512 entries in 0.844s
MJR_: I wrote a program to monitor how often we need to fail over to TCp for our data feeds
mod6: and really... the UDP (TCP when needed) is a model that the guys should be looking at to solve this blocksize issue
mod6: and fixing this block size thing is kinda crazy. its like you know when you get a UDP request to your DNS server and the reply from the Zone is > than the max size of UDP, it rolls over to tcp
mircea_popescu: actually the plan was to have tcp/ip reimpremented over pigeons ☟︎
jurov: Mar 8 22:31:49 ip-10-48-233-64 kernel: [114573.916044] TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 80. Sending cookies. Check SNMP counters.
iz: in the same way linux and windows both conform to TCP, even if they aren't implemented exactly the same
mjr_: yeah...kinda...i meant more like tcp multicast ie. i can join a group
mircea_popescu: btc can be implemented to work over carrier pigeons tcp/ip stack reimplementation
knotwork: oh okay so maybe not layered on top of tcp then
mircea_popescu: they claim faster than tcp
knotwork: which I think itself uses tcp though might also be capable of udp we use it in tcp mode though I think
Diablo-D3: mircea_popescu: so, what happened is, I could max out the tcp send buffer on the tor end point