17 entries in 0.676s

BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: ty linked on the WOT:
nonperson text
mircea_popescu: why ? some girls had the sense to peg it, some girls are still waiting. it's the perfect
nonperson humiliator, this. "if i hold out my tits will be worth more" "ahahahaha, really ?"
adlai: shinohai: if you're asking where to buy the Sage Smartprobe, i'm not aware of any way to get it other than thru "Symmetry Electronics" (WoT:
ben_vulpes: nevermind the hilarity of some wot
nonperson inviting someone to tmsr~
felipelalli: I'd love to see something about this on Qntra.net, WOT:
nonperson hahah :D
a111: Logged on 2016-07-11 12:25 mircea_popescu: "Meanwhile Tyler Gebhard (WOT:
nonperson) invaded the home of a police officer in Lakeshire, an upscale suburb in south west St Louis County, Missouri." <<->>
http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-22#1106480 summerverbose: so, I'm a wot:
nonperson but just wanted to say, been an avid follower of QNTRA and trilema for a number of years and have spent the last 3 years of my life building on Bitcoin
BingoBoingo: "'Likely next French President Marine Le Pen (WOT:
nonperson) has gone on the record stating that she would like a ban on Bitcoin. Remember kids that National Socialism is still socialism with all its kleptographic tendencies intact."
mircea_popescu: somehow wot:
nonperson has a hard time getting out of this mindset where he may actually contribute politically.