54 entries in 0.28s
deedbot: danielpbarron subscribed to http://bravetheworld.com/feed/
danielpbarron: !!subscribe http://bravetheworld.com/feed/
danielpbarron: deedbot-: feeds add http://bravetheworld.com/feed/atom/
danielpbarron: deedbot-: feeds add http://bravetheworld.com/feed/
danielpbarron: deedbot- feeds add http://bravetheworld.com/feed/
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-09-2015#1273688 << https://twitter.com/BraveTheWorld/status/643289336524345344 ☝︎
assbot: DI$RUPTIV3 on Twitter: "@danielpbarron Oh fuck you! Piss off you piece of shit I was an anarchist when you were jacking off to Hillary Duff Suck it! @BraveTheWorld" ... ( http://bit.ly/1JqJOy5 )
cazalla: anyway.. i think bravetheworld was warned about the alex jones types
cazalla: danielpbarron, did bravetheworld end up naming the people she references in her article?
mircea_popescu: hmm, anyone kept in touch with that bravetheworld chick ? danielpb1rron ?
BingoBoingo: From that julia who stopped by a few times: https://twitter.com/BraveTheWorld/status/555922943868678144
assbot: YOUR HYDRA (BraveTheWorld) | Twitter
danielpbarron: ;;rate JuliaTourianski__ 1 https://twitter.com/BraveTheWorld
bounce: ;;gpg info bravetheworld
assbot: 98 results for 'bravetheworld' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bravetheworld
ben_vulpes: !s bravetheworld
assbot: CHAOS BEGETS FREEDOM | Brave The World | bravetheworld.com
mircea_popescu: as to http://bravetheworld.com/ if you try submitting a comment form it dies, check it out for yourself.
danielpbarron: does anyone know who this idiot is? https://twitter.com/bravetheworld/status/514036093281660928 -- she claims to have been in here before, but refuses to tell me her gribble username
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bravetheworld here you go : http://trilema.com/2014/the-idea-that-bitcoin-is-a-sovereign/
benkay: !up bravetheworld
benkay: anyways bravetheworld we take identity pretty seriously around here. consider getting yourself into the #bitcoin-otc web of trust so you can hang out and talk more without the incessant
benkay: implying there's a difference, bravetheworld.
benkay: !up bravetheworld
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=321265.msg3449849#msg3449849 there
princessnell: bravetheworld this is gr8.
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld i'm not bisexual except in the sense that i fuck women in both holes
benkay: bravetheworld: mircea_popescu runs mpex, kakobrekla runs bitbet, jurov runs coinbr, davout runs bitcoin-central, chetty runs eulora, hanbot runs the whips, and that's about all the notables
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld who's the heartrob, me or him?
benkay: !up bravetheworld
princessnell: bravetheworld ya, i know him IRL. reports from many of my friends. can't invite him to certain events bc of it.
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld so did you get nom-nom-inated for the foundation journalism of great insight awards ?
princessnell: bravetheworld truly. he is predatory.
princessnell: bravetheworld just be weary is all. he is really pozzed out. wouldn't take kindly 2 yr antifeminism for instance.
princessnell: bravetheworld but he will boost if you need it.
princessnell: bravetheworld he's all about the #brand. i don't trust him.
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld good for you.
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld which cody is that ?
benkay: or you could hang out with people who already get it, bravetheworld
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld nono, dun bristle at me. i'm not trying to eat you.
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld anyway, to make the cultural references plain : the idea that bitcoin is a superstate, and well independent already is not novel.
mircea_popescu: +bravetheworld so what's your future plans ?
benkay: anyways hang out for a while bravetheworld
mircea_popescu: !up bravetheworld
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld you know, that's the definition of scholarship.
princessnell: bravetheworld what was the general response to your video?
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld if you care, i see it as an extension of the "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0ef_q1_uoQdouchecanoe" nonsense, as typified here :
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld power is nothing without control.
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld liberation from what ?
mircea_popescu: bravetheworld so are you seriously trying to sell me on the concept that "basic bitch" is... an adjective ?
princessnell: bravetheworld hey girl! glad you stopped by
benkay: bravetheworld: i was chuckling over https://vine.co/v/MrKaIKV5Zan/ earlier
benkay: o lookie bravetheworld joined us
mircea_popescu: !up bravetheworld