41 entries in 0.621s

BingoBoingo: Oh prolly luke-jr midnightmagic maybe
hegemoOn ??
hegemoOn: Look at that 30 day volume though
hegemoOn: assbot tickered a transaction on the tapeophone
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for plonky with note: PPEUR / XMR historical trade with
hegemoon, who subsequently lost access to his GPG key and has had to move to a new account
fluffypony: !rate plonky 1 PPEUR / XMR historical trade with
hegemoon, who subsequently lost access to his GPG key and has had to move to a new account
fluffypony: ;;rate plonky 1 PPEUR / XMR historical trade with
hegemoon, who subsequently lost access to his GPG key and has had to move to a new account
gribble: You rated user
hegemoon on Wed Jul 2 08:48:10 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: smooth PPEUR for XMR trade, no issues.
plonky: but anyway new nickname, as far as i lost my previous gpg key associated with
hegemoOn mircea_popescu:
hegemoOn if you feel like writing out the details, qntra is looking for more "fiat sucks" failure stories.
hegemoOn but you understand there's something fundamental about the occupation that makes them servants to the club, right ?
hegemoOn: nice, no sources tho
hegemoOn: hey, let the poles be on the giving side of hegemony for once
hegemoOn: Puppies. Or animals with legs too short for their bodies generally.