, cold showers, aminazine, etc☟︎
asciilifeform: at any rate i'm all outta what to say to such patient, if anyone wants to play with him, his email's in the paste, i'ma put him in the nigerian list.
asciilifeform: supposedly a coupla % ( at least in industrialized populations ) are active/latent schizo☟︎
asciilifeform: diana_coman: at this pt i suspect he's a bona fide nutter
asciilifeform: re the nonsense, that's ninjashogun, and as for wtf in his crankcase, i have nfi, i suspect medicine is powerless
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the snsa pair is (dulap & spare-dulap) are snsa boxen☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: only smg box (pair, primary & spare) was sold to piz
asciilifeform: budget payments without being tracked.)' << didjaknow!
asciilifeform: 'I am very unhappy with this interaction, I don't believe I met MP (since I asked for very clear corroboration bur didn't get it), I don't believe Nicole does the work ascribed to her without assistance (rather, a team does) and more to the point I don't get the whole point of the project. Why would this be done since 2018? Please give me a simple answer. (Two examples would be tracking international sex trafficking, or making black☟︎
asciilifeform: grr frustrating. BingoBoingo mircea_popescu when either of you wakes up, plox to say which 2 boxes it were.
asciilifeform digs though log, but still not certain which 2 boxes were spoken of. if indeed these 2, then price is diff, cuz dulap is a colo box, owned by snsa, whereas smg is leased box
asciilifeform: ( as i understand , boxes in question were dulap & smg ? )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: plox to look again and be sure they were indeed identical tho
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, BingoBoingo : i can't think of any objection, identical irons , leased over identical interval, oughta cost same
asciilifeform: there is sucha thing as an infectious idiocy. i.e. concept that does to thinking what hg does to aluminum.
asciilifeform: . whereas when reintroduced, 'cybernetics institutes' were built, and ate good % of budget w/out ~anything~ but mountain of derrida-style crapola to show for it. eventually ending in the 'pdp betrayal' and final death of computing as a field in sovokistan. )
asciilifeform: << btw , speaking of wiener, asciilifeform has an unfinished mega-piece on subj sitting on hdd for years nao. ( summary -- wiener's 'cybernetics' has ~0 to do with computation of whatever kind, and is exactly the 1950s equiv. of today's 'bayesianisms' etc. and when the crackpottery was , correctly, laughed at in su, actual computers were being built;☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: iirc mircea_popescu had a piece, where described. there's people walking around with the meat equiv. of a box with hosed boot partition, and generally 'reformat' of meat is enuff of a laborious proposition that not worth the reqd effort
asciilifeform: d00d clearly had spark of life, imho, at some point.
asciilifeform: 'Interest in Operating Systems, so long as you don't think about the big picture[0] and notice that the inability to mechanically walk a graph, detect and resolve cycles[1] is indicative of a complete and utter failure of all involved parties' << notbad , even, summary.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: they're stuck in mental equiv. of 'sokoban' level with all the crates parked in corners.
asciilifeform: reminds me, apparently asciilifeform is still admin of a 'argentine bdsm' group (empty) in reddit. i dun even recall how this happened.
asciilifeform: fwiw i still suspect that if g_l had stayed out of sv, could've lived. the 'folie a deux' nutter culture is deadlier than any known dope.
asciilifeform: 'Independence, so long as it's sea steading (i.e., not going to happpen)' << whatever happened to that batch of nutters ?
asciilifeform: fella inescapably reminds me of that 'darwin award' winner who welded jet engine to old rusty 'ford'.
asciilifeform: poor g_l eventually found his coveted dope. where are the theorems!1111
asciilifeform: speaking of which, 'Smart drugs, so long as they're not Benzedrine and don't you dare mention that Paul Erdős lived to 83, that Norbert Wiener pioneered cybernetics, that the mother of all demos was done by an LSD aficionado...'☟︎
asciilifeform: incidentally, apropos of gamez thread, there was very interesting french msdos item, 'little big adventure', that blew asciilifeform's mind, had 2010s-style graphic on 40mhz 486. ( how ? clever gourad system, and pile of asm i suspect )☟︎