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Framedragger: CompanionCube: i checked and apparently
selenium is primarily branded as 'automation framework' - you're right (but folx use it for scraping)
phf: Framedragger: right, you have dom, you have running javascript, can do all kinds of things to dump/before dump. what you don't have through any legitimate means is the byte sequence for a linked object. at least with headless webkit (via Qt) you can instrument cache with special methods that would give you that data.
selenium not at all
a111: Logged on 2017-04-05 18:06 Framedragger: quite sure that it's possible to dump dom in
selenium but in any case, yes dumping it seems like a prerequisite, like what archive.is does and what phf said above
Framedragger: quite sure that it's possible to dump dom in
selenium but in any case, yes dumping it seems like a prerequisite, like what archive.is does and what phf said above
☟︎ BingoBoingo: funkenstein_: Too much
selenium is bad though, makes a person stink. Even thiols can't apporach the stink of
selenium compounds
mircea_popescu: getting back to sanity,
selenium is an essential micronutrient and not that hard to get. eat moar beats.
funkenstein_: "You can prevent, totally prevent, cardio myopathy for ten cents a day. And if we don't do it, we are malignant dumb, I like to call it. Malignant dumb if you don't take in ten cents a day of
Selenium. It's a waste of your life. It's one of those landmines that you can avoid.
selenium lets you automate fuctional testing of a
http framework -- you can use it to drive through a website, click on stuff, fill out forms, etc.
Vexual: Whats
selenium for then? A cheaper version of 10k iphones?
selenium doesn't really do perf testing if that's what you're looking for. it mainly can just drive through html like a browser.
mircea_popescu: "
Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin which records and plays back user interactions with the browser. "
mircea_popescu: veloper using
Selenium to exercise his hand-cobbled JavaScript to those of Netflix and their Chaos Gorilla), but to distill the reference implementation into something that can fit in a single humans head and rip out braindamaged code-arson like the moronic wallets and their change behavior."
selenium is nice, phantomjs is headless
mike_c: ah. i thought about doing something like that with
selenium. i haven't tried phantomjs.
mjr_: in fact, if you made that interface, you could actually use
selenium for your trading bot, which would be pretty cool