4000+ entries in 0.165s
danielpbarron: you know your name is on the listing agreement for qntra right?
gribble: Darkcoin: Value Drops while going Open Source | Qntra: <http://qntra.net/2014/10/darkcoin-value-drops-while-going-open-source/>; Qntra | Reporting the Intersection of Bitcoin, Technology, and Politics ...: <http://qntra.net/page/106/?action=prodinfo&cat_id=6&prod=10>; Paxful Gets Desperate, Priced Out Of Bitcoin | Qntra: <http://qntra.net/2015/12/paxful-gets-desperate/>
BingoBoingo: ;;google site:qntra.net darkcoin
deedbot-: [Qntra] Bitcoin Network Difficulty Up ~4.46 % - http://qntra.net/2016/03/bitcoin-network-difficulty-up-4-46/
assbot: EU Marching Towards "Helicopter Money" As Other Manipulations Are Exhausted | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/22oG0cX )
BingoBoingo: jurov: Sorry, I've added a note http://qntra.net/2016/03/eu-marching-towards-helicopter-money-as-other-manipulations-are-exhausted/#comment-48935
mircea_popescu: qntra model really taught us a lot. only thing is... came years after original bitbet.
mircea_popescu: shares just means dilution. it's not necessarily a bad idea, use qntra experience.
deedbot-: [Qntra] Woe: Getting Business Internet A Challenge In Heart Of Silicon Valley - http://qntra.net/2016/03/woe-getting-business-internet-a-challenge-in-heart-of-silicon-valley/
deedbot-: [Qntra] EU Marching Towards "Helicopter Money" As Other Manipulations Are Exhausted - http://qntra.net/2016/03/eu-marching-towards-helicopter-money-as-other-manipulations-are-exhausted/
assbot: dpaste: 3CYDMQH: qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ua0HVz )
deedbot-: [Qntra] EPA Goes To War Over Pond In Land Grab - http://qntra.net/2016/03/epa-goes-to-war-over-pond-in-land-grab/
BingoBoingo: The Bahamas gang's reign is ending and the electoral progress is a mess in an effort to rig the contest in Clitler's favor. Qntra however has to prepare for lulztingencies. Among these is a contested convention.
deedbot-: [Qntra] America Rejected By All But Its Worst - http://qntra.net/2016/03/america-rejected-by-all-but-its-worst/
deedbot-: [Qntra] Aspiring 'An Hero' Survives Police Station Assault - http://qntra.net/2016/03/aspiring-an-hero-survives-police-station-assault/
BingoBoingo: Ok, I just suggest it because I know few things as refreshing for the mind as digging into an especially lulzy incident for qntra.
BingoBoingo: Interesting mortadella there, will qntra unless you direly want to do it
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ;;later tell BingoBoingo where is the qntra on the police station mega-postal ? << WHAT?!?
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo where is the qntra on the police station mega-postal ?
shinohai: ;;later tell BingoBoingo ping me when you have time to look at possible qntra submission. Grazie.
deedbot-: [Qntra] Qualcomm "Snapdragon" Chips Allegedly Riddled With Vulnerabilities - http://qntra.net/2016/03/qualcomm-snapdragon-chips-allegedly-riddled-with-vulnerabilities/
assbot: ISIS Introduces Coins | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1PaNB22 )
BingoBoingo: This is bullish for http://qntra.net/2014/11/isis-introduces-coins/
deedbot-: [Qntra] US War On Physicians Escalates - http://qntra.net/2016/03/us-war-on-physicians-escalates/
BingoBoingo: phf: The qntra is actually being written on a medical topic, but I was googling the "war on computing" link and was pleasantly surprised when qntra was #1
BingoBoingo: ^ discovered researching new qntra piece
gribble: Obama Orders War On Computing And Bitcoin With New - Qntra: <http://qntra.net/2015/04/obama-orders-war-on-computing-and-bitcoin-with-new-emergency-order-full-text/>; Obama's Plan to Increase Computer-Science and STEM Education ...: <http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2016/02/obamas-push-for-computer-science-education/459276/>; Obama administration calls for $4 billion to (1 more message)
deedbot-: [Qntra] Growing Criminal Obeast And Transmayo Problem Push New Zealand To Plus Sized Handcuffs - http://qntra.net/2016/03/growing-criminal-obeast-and-transmayo-problem-push-new-zealand-to-plus-sized-handcuffs/
jurov: humanoidity: it was discussed on qntra, even some devs joined
jurov: in any case, thanks for the analysis. you're welcome to put it together as qntra post-mortem, and hopefully get more than $25
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if i didn't think so, the qntra piece would have read "fuck vc sybils already".
thestringpuller: I'll try it from another location later. Guess no qntra at work.
thestringpuller: "The server at qntra.net can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed."
gribble: qntra.net is up
thestringpuller: ;;isup qntra.net
deedbot-: [Qntra] John Kasich Is America - http://qntra.net/2016/03/john-kasich-is-america/
deedbot-: [Qntra] Miner Problem Pushes BitBet Into Recievership - http://qntra.net/2016/03/miner-problem-pushes-bitbet-into-recievership/
assbot: 'Anybody Can Learn' Gets It In The Breech | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1SJQXQo )
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/03/anybody-can-learn-gets-it-in-the-breech/
danielpbarron: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://danielpbarron.com/qntra/anybody-can-learn.asc.txt
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell mircea_popescu Apologies for my latest qntra being a bit on the long side, but had to shame United States Gang while promoting my pet cause of preventing people from being born more retarded than they have to be
BingoBoingo believes this is a qntra first
assbot: Counterpoint: Fuck Them All To Death – Complete Mosquito Eradication Overdue | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/22adR9m )
BingoNewsButt: http://qntra.net/2016/03/counter-point-fuck-them-all-to-death-complete-mosquito-eradication-overdue/
assbot: Point: Washington Thugs Testing GM Mosquitos | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/22adSKC )
BingoNewsButt: http://qntra.net/2016/03/point-washington-thugs-testing-gm-mosquitos/
danielpbarron: man it's way easier to prepare qntra articles with my blog draft setup, and if you don't like it i'm already all set to publish it myself :D
assbot: Bug In libotr Threatens To Compromise Systems | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/22bHL9X )
BingoBot: http://qntra.net/2016/03/bug-in-libotr-threatens-to-compromise-systems/
deedbot-: [Qntra] Bharara And Goons Move Artifacts From Unsanctioned To Sanctioned Looters - http://qntra.net/2016/03/bharara-and-goons-move-artifacts-from-unsanctioned-to-sanctioned-looters/
mircea_popescu looks at qntra article, sees chorus of derps going "pay fee!!1". i'm so glad bitcoin evanghelism dragged in the webizens srsly.
assbot: "Honest" Soap Scandal Deepens: A Chemist Speaks | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1QKZrnM )
mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2016/03/honest-soap-scandal-deepens-a-chemist-speaks/ << this is not so bad as a starter peterl but a) why do you discuss yourself in the 3rd person and b) why is it so aside ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The US major socialist party, as designated by qntra, gets that designation because its affliated voters actually vote the party line
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo ^ qntra ?
asciilifeform: and nobody ddosed qntra, trilema
deedbot-: [Qntra] "Honest" Soap Scandal Deepens: A Chemist Speaks - http://qntra.net/2016/03/honest-soap-scandal-deepens-a-chemist-speaks/
mircea_popescu: care to make a brief qntra ? it's lulzy enough i think
BingoBoingo: ^http://qntra.net/2016/03/ransomware-comes-to-osx-bittorrent-client/
deedbot-: [Qntra] F-35 Software Requiring Hard Reboots While Airborne - http://qntra.net/2016/03/f-35-software-requiring-hard-reboots-while-airborne/
deedbot-: [Qntra] Microsoft Bundles Adware With Security Update - http://qntra.net/2016/03/microsoft-bundles-adware-with-security-update/
deedbot-: [Qntra] US May Accuse Iran Of Office Computer Infection - http://qntra.net/2016/03/us-may-accuse-iran-of-office-computer-infection/
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo ^ qntra ?
deedbot-: [Qntra] Mainstream Media Hyping US Legacy In Iraq: Iraqi Made Chemical Weapons - http://qntra.net/2016/03/mainstream-media-hyping-us-legacy-in-iraq-iraqi-made-chemical-weapons/
deedbot-: [Qntra] "Bitcoin Group" Fiat Mining IPO Withdrawn - http://qntra.net/2016/03/bitcoin-group-fiat-mining-ipo-withdrawn/
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo this prolly shoujld be qntra << If someone know something at all about Go, I know jack shit.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo this prolly shoujld be qntra
deedbot-: [Qntra] FBI Agents Investigated For Misconduct In Lavoy Finicum's Murder While Insisting Slaying Was Justified - http://qntra.net/2016/03/fbi-agents-investigated-for-misconduct-in-lavoy-finicums-murder-while-insisting-slaying-was-justified/
deedbot-: [Qntra] Elon Musk Venture Remotely Diddles Attentive Owner's Vehicle - http://qntra.net/2016/03/elon-musk-venture-remotely-diddles-attentive-owners-vehicle/
deedbot-: [Qntra] New Cross Platform Malware Depends on JVM - http://qntra.net/2016/03/new-cross-platform-malware-depends-on-jvm/
nubbins`: williamdunne http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-03-2016#1423536 is roughly around the time i finished reading qntra A Miner Problem article, with the first shot fired shortly thereafter ☝︎
PeterL: see the "miner problem" qntra article
williamdunne: I must have missed this part on Qntra.. ok I'm going in
danielpbarron: i thought you read qntra
williamdunne: I got kicked, spent a while picking myself up. Wasn't reading the logs very often, only Trilema and Qntra
danielpbarron: ie : in a qntra about silk road cops running with drug funds or the like
assbot: Logged on 07-03-2016 16:31:53; kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-03-2016#1424891 < this is not so. it was not bitbet experience (for example i was not even aware of any of it) and publishing your interpretation on qntra does not assert absolute truth, it just tells everyone who reads it what you think.
assbot: A Miner Problem | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1X9HdxL )
PeterL: http://qntra.net/2016/03/a-miner-problem/#comment-48144
assbot: A Miner Problem | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1QCR1jt )
nubbins`: http://qntra.net/2016/03/a-miner-problem/#comment-47586
nubbins`: but that's just one man's opinion. liked your writing on qntra
davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-03-2016#1425817 <<< the "sybil testing" part is not documented in the qntra piece or did I miss it? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: it is unclear what the help'd be at the present time, however. i see exactly no signs of any of the observed behaviours discussed in teh qntra piece anymore.
mircea_popescu: anyway. to my eyes this is specifically and precisely said in the qntra piece, but w/e, more passes never hurt anyone, i guess. except if the passes are beatings or something.
mircea_popescu: looking for the low down on argentina ? read it in qntra today, or in the argentinian mass media a week later.
BingoBoingo: <nubbins`> BingoBoingo how do / can i submit a qntra piece? << sign/encrypt a document and pass it to me somehow
nubbins`: okay, pretty sure this qntra submission conforms to standard
nubbins`: BingoBoingo how do / can i submit a qntra piece?
assbot: Logged on 07-03-2016 16:31:53; kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-03-2016#1424891 < this is not so. it was not bitbet experience (for example i was not even aware of any of it) and publishing your interpretation on qntra does not assert absolute truth, it just tells everyone who reads it what you think.
deedbot-: [Qntra] Google Tries Juicing Ad Sales WIth Appeal To Vanity - http://qntra.net/2016/03/google-tries-juicing-ad-sales-with-appeal-to-vanity/
assbot: A Miner Problem | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/24BzVIP )
kakobrekla: nubbins` re 0 fee ; see first few lines http://qntra.net/2016/03/a-miner-problem/#comment-47629
PeterL: nubbins`> go to qntra article and see how long it takes for someone to even MENTION the obvious cheapo explanation << if you look at the timestamps, it was just a couple hours before we started complaining, which was pretty much as soon as I got around to reading the article in question
nubbins`: go to qntra article and see how long it takes for someone to even MENTION the obvious cheapo explanation
assbot: Logged on 07-03-2016 16:24:11; mircea_popescu: but in any case, there is a substantial difference between "i think X on the basis of my personal experience" and "mp said x on the basis of bitbet experience as documented on qntra". exactly of the sort and caliber as the difference between "i think there exist alien" and "here's pictures of man walking on the moon", in fact.
kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-03-2016#1424891 < this is not so. it was not bitbet experience (for example i was not even aware of any of it) and publishing your interpretation on qntra does not assert absolute truth, it just tells everyone who reads it what you think. ☝︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: PeterL they're in the qntra piece.
PeterL: the qntra article is illogical and jumps to the conclusion you want, ignoring the simplest explanation
mircea_popescu: but in any case, there is a substantial difference between "i think X on the basis of my personal experience" and "mp said x on the basis of bitbet experience as documented on qntra". exactly of the sort and caliber as the difference between "i think there exist alien" and "here's pictures of man walking on the moon", in fact. ☟︎