26 entries in 1.079s

ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-07 08:09:06 mp_en_viaje: nor is this disease of passivity yours alone. asciilifeform is in the ~same position, at some point he became the manager of a venture ? whatevs. how and what did this alter in his life ? ~same as for the "
surprised by wealth" tard, he was
surprised by management, it became ~an attribute~, like alopecia, or a skin tumour. he worries about it, sometimes, especially when i say m
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-07 08:09:06 mp_en_viaje: nor is this disease of passivity yours alone. asciilifeform is in the ~same position, at some point he became the manager of a venture ? whatevs. how and what did this alter in his life ? ~same as for the "
surprised by wealth" tard, he was
surprised by management, it became ~an attribute~, like alopecia, or a skin tumour. he worries about it, sometimes, especially when i say m
mp_en_viaje: nor is this disease of passivity yours alone. asciilifeform is in the ~same position, at some point he became the manager of a venture ? whatevs. how and what did this alter in his life ? ~same as for the "
surprised by wealth" tard, he was
surprised by management, it became ~an attribute~, like alopecia, or a skin tumour. he worries about it, sometimes, especially when i say mean, hurtfu
mircea_popescu: precisely same as to the "
surprised by wealth" moron. sitting somewhere in a peculiar hovel hoping people from the internet will come anf fix his ac.
mircea_popescu: and it won't work for you. not just because you're late to the game, they're about to put out the lights. it wouldn't have worked for you in the 90s, only, "
surprised by wealth" half-stories & assorted gargle notwithstanding.
mircea_popescu: which is why "
surprised by wealth" exists as a concept. ers wasn't being creative, he was being... you know, manly. filling a pre-existing hole.
mircea_popescu: to keep to form he'll make a blogpost now about how "he was
surprised by wealth", ers style