16 entries in 0.474s
asciilifeform read; loox like 'gargauni' on parade
diana_coman: I'll add to gargauni, goange and barzauni the "fluturi" as one might have those too!
mircea_popescu: hence why "goange & gargauni" implies a gender-balanced population, whereas the other'd go better with eg gunnery sgt hartman's job.
asciilifeform: hm i thought it was 'gargauni & barzauni'
mircea_popescu: the problem is the breakdown of the fambly. father should have craked skull let all the goange & gargauni out long before 18th bday.
asciilifeform: why not just as well 'poverty, of gargauni'
a111: 8 results for "gargauni", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=gargauni
mircea_popescu: !#s gargauni
mircea_popescu: apparently the gargauni are a major predictor of poverty. who coulda guessed &c.
mircea_popescu: the guy who learned in earnest how to "empathy" has not merely lost his time in the pursuit of subliterate idiocy ; but actually invested that time into implanting harmful gargauni into his skull, much like someone who spends $100 to buy some radium which he then swallows isn't out merely the $100 he paid for the radium
mircea_popescu: aged female with countess gargauni on a third world income.
asciilifeform: even dirigible does not magic away the problem, it could even be that mircea_popescu would much more enjoy fucking ancient babylonian gurlz, whose training could take a week instead of a year, no 'gargauni' in the head to start with, but they are not available.
asciilifeform: gargauni ?
mircea_popescu: go, sail a little, get teh gargauni out ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: gargauni ?
mircea_popescu: are we discussing reality or the gargauni in their heads ?