2500+ entries in 0.006s
mod6: megal0g today. nice.
mod6: asciilifeform: yeah, i've been trying to keep up with bimbo.club
mod6: Before we embark on an entire regrind of the trb-vtree to use keccac, I think we just need a major release version of a "defacto" vtron that supports both SHA512 (for other legacy projects) and keccac. Sounds like phf's might fit the bill, but want to ensure that when the Foundation tackles this problem, it's on very stable footing. ☟︎
mod6: To me, I'd like to see just one trb-vtree, one set of patches. And if that means moving to keccac, then we will, and that'll be the only set of vpatches that The Foundation will distribute. (Otherwise I think it's too confusing, and time consuming to publish future vpatches in both.)
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-19#1851602 << No, haven't done anything as of yet. Still using SHA512 and my vtron. ☝︎
mod6: (lady with hookah)
mod6: lol, i remember these, that one lady looks like Jay Leno.
mod6: pretty cool
mod6: asciilifeform BingoBoingo ben_vulpes ^
mod6: Alright, we'll try that. Also gave info to ops on how to do things so I'm not the one channel master.
mod6: i guess we could leave it +m
mod6: i mean, for a channel to be a useful place to do things, one must be able to read it and its logs.
mod6: i totally agree. kinda between charybdis and scylla on this tho 'eh
mod6: can't really contest with that
mod6: These guys are like: 1) enter 2) shit 3) leave 4) change nicl
mod6: Also folks, Pizarro needs to purchase some fiat, so if you're interested, can start up an auction if you like, or can do WU or whatever. Minimum $500, please. Let us know if interested. ☟︎☟︎
mod6: So they went back on.
mod6: And ya, would love to have #pizarro open and welcoming to everyone. I turned off the restrictions this AM and within 3 minutes, guy came in and shit in the foyer.
mod6: PeterL: There really only is one package at this time, the Hosted Shell Plus, which is 0.002 BTC/mo, but gives you all the items you require for a blog.
mod6: Hi PeterL: BingoBoingo was telling me that you wanted a Hosted Shell Plus plan for 0.002 BTC/mo, correct?
mod6: Alright, much better. http://pizarroisp.net/2018/09/17/september-2018/
mod6: Will report back...
mod6: After looking at the post that I just made a bit more carefully, I'm gonna have to repost. The HTMLifier hosed up the spacing and columns.
mod6: Hopefully it gets easier. :/
mod6: I ended up having to go through the assets and liabilities tables like 2x.
mod6: Yeah, was a bear.
mod6: Thanks deedbot. TMSR~: The Pizarro August report is finally out, thanks for your patience with me for getting this completed.
mod6: !!ledger
mod6: !!sent-invoices
mod6: yw!
mod6: !!v A06C4D8D64F662393218FB552D1D54866648D05485A95F0D169A2F07B05E1A29
mod6: !!pay-invoice asciilifeform 1
mod6: !!received-invoices
mod6: Thank you, Sir. I appreciate the invoice.
mod6: 0.04570496 BTC good asciilifeform ? (I'm using the price point for sept for the calc)
mod6: !Qcalc 308.28/6745
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-14#1850424 << Ah, thank you! ☝︎
mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vFrTE/?raw=true << oh yeah, you made horsecocks a long while ago alf
mod6: nice fans BingoBoingo!
mod6: tested my fg on my rk, looks good
mod6: Well, s/all created/placed into the manifest/
mod6: ben_vulpes: All of the previously created vpatches are coming into the manifest at the same time. This simply denotes that it was all created at one time.
mod6: (the first line has a place holder in there for the block height when I get to actually making another excise_hash_truncation vpatch)
mod6: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qSPwN/?raw=true << draft of the manifest.txt for TRB. mircea_popescu asciilifeform ben_vulpes trinque et. al. plz to review and let me know if any thing needs changing.
mod6: we'll see I guess 'eh
mod6: former
mod6: *ahem*
mod6: "Once Upon a Time In Hollywood"; I think the smart money is on the latter.
mod6: I'm interested to see if his manson family movie is going to be a steaming pile of dung, or not.
mod6: Thank you for your patience.
mod6: TMSR~ : Update on the Pizarro report for August. I have completed the Liabilities table after some discussion with ben_vulpes, and it is currently in a final-draft form. Upon approval of this draft, we will post it to the pizarroisp.net site.
mod6: mircea_popescu: Sounds great!
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-12#1849988 << nuke at will, Admiral. ☝︎
mod6: !!v 04DA37A4866F347D1FC74AAF9924420CA9CA55267C7FFC2A3DB3E9C9C3F069AD
mod6: !!withdraw 0.73892662 14GZnTRpRZWZNxJ9vHFJeGMrTGS4uCVN8v
mod6: shit, wrong channel
mod6: who wants to buy some random numbers?
mod6: fg is working great, A+++
mod6: love this thing
mod6: nice, rockchip is rockin' again
mod6: nice work guys!
mod6: Ok logged into rockchip just fine.
mod6 goes off to test the rockchip
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-11#1849711 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-12#1849730 << Looks good to me, just say when and will get BB the funds for an order. ☝︎☝︎
mod6 reads scrollback
mod6: It's been about 8 or 9 days since it lost power.
mod6: I can't say for mats' or douchebags, but I can attest that after they were reset, that I could log in successfully to each at least 1 time.
mod6: I had been using my rockchip all the time.
mod6: And further, I never touched my /etc/conf.d/net file either.
mod6: As far as my rockchip, it was mistakenly unplugged, and never worked after that.
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-11#1849451 << asciilifeform handed them over to me to test they had been reset, and one could login via a temp password. This was done to douchebag's and mats' old rockchips. They both worked great after reset. I never touched the /etc/conf.d/net file. ☝︎
mod6: mornin'
mod6: Thanks for your input mircea_popescu.
mod6: No need to answer now, actually. I'll just write it up and post it here for review.
mod6: Anyone else agree/disagree with this direction?
mod6: Thank you for the review and suggestion.
mod6: *nod*
mod6: A while back it was argued that a full-regrind of the entire trb vtree was not necessary. Having all the manifest entries in there, even if starting now, should suffice.
mod6: trinque: Thinking about it here quick, I think I ought to have all of them in there for what is included in a "proper trb". Adding them all in now, would give them all similar block times, but that's fine. It is what it is.
mod6: :]
mod6: mircea_popescu: cool, thx for checking it out
mod6: Also, the name of the file would be 'manifest.txt'.
mod6: Thoughts?
mod6: mircea_popescu asciilifeform trinque ben_vulpes ; et. al. ^
mod6: Here it is: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/1sNFt/?raw=true ☟︎
mod6: Hi all, I wanted to get some review, on this manifest file that would be introduced into trb. It would be placed inside the 'bitcoin' directory along the 'Makefile' and 'src' directories. It follows trinque's proposal here: http://trinque.org/2018/06/02/v-manifest-specification ☟︎
mod6: !!ledger
mod6: !!sent-invoices
mod6: Thanks jurov!
mod6: !!v 9EA51737802D7E8C7221B73DC5FB90F343C2CDB62E5F77F65385F152B7E7CE85
mod6: yw
mod6: !!invoice BingoBoingo 0.03335804 Pizarro Invoice for Quarterly RockChip rental through December 31st 2018
mod6: Thanks BingoBoingo!
mod6: (one of these days I gotta try out your miner.)
mod6: How's everything goin with you?
mod6: nb!
mod6: mornin'
mod6: Thanks for the info and consideration, Sir.
mod6: im so hungry i could eat a sandwich from the gas station
mod6: o7