2300+ entries in 0.178s
BingoBoingo: related
danielpbarron If you want to keep triggering fatties on twitter you gotta study and learn to deliver the lines yourself.
danielpbarron, good question. Because if I don't, I feel too lonely? :D
danielpbarron, Daniel is a very common name in Brazil. Are you Brazilian?
assbot: Logged on 31-01-2016 18:13:52; mod6:
danielpbarron: hey there Sir, wanna update the wiki & test the steps from a newb standpoint when you get a moment? Y^
danielpbarron: hey there Sir, wanna update the wiki & test the steps from a newb standpoint when you get a moment? Y^
☟︎ assbot: Logged on 30-01-2016 19:45:55;
danielpbarron: get nubbins` or someone to make some nice artwork on it and i'll buy
danielpbarron yeah but he wouldn't be familiar with that.
mod6: <+
danielpbarron> what needs to be changed? just the url to the .sh ? or are some of the steps different now? << yeah, i think the steps are going to be fine, other than the URL to the new script (when we finally get it deedbotted) and the name of the script.
danielpbarron: do you wanna update the wiki as soon as there is a get-able deedbot entry for this?
mod6: thanks
danielpbarron -- hey please give this a try if you can. I figured that you might be a good one to simplify the steps and up date the wiki as soon as we get some confirmation that all is good with the script
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 07:18:40;
danielpbarron: guy died basically saving the life of the fed
ben_vulpes: look closer,
danielpbarron, watch like three more times
shinohai: ;;later tell
danielpbarron searched for eulora pass, still no luck I'll get with ya when I get an account sorted.
felipelalli: thank you mircea_popescu!
danielpbarron, yes, I remember, I was here when this fork was made. I remember some conversation about gribble being too much offline and another bot was necessary. Am I wrong?
adlai is "in the logs" describing the full episode, it's too long to fit in the margins of these. tl;dr: police visited, invited me along so nicely i couldn't refuse, but went home the next day. as
danielpbarron pointed out, jail /= prison
danielpbarron: iiuc you don't befriend them out of pity, you cough up coin to get your friend back outside of the matchbox
danielpbarron: filing is optional if you work for gold dubloons, aha
danielpbarron: Purged. Credible reports suggest Twitter is going to do a bigger purge soon, so some loveable jokesters are working to get preeptively purged on their own terms.
danielpbarron(and other folks in my WoT): we're using transferwise, works quick and swell so far. For N euro that arrives to my account you get N/1.02 x.eur, discount possible if you can commit to schedule.
danielpbarron: You know if you could do 10 of these 120 word things a month that would be 1200 s.qntr which are redeemable for...
danielpbarron: You piece is going up as soon as I harmonize some of the vocabulary.
assbot: Logged on 25-01-2016 00:10:21; asciilifeform:
danielpbarron: and why would message text be in english
assbot: Logged on 25-01-2016 00:09:41; asciilifeform:
danielpbarron: and whose pgptron prints 'Decryption....'
BingoBoingo: <
danielpbarron> yeh, so is this still a qntra article or..? << If you submit something with all of the point brought up it channel, its chance of publication is a weighted coinflip. Depends what you can make of it.
mircea_popescu: <
danielpbarron> is the tweet deleted? i took screenshots of the pgpgram << it would be. pgp BURNSSSS teh usterrorists.
assbot: Logged on 24-01-2016 00:05:24;
danielpbarron: >> me: the universe does not guarantee a solution to things that humans perceive as problems. << personification of 'universe' to replace God
danielpbarron: i swear that i'm referencing something mircea_popescu said with that line, but i'll be damned if i can find the original.
danielpbarron: thx for the heads up
danielpbarron: Or just trying to "be cool" like all those movie stoners or something. It's not unknown among USG agents to either have or have invented a "groovy" drug history.
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:14:18;
danielpbarron: do I also need to murder to know whether that was right or not?
assbot: Logged on 20-01-2016 05:13:28;
danielpbarron: true gods or not, AA claims to be a non-religious organization and this is a lie
ben_vulpes: trinque:
danielpbarron has the /truth/ you see
danielpbarron: I can't even get to infinite resignation yet.
ben_vulpes imagines
danielpbarron getting a hold of a mistranslation of other ancient texts, declaring fatwa
danielpbarron: have you ever spent much time with the twelve steppers?
danielpbarron: it's a particular reprogramming that doesn't have much to do with the bible.
mod6: <+
danielpbarron> ;;later tell mod6 all these big mpoe trades scared away your twatterbot << thanks for the heads up
danielpbarron: yeah you can
danielpbarron here's a lulzy bit : all these schmucks worried about "scaling bitcoin" could, for the price of a gpg key, make themselves an eulora account. trade bitcoin with everyone instantly for free!
BingoBoingo: <
danielpbarron> mircea_popescu> what american goes shrooming ? << high-seekers and they call it "hunting" i think << But also people who want to eat delicious morels
danielpbarron: yoga pants chicks are in both kinds of stores here, but i guess our "normal" grocery stores in alberta are fucking deeeelux in 99.999% of the world. the hippie stores here aren't so bad but their staffs are beyond useless and the sanitation is definitely sub-par.
mircea_popescu: <
danielpbarron> i'm at a diner right now watching my explore bot via ssh terminal on fone << epic.
danielpbarron, Luke-Jr, and/or any other scripture scholars... is there no good commentary in the entire internet for Mat16:18 !?
mircea_popescu: hey
danielpbarron ask twitter.com/avflox if she doesn't wanna write for qntra ?
assbot: Logged on 18-01-2016 19:22:47;
danielpbarron: i would say that people seeking attunement should read the source and not the notes scribbled in the margins
PeterL: <
danielpbarron> yes, and when you say l:f:p and I look it up, me must be looking at exactly the same code << shouldn't chapter/verse be pressing:file:line ?
danielpbarron: this is a mega-point, and my original was to have a wwwtronic thing where you could point to an individual place in timespace
BingoBoingo: <
danielpbarron> the closest thing to notes that i recommend are those atruechurch articles and his writing is mostly just comparing what false teachers say to what the Bible says, complete with many references << AHA, but what is this?
ascii_butugychag: BingoBoingo:
danielpbarron's thing got perma-pressed and regenesised !!
danielpbarron: But consider v or a piece of v software like Bitcoind as a bible analogue. What language describes things that go around a bible.
danielpbarron: A guide to bilical/religious terms useful for understanding software
danielpbarron: If v is used to handle a canon, what sort of language accompanies things that surround a canon
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell
danielpbarron Given your proclivities... perhaps you can do a draft manifesto for using language to describe relations between v-ified software and the things that surround it.
BingoBoingo: later tell
danielpbarron Given your proclivities... perhaps you can do a draft manifesto for using language to describe relations between v-ified software and the things that surround it.
mircea_popescu: i didn't do it. mebbe
danielpbarron ? or hanbot ? or pete
assbot: Logged on 17-01-2016 07:19:37; BingoBoingo:
danielpbarron do either you or shinohai care to invite DiscusFish's macbook-air to channel?