25 entries in 0.523s
asciilifeform: there were other 'headless browsers'; i've used 'selenium' in particular (~8 or so yrs ago), it worked (then)
asciilifeform: adhere electrostatically ( drum of selenium, charges optically in wanted regions )
Framedragger: CompanionCube: i checked and apparently selenium is primarily branded as 'automation framework' - you're right (but folx use it for scraping)
phf: Framedragger: right, you have dom, you have running javascript, can do all kinds of things to dump/before dump. what you don't have through any legitimate means is the byte sequence for a linked object. at least with headless webkit (via Qt) you can instrument cache with special methods that would give you that data. selenium not at all
a111: Logged on 2017-04-05 18:06 Framedragger: quite sure that it's possible to dump dom in selenium but in any case, yes dumping it seems like a prerequisite, like what archive.is does and what phf said above
asciilifeform: the loading per se, with civilian browser + e.g., selenium, is trivial. the ~cleanup~ (run in vm? restore state how ?) is the tricky bit.
Framedragger: quite sure that it's possible to dump dom in selenium but in any case, yes dumping it seems like a prerequisite, like what archive.is does and what phf said above ☟︎
asciilifeform: i have a cl interface to selenium written from some years ago, i used it to cheat spammers
asciilifeform: selenium + civilian wwwbrowser is 1 way.
a111: 14 results for "selenium", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=selenium
Framedragger: !#s selenium
BingoBoingo: funkenstein_: Too much selenium is bad though, makes a person stink. Even thiols can't apporach the stink of selenium compounds
mircea_popescu: getting back to sanity, selenium is an essential micronutrient and not that hard to get. eat moar beats.
funkenstein_: "You can prevent, totally prevent, cardio myopathy for ten cents a day. And if we don't do it, we are malignant dumb, I like to call it. Malignant dumb if you don't take in ten cents a day of Selenium. It's a waste of your life. It's one of those landmines that you can avoid.
asciilifeform: when some resource that is ultimately finite (petro, selenium, shitanium whatever) is squandered faster than it can be recovered and various things 'have come to expect' and begin to tear apart.
asciilifeform: it is picked up by a rubber roller and deposited on selenium drum electrostatically
mod6: selenium lets you automate fuctional testing of a http framework -- you can use it to drive through a website, click on stuff, fill out forms, etc.
Vexual: Whats selenium for then? A cheaper version of 10k iphones?
mod6: selenium doesn't really do perf testing if that's what you're looking for. it mainly can just drive through html like a browser.
mod6: Vexual: selenium?
mircea_popescu: "Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin which records and plays back user interactions with the browser. "
mircea_popescu: veloper using Selenium to exercise his hand-cobbled JavaScript to those of Netflix and their Chaos Gorilla), but to distill the reference implementation into something that can fit in a single human’s head and rip out braindamaged code-arson like the moronic “wallets” and their change behavior."
fluffypony: selenium is nice, phantomjs is headless
mike_c: ah. i thought about doing something like that with selenium. i haven't tried phantomjs.
mjr_: in fact, if you made that interface, you could actually use selenium for your trading bot, which would be pretty cool