7800+ entries in 0.013s
mod6: How's it goin toay?
mod6: well, not "yesterday" as much as starting around '486153'
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> teh network is disrupted to all hell fwiw. << looks like a series of really quick blocks 'eh?
mod6: <+shinohai> Dice por un accidente del auto << dang, looks like it hurt.
mod6: nice work with the tits & help thereof.
mod6: join the joyride alf
mod6: that'll be awesome Mr. P.
mod6: i've got this 11yo kid begging me to get him into it.
mod6: this game is awesome
mod6: lol, i've got a stone pickaxe you made me once, that's now 1Mq
mod6: <+shinohai> I haven't seen danielpbarron since the reset, hope he's ok. I still have his items. << he's in-game now it seems
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> you should have pretty high q stuff now, since the float. << ah cool! i'll check it out.
mod6: (15:24) < mod6> looking good! << my apologies.
mod6: lol, and apparently non-specific.
mod6: i made mention in #eulora, but was brief.
mod6: i was able to log in, np, and my ecu had 10x'd
mod6: fwiw, i logged in day or so ago to check and ensure at least on the surface, all was still well.
mod6: like duration of crafting?
mod6: mircea_popescu: woah, the next generation is hawt.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> sha512: c03c68578b522fb1a9d0406ee1cbc975d58c7dabefd80d5a6848a521a53f1f0ace910f810a6ec38d682572d3055921da0627b3d240be39cf5a9c5a6cb91255d1 << confirmed
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6 et al : same goes for the FG docs
mod6: oh, makes sense, was just confused by :
mod6: so was there another dumpfile I missed with some FG stuff, or is that all contained in the phuctor blob?
mod6: it's a crawler. just goes everywhere. brings all the things with me.
mod6: <+pete_dushenski>
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-13#1713589 << craze just shrunk so that 4-banger engines can propel "suv". it's alive and well though. sedan is dead on a stick. << I hate driving, but i can't see myself ever not having the slut-wagon.
☝︎ mod6: i feel like im sitting on a bomb now.
☟︎ mod6: <+asciilifeform> prolly suffices if you avoid 'hard landings' lol << fwiw too, i use my chair as low as it goes. fully decompressed.
mod6: just went to the website of the chinese manufacturer of this chair. php/mysql splooge.
mod6: piston never blew though.
mod6: he blew the wheels off of two chairs (at different times) that I saw with my own eyes.
mod6: i knew this guy who was well over 300lbs who used to jump into his seat, every time damn near.
mod6: i bought a digital caliper... ima use it to measure the thickness of the baseplate.
mod6: probably is. all you really have to do is stain the thing pretty heavy to seal in the things.
mod6: maybe i aught to cut myself a nice tree stump to sit on.
mod6: the dial im futzing with doesn't have any thing to do with the piston (as far as i can see)
mod6: dang, thats crazy. maybe i better back it off a bit.
mod6: before the thing blows my ass off.
mod6: oh boy, i bettter find this.
mod6: thing was like rocking side to side, etc. was bout to go buy a new one. herpderp
mod6: just fixed my office chair.. apparently all it took was to tighten up the dial thingy on the bottom.
mod6: how you doin today?
mod6: yeah, submit when ready.
mod6: <+trinque> wtf, just make it public then, what's this autistic "no but the sticker's still there that says safe" << oh, i misunderstood this at first pass. you mean, 'make the parent class public, instead of protected' ya?
mod6: trinque: where do you see this?
mod6: <+shinohai> She says if she insults in kanzure's manner, will you give her full integer Bitcoin? jajaja << lol
mod6: <+shinohai> Just sitting here with my Baroness hoping you haz good news re: trb or ada experiments? << ah, just trying to catch up on this 2nd megal0g
mod6: hehe. what up shinohai
mod6: <+BingoBoingo> But 2014 is like the 1960's of Bitcoin. Ancient history!!! << seems like yesterday
mod6: i'll hold off, but this is a good discussion of design goals.
mod6: this is good feedback, i appreciate it.
mod6: i'll have to look at that.
mod6: undump? like import a swath of privkeys ?
mod6: oh. that'd be useful huh. basically just pass in "" or "all" and it'll dump every priv key and its associated pub key?
☟︎☟︎ mod6: <+asciilifeform> it also doesn't dump WHOLE keypool << what is meant here? you want to see every private key dumped?
mod6: "Please do not remove this many files, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!111"
mod6: <+phf> the feature has been there for a while.. i really should document all the different flags that you can pass to message listing << aha. this would be great as I know the thing does a lot of things, i can just never remember what they are :]
mod6: you'd think, that people would have plywood saved up from last time they had to batten down the hatches