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a111: Logged on 2016-05-17 08:01 mircea_popescu: honestly, it's a surprise to me they haven't introduced cockcaging for us kids
as of yet. for one thing, they're doing the entire fucktarded "can't drink till 21", so they definitely could. for the other thing, it'd make so much fucking sense, in the twisted psychopathy that passes for sense in the us world : kid gets a nice cage around the age of 3 or so. prevents penis from growing, which is +++. mom gives the key to a well
BingoBoingo: emoves the ethanol heat. High-proof liquors go down easier at low temperatures, resulting in beverages that taste
as God intended, without all the burning. If you ever wondered why your uncle keeps his jug of Popov in the freezer, now you know."
mircea_popescu: honestly, it's a surprise to me they haven't introduced cockcaging for us kids
as of yet. for one thing, they're doing the entire fucktarded "can't drink till 21", so they definitely could. for the other thing, it'd make so much fucking sense, in the twisted psychopathy that passes for sense in the us world : kid gets a nice cage around the age of 3 or so. prevents penis from growing, which is +++. mom gives the key to a well
☟︎☟︎ trinque: though
as I check its log, there is a great deal of "socket no message in first 60 seconds"
mircea_popescu: (but since we digressed - and this ineptitude leads them into all sorts of lulz. for instance, SPEECH was protected by constitution.
as in, the activity of gossipd. not WRIT, such
as an imaginary right to publish slander. etc.)
mircea_popescu: (except englishtards, being idiots
as awlays, use "speech" to denote precisely not-speech, ie writ. precisely because they used writ for some legalese arcana five century prior. but we digress.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there is no such thing
as "to X Y", gossipd being a pairwise protocol.
mircea_popescu: obviously, nothing prevents you from running firehose mode. but , just like wireshark makes no guarantee
as to the literary or poetic merits of random wire captures,
mircea_popescu: but,
as with all things, nobody's going to bother putting in the effort for a shitty apt.
a111: Logged on 2015-10-18 14:25 mircea_popescu: so let me get this straight, you want to give people too poor to litigate, too stupid / desocialized to talk to the landlord and too scared to act the option "you can either pay 100 to the landlord
as deposit or 300 to me and unlike the landlord I PROMISE to give it back (maybe), except im not anywhere near you and you can't burn my house down" ?
mircea_popescu: to bobbeck, to attach a subservient aparatchick to the sort of entreprise lords might have either heard of or outright respect, so
as to puppet it along the nazi cause.
mircea_popescu: and there's sure
as fuck no way for u4 to prove to u* that u2 insulted u1's mom, or didn't.
as a side-effect, the ability to extract political time out of this arrangement reduces to being well connected to well connected nodes that are connected to well connected nodes etc.
mircea_popescu: in any case, however the list may be sorted by the peer, ITS peers get the list
as it has it at that point.
phf: asciilifeform: ircv3 supports backdating (
as well
as "batch" message spool). i've hacked together backdating for erc, since znc supports it for spooling missed messages, but clients like irssi support it out of the box
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hot damn, your idea of the irc protocol
as implemented'd better not require an irc client the size of an os!
a111: Logged on 2016-05-15 00:03 asciilifeform: i love it when mircea_popescu takes 'my' traditional side in argument - e.g.,
as seen here, argument ad metacocksucknsa
mod6: <+shinohai> just
as a backup at least cuz i love t so much << ok no worries then, just wanna ensure we're not duplicating work and what not.
shinohai: just
as a backup at least cuz i love t so much
mircea_popescu: anyway :
as i watched the woman be in 50% of the shots and never ever win anything, it occured to me that maybe she's doing the same thing, only much better ?
mircea_popescu: today is the day you, a healthy, talented, good riding and accomplished poet of a man, go to your mother who is this woman that saved your life
as a 3yo and shared all the ups and downs of the past two decades,
mircea_popescu: and you know, in the endless "protocol vs promise" thing (such
as - if you free man from labour, you will get incredible developments in culture and civilisation (promise) ; or else you'll get a horde of decayed re-monkeys (protocol) | respectively "if you include women in the political process, you'll get the fundamental if unobvious points to males, like this one, well included and represented into the public matters (promi
as phf says, "it's nice to make an effort to see the competent are accidentally included". there's no promise there, nor can be. the only promise is that the shitheads won't long survive.
mircea_popescu: "The #bitcoin-assets aristocracy is not incompetent. Whether in anyone's estimation others not named are just
as or even more competent is immaterial : arbitrariety is not the problem, incompetence is. The #bitcoin-assets aristocracy is not particularly fixed, at least in the sense of it being extensible (in fact the list was 25 names long earlier). Therefore, objections on this line will have to be a lot more refined than si
mircea_popescu: in their view, strangely mirrored by various other failed warrior castes, such
as the manchuku or the usg, translation is a whore's job.
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-15#1466767 << and if brass had unmitigated audacity to answer "because the jews educate their women to be sluts, which results in the boys being motivated to think, which means one of them can eat ten of your evanghelical shitheaded sons for breakfast. fix your fucking religion, you're lagging behind the fucking irish, even the negro reinterpretation thereof is more socially productive" (
as a fe
☝︎ mircea_popescu: or,
as the case is here, land based locators. really, you're gonna use something on land ?
mircea_popescu: of course
as far
as the crap on tv went, "la cererea publicului [tele]spectator"
a111: Logged on 2016-05-14 19:26 mircea_popescu: i don't think one third of present "first world" folk would pass a rigorous sanity check
as executed by 1916 mental health practitioners.
phf: it actually comes up a lot, like standalone "
http"'s get highlighted
as links
hanbot: well inasmuch
as liberation is a removal of filters...
mircea_popescu: i don't think one third of present "first world" folk would pass a rigorous sanity check
as executed by 1916 mental health practitioners.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: but whatever,
as long
as conde nast's happy that reddit gets "user generated content" all's well.
mircea_popescu: and "nobody knows" that new ones pop here
as they happen, ofcourse. lettuce not be divisive.
mircea_popescu: to quote teh typically frustrated esltard, "I like this game, but I have gotten
as far
as I can go...not the end of the game, mind you, I just can't get any farther. There is no information available anywhere about how to get past these obstacles. No point in playing anymore. "
mircea_popescu: davout> most of those are 1024 bit though << this may
as well be an advantage. phuctor benefits from long primes in its 8ball
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform goes right back to the whole "gestapo couldn't keep abreast of all the phonecalls from the "innocent public" they kept receiving". just like policeman rarely works there
as a job, and generally works there
as a hedge against his own inferiority complexes, derps working for nsa work there mostly for to be working there.
shinohai: and now I am getting 502 error
as well :/
trinque: shinohai: deedbot's can link to that,
as I'll have that autogenerated from its sauce
as the romanian expression goes, prostu' parca nu-i destul daca nu e si fudul.
mircea_popescu: also, please don't refer to tmsr
as "a community". it is not "a community", it is your liege.
☟︎ phf: but after shuffling "assembly" and "harness" papers for two days i know for a fact that some dedicated japanese man will be able to lovingly carve an smbx replica
as his chosen otaku hobby
as long
as they're in the wot.
mircea_popescu: the whole ecc push may go down in history
as one of the finest moments of "being too smart for one's own good" lulz.
mircea_popescu: imo this entire "can only play if the game's about me" is very much retardo-puritan nonsense, of the same ilk
as "everything's a technologee and i shall better my lyf".
mircea_popescu: discussed
as a joke at first with horrified girls, maybe eventually edged towards but not
as a rule. what's the rush and what's the drive anyway.
mircea_popescu: i'm of course none to pleased that intel virgins use intel terms of art
as if that somehow makes them experienced, much in the way obnoxious 17yo prisses talk about things.
mircea_popescu: and
as to the "o no, it was us in 2004"... link or it didn't happen.
davout: i enjoyed his "learn C the hard way" and tried to pay him some btc for it a good while ago, didn't really catch
as far
as i remember
mircea_popescu: actually... consider giving someone with a bot sql access ?
as per teh earlier discussions with this ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform kinda weird reaction from the derps. it's almost
as if they welcome teh ownage.
BingoBoingo: I am not always
as rememberful
as I would like to be.
mircea_popescu: such a thing
as a "small firm" may not exist in an environment where such a thingas "harassment" exists.
mircea_popescu: also i wanna know what the fuck irl name "milfseriously" has, just in case he shows up at any social event and isn't there
as a toilet slave.
shinohai: MAy
as well shutter the DEA now
shinohai: Quick question twiw: Does deedbot operate on the same L1 & L2 scheme
as assbot did?
mircea_popescu: not even any man specifically, manhood
as a transcendental superiority. visible in how seventeen year olds behave in public to a larger degree than the insolence of anglos is visible ; visible throughout.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-09 22:27 mircea_popescu:
as i age i'm simply rediscovering what i knew
as a nine year old, which is, that i really can't stand "smart kids".
mircea_popescu: all the bullshit about a very faux, miserable definition of "ethics" - no, ethics is pointedly NOT what he thinks, not anymore than capitalism is what the us runs ; all the bullshit about how "it's not a game anymore"
as if a) it ever was and b) the losers, ie, "law enforcement", derpy marketeers and generally the feminine enemy is possibly ever in any manner even conceivably winning anything...
as i age i'm simply rediscovering what i knew
as a nine year old, which is, that i really can't stand "smart kids".
☟︎ mircea_popescu: are you going to be the hacker formerly known
as j-dawg ?