234 entries in 0.522s
mats_cd03: for example, did you know the windows 10 team is adopting fixes for ntoskrnl to make it work with docker?
mats_cd03: docker is becoming a huge thing
BingoBoingo: Seems like what docker does to people.
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=docker | Nickname or brand name for pants, usually the orginal khaki color. Dockers brand is Levi Strauss & Co's business/casual line, marketed to middle-aged, ...
danielpbarron: ;;ud docker
BingoBoingo: OpenBSD doesn't Docker. not well at least
ben_vulpes: danielpbarron: i'm building a container with docker, and a cursory search turned up no docker base image for openbsd.
ben_vulpes looks through requirements.txt, sees PIL, GEOS, reaches for docker
ben_vulpes: on a more serious note, i've gotten really great mileage from using docker to santize insane client django stacks
kakobrekla: docker is scam.
ben_vulpes: <punkman> a terrarium for its snakes << DOCKER, YOU FOOLS
ben_vulpes: docker rules
assbot: In light of the Gentoo Linux Bitcoin client kerfluffle, I just created a Docker container to quickly & easily build the latest version of bitcoind from source. : Bitcoin
ben_vulpes: docker: css 4.4%
kdomanski: you've got to love how docker almost ships its own OS as bundled dependecies with the source
assbot: Running the Bitcoin core daemon as a Docker container : Bitcoin
thestringpuller: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2ggrgw/running_the_bitcoin_core_daemon_as_a_docker/
assbot: Running the Bitcoin core daemon as a Docker container Medium
thestringpuller: https://medium.com/@abrkn/running-the-bitcoin-core-daemon-as-a-docker-container-7d290affa56b
thestringpuller: Running the Bitcoin core daemon as a Docker container
fluffypony: docker breakout PoC
mircea_popescu: <punkman> how many talks about docker could one endure in two days though << also agreed.
punkman: how many talks about docker could one endure in two days though
asciilifeform: benkay: docker you install on some server you own to do your own virtualization << this ?
benkay: what does sshd have to do with docker?
asciilifeform: lemme guess, 'docker' comes with extra helping of derp?
benkay: a vps you rent from a virtualization provider, docker you install on some server you own to do your own virtualization?
Mats_cd03: whats so special about docker
benkay: datomic for data persistence and docker for process isolation
thestringpuller: inside of a docker vm
kanzure: benkay: i dunno, http://mmckeen.net/blog/2013/12/27/advanced-docker-provisioning-with-packer/
benkay: ;;google plover docker
kanzure: benkay: do you use plover to build docker stuff
benkay goes back to building docker images