285 entries in 0.171s
wer: ah thanks anyway
wer: very
wer: damn
wer: perhaps another user from before used the same nickname too
wer: i don't
wer: i logged on here 2 or 3 days ago
wer: i'm not entirely sure
wer: there's this message "This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>."
wer: yes i did
wer: how do i identify myself?
wer: i'm not sure
wer: how do i view my id on wot
wer: hello
wer: hello again
wer: !!rate
wer: what's !!rate
wer: what's it for
wer: nice
wer: *facepalm
wer: !!v CB79C616915A4F8AEA51B5D0525A5ED497C8B05D
wer: was that supposed to do something
wer: !!v string
wer: so what do i do with the string
wer: !!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cMim8/?raw=true
wer: whoops
wer: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cMim8/?raw=true ☟︎
wer: !!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PmhDl/?raw=true
wer: i've got the pgp keys
wer: what do i do after downloading the software
wer: windows*
wer: windoes
wer: i don't think i do no
wer: mainly for games
wer: C#
wer: anything else i could do for bitcoin
wer: schooling, learning programming
wer: brought it up in a conversation with a friend
wer: someone on reddit sent it to me months ago
wer: anything i have to do to process it?
wer: -> 1GrvBXDT2XTnQ83yCsTZmqVtnZto223DkB
wer: just a moment
wer: i've got an address
wer: is it okay?
wer: https://imgur.com/a/cU6e7 ☟︎
wer: face and tits yeah?
wer: i'll go take it again
wer: just scared
wer: that's true
wer: oh didn't know face was compulsory
wer: this okay?
wer: https://imgur.com/a/zogMz
wer: i gotta upload it to a link right
wer: i came here from this link http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/
wer: how does this work
wer: Hello
wallflower216: thanks, danielpbarron, and cheers to all. Just a noob here used to reading the logs so lurking here
DicePower: (which didn't work for some reason)
DicePower: Ahh okay, thought I had to decode that hash thing.
DicePower: Yay!
DicePower: !register 9AF0C08E3C97CF0CCDC2F6E3201E1D0C00EDF5AB
DicePower: Key block added to key server database. New public keys added: 1 key(s) added successfully.
DicePower: I'll try to reupload
DicePower: I assume it's the same fingerprint post upload?
DicePower: That was the fingerprint that Kleopatra gave me.
DicePower: gpg -k --fingerprint
DicePower: !register 9AF0C08E3C97CF0CCDC2F6E3201E1D0C00EDF5AB ☟︎
blacktower: having trouble with nickserv right now, perf thanks for the urls. ill get that going
blacktower: hello hello! just learning all of this, won't derp it up. glad to be a part of the community!
KayTheFlower: idk
KayTheFlower: ben_vulpes, thank you
KayTheFlower: yay
PowerGorilla: huh ty
CoalPowerGorilla: ty
Bugpower: but never got around to it
Bugpower: wanted to buy at $7 on the first bubble
Bugpower: I was lucky I didn't buy in the first bubble
Bugpower: when it hit $2 I knew it was time to buy
Bugpower: Nov 29th
Bugpower: let me check
Bugpower: they said it was for early adopters only
Bugpower: From Dec 2011, up around 3000% USD
Bugpower: from cost basis?
Bugpower: so ponzi power is not where I would like it to be.
Bugpower: and i was STUPID to get partially flushed out on a brief dump on Monday?
Bugpower: early this month
Bugpower: not today
Bugpower: and I was REALLY lucky to buy calls when it was at 17 today
Bugpower: then reverse postion at the top
Bugpower: I was lucky to buy a shitload of calls before last opex
Bugpower: I was lucky to buy in at 2.65
Bugpower: Luck
Bugpower: :)
Bugpower: till this OpEX
Bugpower: just wait
Bugpower: you may have more BTC in the future
Bugpower: Also
Bugpower: options straddle at 24 looks kinda juicy right now
Bugpower: I think ~300BTC
Bugpower: IV is huge right now
Bugpower: nope I am only buying into this shit