27 entries in 0.455s

mircea_popescu: well... not exactly need. but apparently we have fun subverting the socialist superstate notions of
political time.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-01 23:50 ben_vulpes: aight maybe some naggum as well. but there are extended discussions of
political time in the logs.
ben_vulpes: aight maybe some naggum as well. but there are extended discussions of
political time in the logs.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: as a side-effect, the ability to extract
political time out of this arrangement reduces to being well connected to well connected nodes that are connected to well connected nodes etc.
jurov: what does
political time have with it? does non
political time even exist?
a111: Logged on 2015-07-08 23:22 decimation: also describing it as '
political time' when the policy is 'matches easily observable astronomical phenomena' seems a bit hyperbolic
assbot: Logged on 04-11-2015 23:33:14; mircea_popescu: re the peter todd nlocktime derpage : there exists a perfectly legitimate problem with anchoring bitcoin time to
political time.
mircea_popescu: re the peter todd nlocktime derpage : there exists a perfectly legitimate problem with anchoring bitcoin time to
political time.
☟︎ assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 14:57:20; mircea_popescu: i find it kinda curious that asciilifeform and decimation can at the same time hold the discussion of
political time we had recently in mind, and ALSO think breaking udp, or doing away with ntp is a bad idea.
mircea_popescu: i find it kinda curious that asciilifeform and decimation can at the same time hold the discussion of
political time we had recently in mind, and ALSO think breaking udp, or doing away with ntp is a bad idea.
☟︎ assbot: Logged on 08-07-2015 20:08:22; decimation: re:
political time < it occurred to me that the far more obvious way of synchronizing a clock is to simply take note of the sunrise and/or sunset
decimation: also describing it as '
political time' when the policy is 'matches easily observable astronomical phenomena' seems a bit hyperbolic
☟︎ BingoBoingo: And at that point why not have competing
political time broadcast on that signal, signed
decimation: re:
political time < it occurred to me that the far more obvious way of synchronizing a clock is to simply take note of the sunrise and/or sunset
☟︎ mircea_popescu: well ideal in what sense ? it's very unideal for his idea of timekeeping, because it proves (what we already knew) : time is meaningless and
political time conventional, and all sorts of nutty fashions can endure a long time. ie, 350k blocks in this case.
ascii_field: trying to illustrate the notion of '
political time' here
ascii_field: and i still think that dependence on
political time is a serious flaw in bitcoin proper
ascii_field: the point i've been trying to make is ~not~ 'let's all go eat our pistols' but that the entire fiction of
political time is poisonous when applied to bitcoin
ascii_field: jurov: not sure if it is so much of a corner. perhaps it is possible to get a 'good enough' picture of
political time via some clever means
ascii_field: i am reaching the conclusion that: to the extent bitcoin relies on
political time AT ALL, it is broken.