20 entries in 0.606s

phf: the problem is that our
ada keccak explodes whatever char buffer it gets into an array of octets, which means that, while diff keeps the size of chunks under some particular value,
keccak explodes that value x8
diana_coman: will probably cut it in 2 parts two, namely the wrappers first and then the whole big .vpatch bringing in everything needed (mpi,
keccak, oaep-but-this-time-from-
phf: bvt: this doesn't need much C, it's a loop with a termination condition of not
Ada.Directories.Exists(Filename), and the tricky part is the construction of said Filename. it could be a Prefix ("vpatch.") +
keccak hash(salt + pid + time + ???).
mircea_popescu: esthlos of course, if your whole thing is lisp, the utility of
ada keccak may be limited ?
mircea_popescu: yes, that's how wer dop it. do you happen to be familiar with diana coman's work on the
ada impl of rsa/
keccak etc >?
diana_coman: ave1, I tried compiling eucrypt & components using your runtime: need support for Interfaces.C (used by
keccak/oaep) and
Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (used by Serpent)
diana_coman: PeterL and anyone else following along on
keccak: 2 more problems found so far in the
ada code namely 1. in the pi permutation it's the *output* coordinates that are calculated as Y, 2*X+3*Y based on input at X,Y and not the other way around; 2. at iota the corresponding round constant is xored into a(0,0) only, not into all the lanes of the state (following permutations will propagate the round constant)
mircea_popescu: "my personal fg is plugged into serial port and my personal
ada keccak is plugged into iron on which asm works". da fuck special pleading is this.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-16 15:20 mircea_popescu: hey, minigame produced reference implementation of
ada keccak can well contain inline asm rotation, and who dun like it can do whatever they will.
mircea_popescu: hey, minigame produced reference implementation of
ada keccak can well contain inline asm rotation, and who dun like it can do whatever they will.
☟︎ diana_coman: in other things: I have been playing around with
keccak and in particular with PeterL's
ada implementation; as far as I can see it conforms to Version 3.0
keccak reference but I'm not sure re testing; any known test vectors for it? (the test vectors on current
keccak's site seem to be for sha3)
a111: Logged on 2017-09-16 02:57 PeterL: by the way, I stuffed the
keccak ada stuff (and, speaking of OAEP, here is one of those too) into
https://github.com/PeterMLambert/keccak since I don't have my own server up yet