16 entries in 0.554s
Framedragger: i guess one may have a database of keys, as well as a table of signed-with-key nicknames which establish someone claiming a nickname for key? sort of gns. alternative scheme is to have any kind of aliasing be local, as per gossipd. less convenient for things like looking up nickname in wot.deedbot.org of course.
trinque: in the case of both WoT and wallet, from an engineers perspective I have a database which changes state when outside parties tell it.
trinque: the browser and "cache" is replaced by a proper database which stacks these items and creates a www locally. whether items were retained would be a matter of implementation (perhaps some measure of proximity to one's own wot, or the operator having given the item his V-tronic seal)
mike_c: trinque - you know the wot database is dumped nightly, right?
mike_c: ;;later tell pete_dushenski I don't see a discrepancy. It updates nightly with the wot database dumps. So probably he changed the rating and btcalpha hadn't picked up the change yet.
felipelalli: Let me ask: about Bitcoin OTC WoT or Assbot, there is a public API where I can navigate in all database? Or just trough the irc commands? I want to make a "rank" similar to this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/PageRanks-Example.svg
assbot: 8 results for 'wot database' - #bitcoin-assets search
jurov: and i was trying things like http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=wot+database
jurov: well, as i read the asswot discussion, let it be noted btc-dev mailing list will eventually need timely updates of wot database, too
decimation: Like bitcoin, the wot database is going to grow forever
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform which is why the "unspecified" website i asked for someone to make a month ago and punkman volunteered is EXACTLY a wot-driven film database.
gribble: Check links against the Web of Trust database - Meta Stack Exchange: <http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/58558/check-links-against-the-web-of-trust-database>; WOT Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WOT_Services>; "World's Largest Public Hacker Database" | Forum | WOT (Web of Trust): <http://www.mywot.com/en/forum/31000--world-s (1 more message)
MolokoDesk: if there's confidence that the bitcoin-otc website /WoT site is not insecure I can just use my old code to get trust metrics over the web. It's the same database.
assbot: 1 results for 'wot database' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=wot+database
thestringpuller: !s wot database
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell benkay "One cannot issue ratings until one is rated oneself. This is a useful feature that prevents a lot of misuse of the system. If scammers cannot stuff the WoT database with their sockpuppets, they cannot artificially inflate their ratings. Granted, the mechanism is weak and easily gamed, but the simple presence of a barrier reduces much malfeasance." this made no sense. you know it made no sense. why