28 entries in 0.512s
asciilifeform: recall story of where asciilifeform ~personally~ described to schwartz how to cut adelberger 100% out of the loop for under what mircea_popescu's bmw costs.
asciilifeform: 'Eric Adelberger, one if the leaders of the group, “found Weber’s experiment to be completely unconvincing and realized that with a modest effort we could test his claim” (private communication).'
asciilifeform: (for expert entomologists only!) https://archive.fo/Nnvbl << choice turd, by associate of the infamous adelberger, re weber ( who was anathemized and 'unhappened' ) , even includes hair-raising passage re how 'generous and accepting the physics community was , to keep publishing him'
asciilifeform: ... perhaps ~some~ idea, see the adelberger thread, he wanted a formal capitulation from the enemy, and knew that he would never get it
asciilifeform: adelberger: 'you ain't doing physics unless i give you a few hours on this here machine. and i ain't gonna.'
asciilifeform: schwarts vs adelberger. qed.
a111: Logged on 2014-07-27 19:05 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in 2010 i concocted a variant of the test that could be carried out for approx. 50k USD, from scratch. schwartz answered that, in his estimation, the test would work to spec, but results would not be accepted by the field unless carried out on one of the two existing eotvos balances. one - adelberger's, one - chicom.
a111: 20 results for "adelberger", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=adelberger
asciilifeform: $s adelberger
asciilifeform: that 'adelberger's torsion balance or it didn't happen'
asciilifeform: adelberger would be ~nothing~ without his $B toy.
asciilifeform: the other thing is that the presence of the costly detector may very well subtract more from the field, in its adelberger gatekeeper creation, than it ever could add.
a111: 15 results for "adelberger", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=adelberger
asciilifeform: $s adelberger
asciilifeform: modern day unphysics is made of a thousand little adelberger scum.
asciilifeform: (see the adelberger thread)
asciilifeform: come visit us, uncle al! we'll dine on adelberger's roasted ballsack and wash it down with lagavulin !
asciilifeform: as i gather, he's engaged in a contest of who-dies-first with adelberger
assbot: 8 results for 'adelberger' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=adelberger
ascii_field: !s adelberger
asciilifeform: aha islamic curriculum. i'm not seeing 'we'll kill adelberger & co. and force al schwartz's equivalence principle violation experiment to be carried out.'
assbot: Logged on 31-08-2014 02:17:56; assbot: Logged on 27-07-2014 19:05:02; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in 2010 i concocted a variant of the test that could be carried out for approx. 50k USD, from scratch. schwartz answered that, in his estimation, the test would work to spec, but results would not be accepted by the field unless carried out on one of the two existing eotvos balances. one - adelberger's, one - chicom.
asciilifeform: decimation: adelberger, for example, would have to perform seppuku - and all of his students, and their students
assbot: Logged on 27-07-2014 19:05:02; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in 2010 i concocted a variant of the test that could be carried out for approx. 50k USD, from scratch. schwartz answered that, in his estimation, the test would work to spec, but results would not be accepted by the field unless carried out on one of the two existing eotvos balances. one - adelberger's, one - chicom. ☟︎
asciilifeform: adelberger balked. chicoms agreed!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in 2010 i concocted a variant of the test that could be carried out for approx. 50k USD, from scratch. schwartz answered that, in his estimation, the test would work to spec, but results would not be accepted by the field unless carried out on one of the two existing eotvos balances. one - adelberger's, one - chicom. ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: (short version: adelberger tested all variants of crud, including left- and right-handed machine screws (!) and gleefully pronounced - no parity violation. refused under any pretext to test schwartz and petitjean's 'chiralane' molecule.)
asciilifeform: herr adelberger (http://www.npl.washington.edu/eotwash) << nomination for Flondor List (tm)