16 entries in 0.558s

a111: Logged on 2017-12-29 00:42 mircea_popescu: o shit there it is,
navrozov moment!
a111: Logged on 2014-06-11 00:49 asciilifeform: 'My
Navrozov moment, of course, was when I approached one of the two - Sacco, I think - and attempted to have an intellectual discussion of this realization. The story is basically the same as
Navrozov's, so it would be boring to repeat, but basically I came away with the feeling that I'd told someone his Sicilian grandmother liked to get drunk and fuck her own goats.'
assbot: Unqualified Reservations: My
Navrozov moments
assbot: Unqualified Reservations: My
Navrozov moments