126 entries in 0.544s

nubbins`: at least with
brainwallet.org etc you can host the files locally
punkman1: wallet file, long
brainwallet key, whatever
nubbins`: realistically, a
brainwallet is one of the better choices, provided you can construct one that doesn't suck
pankkake: armory gives a raw signature, it seems, while
brainwallet gave me something that is obviously base64
pankkake: hm, so Armory signature didn't work, but
brainwallet.org's did work
nubbins`: Vexual: now you can't hash the result and use it as a
brainwallet to store all your funds.
BingoBoingo: dexX7: I just signed it in Multibit. Some rando on CoinChat pointed out
Brainwallet attributes the signature to another address.
jurov: Vexual: it's your
brainwallet does verify it, too.. although it spits out completely different address
FabianB: mircea_popescu: don't think so, never generated brainwallets for me via
brainwallet.org (well, none that i actually used)
d34th: mircea_popescu: why not try
brainwallet MJR_: but i bet someone has a
brainwallet from badmotherfucker just for the homage to pulp fiction
mircea_popescu: ok i can't get a usable address with
brainwallet.org. all the addies it outputs are broken
brainwallet doesnt work with Porn relative password MP