10400+ entries in 0.093s
a111: Logged on 2019-06-02 17:06 BingoBoingo: The very concerned about the poor Frente Amplista wants 300 USD a head to speak for her own campaign.
PeterL: hi there, I made a small vpatch for MP-WP, because the text selection was not working: http://peterl.xyz/2019/06/vpatch-for-text-selection-fix/
BingoBoingo: In the interest of simplifying things and because you are Mircea Popescu, I am inclined to kick the total down to 0.85 split it over two invoices of 0.425 for each of the two machines and have them both run through June 1st 2020 offering a small percentage discount and roughly a month and a half of time on the production box free.
BingoBoingo: 1700.40 USD @ 5319 USD/BTC = 0.319684151 BTC + 0.1175 BTC (0.235/2) = 0.437184151 BTC for a year of hosting on each box. This would carry the production server to April 18th 2020 and the test server would carry it to June 1st 2020. The two invoices would total 0.874368302 BTC, and the next invoicing on the boxes would be staggered one month apart.
BingoBoingo: In this case since we have identical boxes and divergent prices on the book of 0.23423972 and 0.4 without a USD base price recorded in the statements, I am inclined to take the lower price and round it up to 0.235 to resolve the discrepancy and continue with the pricing exercise. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: In order to break the present state of sin and approach the proposed, more reasonable figure, going forward my inclination is to have box rental priced to recover 90% of their book cost over the first year's rents and in following years track 50% per annum as a longevity discount. ☝︎☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-07-25 02:29 mod6: mircea_popescu, diana_coman : Ben and I worked out a prorated amount for UY3 for the month of July. It comes to a total of 19 days, which will amount to: 0.03542985
a111: Logged on 2018-02-24 18:39 ben_vulpes: i can give you a pretty steep discount for paying the year up front, but because i'm building out the downline i want to keep the box on the balance sheet. how about a 20% markup on the machine if you pay for the whole year?
BingoBoingo: On one box ben_vulpes sold a sort of harware replacement plan for 20% over the box's book cost. On the other box which was billed monthly, some math unclear math was done and for the lack of a longer term arrangement the billing remained pegged at 0.0578066 BTC. ☝︎☝︎
BingoBoingo: The very concerned about the poor Frente Amplista wants 300 USD a head to speak for her own campaign. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and then of course the moment you actually try to install a game, steam needs at least 2-300mb of further updates.
mircea_popescu: remarkable just how useless computers are these days. so first, i chugged in 2gb of ubuntu. the moment it came up it wanted to get a further 450mb of "updates". then it turns out ~every game out there has pretty much outsourced its distribution (and, i suspect, debugging, such as it is) to steam (with a minor gog presence as well). so you gotta install steam. that's only 50mb or so, but a third layer by now. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ie "Behaviours such as sending messages with sexual content to a student or proferring macho comments in class go unpunished in the public universities [of Costa Rica] because of the weakness of administrative sanctions imposed by the rules on sexual aggression" ; "Huawei Costa Rica calls for calm and assures all its products can be used without concern. They assure the smartphones and tables already sold and those to be s
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in axe handles : https://www.nacion.com/el-pais/politica/reglamentos-de-u-publicas-favorecen-impunidad-de/EU7UKPEBNVEO3O6A6GMB3ESB5U/story/ and https://www.nacion.com/tecnologia/moviles/huawei-costa-rica-llama-a-la-calma-y-asegura-que/6HPX5FUCEFEBRBZISBNOBPL6OA/story/ and https://www.nacion.com/blogs/de-viaje-con-jairo/nuevo-requisito-para-visa-de-estados-unidos-ticos/PEKBSUFLOJAE3KW34TA2FEJZHY/story/
mircea_popescu: and in ongoing other-half lulzsaga : ubuntu installer dies, drops to busybox ash because initramfs can't find a live filesystem
asciilifeform: . whereas when reintroduced, 'cybernetics institutes' were built, and ate good % of budget w/out ~anything~ but mountain of derrida-style crapola to show for it. eventually ending in the 'pdp betrayal' and final death of computing as a field in sovokistan. )
asciilifeform: iirc mircea_popescu had a piece, where described. there's people walking around with the meat equiv. of a box with hosed boot partition, and generally 'reformat' of meat is enuff of a laborious proposition that not worth the reqd effort
asciilifeform: 'Interest in Operating Systems, so long as you don't think about the big picture[0] and notice that the inability to mechanically walk a graph, detect and resolve cycles[1] is indicative of a complete and utter failure of all involved parties' << notbad , even, summary.
asciilifeform: reminds me, apparently asciilifeform is still admin of a 'argentine bdsm' group (empty) in reddit. i dun even recall how this happened.
asciilifeform: fwiw i still suspect that if g_l had stayed out of sv, could've lived. the 'folie a deux' nutter culture is deadlier than any known dope.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, this is the problem, every generation has a small set of actual human beings, with functioning brains. and the current set's mostly fighting their tulpas.
asciilifeform: sequel was also a++ imho
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, 3d lib is cal3d ; there's a more general lib atop it (crystal space, cs). then there's yet another one on top of that. they follow the same 2000-2010-2019 "progression"
a111: Logged on 2015-02-19 11:50 brendafdez: Last time was also Pete from Coindesk, he interviewed all the poeple claiming to run 'exchanges' here. There are a huge numer of such 'exchanges', most of which don't even exist like coinmelon (refered to by mp as coinmuon bc of the sign at the doorbell). Then there's Latincoin, which is also there athe 'embassy' and also doesn't even exist and is only piching to 'investors' to get money with no product. Last time they were asking for $7
mircea_popescu: if i'm gonna field that sort of workforce, ima just make them make a new one.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-02 03:45 mircea_popescu: i choose the later, because... here's the problem : there's no because, properly speaking. "oh, hurr durr i want to own my games" wtf does this mean in a net context ? yes, i still have and still play homm2 / mm6 / gothic / whatever. but how the fuck are you going to meaningfully save a multiplayer game ? should they send me the server too ?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-02#1916702 << interestingly, aficionados do in fact regularly 'bottle' a multiplayer game. ( reverse-engineered server proggy ) . ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-02#1916729 << a++ 3ln perlism ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2015-03-31 02:23 asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> ... brendafdez -1 Highly intelligent and utterly self-destructive << wai wat, was this in-channel? iirc this person simply vanished into thin air without so much as a squeak
a111: Logged on 2015-04-25 19:55 ben_vulpes: !rate pinkposixpxe 1 lent a hand with some bash.
a111: 2015-03-25 <brendafdez> mircea_popescu it works now. Anyway the IP I'm on now is one of a public AP, it shouldnt be whitelisted. I'll later give you my home IP, and BingoBoingo has my VPS IP already. I didn't know you were filtering.
mircea_popescu: (for a ready bridge with the huawei lulz : Brig. Gen. Ehud Schneerson.)
mircea_popescu: (in similar news : https://www.doordash.com/ just "closed" a 600mn series g on a 12bn implied valuation. cuz a low margin business with no custom can totally be worth billions, just let usjew layers & accountants work it.)
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in delicious nonsense, https://pastebin.com/h5HxRWa9 ; moneyshot : "A thought we had a few weeks ago during one of our low-low mood phases, that perhaps it isn't worth pursuing bodily separation since we all already know each so well and can basically form new sentient agents in this brain on a whim, with a second's effort; namely, that if any one of separated into a new brain or some other medium of mind, that a ☟︎
mircea_popescu: all this with a list of news and events from 2016. that time before ~everyone with a brain left, there was one good week cca april, they even had an office lan party.
mircea_popescu: oh, i'm sory, evowise is not a "", really it's a "Leading by Innovation". seriously : "About EvoWise EvoWise connects consumers and products in the digital space. We continually innovate to produce groundbreaking technologies to reinvent the way brands advertise.We deliver online customers to fortune 500 companies through our proprietary multi-channel technology platform. "
mircea_popescu: served by evowise.com for some reason, which is a "" and also SIX GAMES WE ARE EXCITED ABOUT PLAYING THIS SUMMER. because "Our team works hard, but also plays hard. Be it at the office for a break or at home, we enjoy going on adventures to look for powerful artifacts, fight with tribes and unravelling a futuristic New York landscape. 2016 is a very exciting year for
mircea_popescu: and of fucking course it's coming down a trickle pipe, so it was a 10 hour download when it started, half hour ago, then moved to 15 hours as i started ranting, and by now it's claiming to be done in 35 hours.
mircea_popescu: what the fuck sense does this make is anyone's fucking guess. why the fuck would you ever review the os on a box ?! this is the fucking definition of the os in the first place -- that part of software that DOESN'T need to change. it hugs the hardware and is changed with the fucking hardware.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: ty, I'll hit the math a bit, sleep a bit, and propose something tomorrow that is a more sustainable way to price machines going forward than doing a bunch of log archaeology evey machine.
mircea_popescu: anyways, so having unsubstantiably chosen to make the box a phone, now we gotta pick a ubuntu. leaving aside the "manuals" and "with luck everything will just work" lulzies ("Achieve your AI ambitions quickly, reliably and cost-effectively. Multi-cloud operations for the full enterprise AI stack "), the choice comes between
mircea_popescu: so as a factual matter, i expect ima pay something, and i expect it'll be entirely meaningless. in which case, da fuck do i care whether it's a mobile phone and you "own the games" or a nintendo and you "own the cartridges" except... well, you know, you virtually own them.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-24 18:39 ben_vulpes: i can give you a pretty steep discount for paying the year up front, but because i'm building out the downline i want to keep the box on the balance sheet. how about a 20% markup on the machine if you pay for the whole year?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> ima pay the 8-11 set of invoices for good time's sake, but gimme a break, if it's monthly it gotta track SOMETHING ? they're all the same amt. << The log I based the one server off of starts here http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-24#1785933 and the other starts here http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-25#1837621 I am more than happy to work something less ambiguous than those two stretches of log out. ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: i would like, of course, to have a say in how that money is spent, so that i don't end up paying 99% on ever-greater-pixelcount textures and support for 4k px wide monitors and other such http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-20#1843222 joys. but... wide franchise amirite, you know going in idiocy's gonna rule all things around you. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: i choose the later, because... here's the problem : there's no because, properly speaking. "oh, hurr durr i want to own my games" wtf does this mean in a net context ? yes, i still have and still play homm2 / mm6 / gothic / whatever. but how the fuck are you going to meaningfully save a multiplayer game ? should they send me the server too ? ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-06-01 11:34 mircea_popescu: hmm, so since i'm building a gaming station... what's the republican notions for gfx-heavy os ?
mircea_popescu: all joking aside : the best answer i could produce for the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-01#1916471 question stands as "choose between steamos and ubuntu", which in plain terms is "do you wish to make your computer a supernintendo and buy virtual cartridges for it ? or would you rather make your computer a mobile phone ?" ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: A.1.3. Booting from network
mircea_popescu: by a window in the wing nobody visits of a nebraska mall.
mircea_popescu: ima pay the 8-11 set of invoices for good time's sake, but gimme a break, if it's monthly it gotta track SOMETHING ? they're all the same amt.
mircea_popescu: not to even mention how one server of a (iirc, identical ?) pair goes for 0.0396 while the other apparently 0.0578. even using your own prices : item 1 paid yearly in april 2018 then comes to... o wait, can't use your own numbers, start in june 2018only. but anyway, april 2018 was ~5k.
mircea_popescu: i don't specifically care about a few bitcents or a few hundy, but by the time we're talking of
asciilifeform: ( i actually knew a fella who tried to check into an asylum, on own steam. the latter still exist, but they keep patient for a week, jack'em up with 9000 meds, and let go. to get 'full program' generally you gotta kill somebody )
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Not necessarily. The would-be schizo pensions turned into a sorta ghetto foodstamp supplement as described by tlp.
asciilifeform: d00d is clearly stuck in wrong half of globe tho. in usa a certified schizo gets a gov pension ( as described by tlp ) and for that matter davis lived on one
asciilifeform: i wouldn't put him to make paper airplane, sure. but let'im write an os in asm or sumsuch for 20yrs before eats a train.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: imho madness alone is not necessarily a barrier to productive work. nao if only fella would do sumthing constructive with that energy..
nicoleci: lmao, i wouldnt trust that guy to put together a model airplane
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: iirc he had a diff crackpottery for each. i never got the airplane 1.
asciilifeform: not clear why he'd give a damn. ( seems like his 'exciting biznisproposal for you!1111' days are past... )
BingoBoingo: If feigning could be a hail mary attempt to get some indemnity for earlier idiocy
mircea_popescu: eh, us army is ~social security anyways. not like it's a military in any sense.
mircea_popescu: a game being, definitionally, "i don't want to KNOW what it does, i want to DISCOVER what it does"
a111: Logged on 2019-06-01 12:49 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, i'd much rather dump a package deal than baby this box. i figure the grand or so it cost ain't worth an hour of my time
mircea_popescu: the logic behind http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-01#1916530 if it wasn't self obvious : secure box and gaming box are exactly opposite design constraints. computer games (as a distinct and opposite category to eulora) are by definition code that'll run on your box without your having run it. if you're going to do that ANYWAY, might as well save your time. ☝︎
asciilifeform: a troo gem imho.
asciilifeform: i knew a d00d who almost flunked school from overindulging in 'freeciv', shit thee not
mircea_popescu: i generally pay whatever, 20-50 bux / mo for a game i'm actually playing, on the theory that the fucks who made it, let them eat.
mircea_popescu: not a bad racket, 1k to build box + 2-5k/mo to buy virtual cartridges.
asciilifeform: i saw one vaguely original thing coupla yrs ago, iirc was 'far cry' -- very ornately graphixy thing set in... stone age. ( twist : character is able to tame animals and lead a sort of army )
diana_coman: out of curiosity I went and checked "requirements" for "no man's sky" (I keep hearing of it, possibly because it's made a few km away from my location): ps2 or windows 7; and the game will take up around 10GB of storage, lolz.
mircea_popescu: https://store.steampowered.com/steamos << apparently they made a debian 8 flavour
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, when i was a kid, a top notch gaming comp was like a year's labour.
mircea_popescu: amusingly, a "great" (according to all the slobbering kiddies) gaming comp can be had for what a slut trip takes per day. notwithstanding the suddenly looming question of whether there's even anything to do with it once you get it.
asciilifeform: in 'portal', a chix walks around with a sort of blaster that opens wormholes b/w any two targets. 3distic puzzler thing.
asciilifeform: ( asciilifeform's brother slaved for 'valve' for a spell, but it's been some yrs since this )
asciilifeform: but afaik not a pc-style os, no
mircea_popescu: "Manjaro Linux comes in XFCE, KDE, Gnome, Cinnamon and a host of more desktop environments. Do check out the official website." lawds mercy
asciilifeform: they were all a++ on warez last i knew.
asciilifeform: ( there is nominally a 'steam for linux' . asciilifeform not tested. )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, i DO have a use for the box. "find out how the other half lives"
mircea_popescu: a wait. linux mint === ubuntu.
asciilifeform: generally i have a use thought up for box before arising off arse to sew one , lol
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, i'd much rather dump a package deal than baby this box. i figure the grand or so it cost ain't worth an hour of my time ☟︎
asciilifeform: aha, what i had on mine. ( not ubuntu, naturally, but vendor's binturd installer actually does shit forth a loadable kmod , and goes on conventional gentoos for so long as k 3+ )
mircea_popescu: so far "get a modern gentoo" seems the only (if vague) option ?
asciilifeform: ( even eats 4 of'em w/out skipping a beat )
asciilifeform: at any rate 1070 drives e.g. newfangled 3840x2160 lcd, a+++
asciilifeform: a.
mircea_popescu: o yes, it's in a chassis now.
asciilifeform: i'd stuff that thing in a chassis of some kind btw. else it's only matter of time till you elbow it and snap the card edge imho
asciilifeform: it's a cad box
asciilifeform: lol i have 1 of these in a recently-sewn box
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: thinking re 'gfx-heavy' : might be interesting to try the recent years' opensores nvidia driver. (supposedly it actually worx.) perhaps send a pet to set it up.
mircea_popescu: hmm, so since i'm building a gaming station... what's the republican notions for gfx-heavy os ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( will live in a 'demos' subdir . )
asciilifeform not read whole thing, but appears to be inspired by altshuller's 'triz' , which in fact not a crock of shit, and asciilifeform personally uses.
asciilifeform: a. a. shmonov, if anyone cares.
asciilifeform: funnily enuff, according to d00d , the 'trigger' was when he spent his last coin on a tape deck at flea market, and took home crate, opened -- bricks.