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Mocky: completely unknown to me
Mocky: aha, I suspected something like this would surface
Mocky: we need more angle brackts
Mocky: oh prolly my use of angle brackts for arrows ->
Mocky: mircea_popescu, i just added a comment to puzzler blog post but seems cut off mid way
Mocky: oh hey, i didn't have the context for that knapsack challenge when I read it in the logs, had no idea what it meant. meanwhile forgot all about it
Mocky: cons is malloc for lisp, or is more meant by that?
Mocky: so then do you have to contend also with e.g. linux process scheduler?
Mocky: time i can see. space i don't see. max stack + max heap hard space bound, no?
Mocky: asciilifeform, what's the problem with gc in this context?
Mocky had pictured some savile row gents taking afternoon tea between lectures
Mocky: ftr, oxford sounds pretty badass
Mocky: comforting fairy tales? to what does that refer?
Mocky: thinking on sharing code
Mocky: in '99 I and 2 others wrote a web framework in java for use in our company's products, no such published thing was extant. shortly after someone else published identical item named 'struts', not stolen merely obvious solution. I then watched the published 'struts' turn into ever bigger piles of shit year over year and suffered job interviewers probing my knowledge of 'struts' and i think that quite colored my
Mocky: not the last point
Mocky: famous publisher of maffs and alchemy
Mocky: some is in production and was reviews by team members, others are more toolish and have not
Mocky: well ok then help me understand this: i have 'book of useful recipes' composed partial of code that I wrote *with* other intelligent people and partially of things that i just just wrote personally to simplify my own common tasks and found useful over a long period of time. is the latter portion 'man alone' ?
Mocky: whether you expose yourself to inteligent feedback is orthogonal to if you make some code into a library, no?
Mocky: doesn't sound familiar
Mocky: difference between shared library and personal library
Mocky: i agree 'book of useful recipes' useful to and created by practitioners
Mocky: and speaking of fortran, deskilling also goes hand in hand with the john backus vision of "algebra of programs" snap together lego coding
Mocky: mix code was considered library? lol
Mocky: the deskilling goes hand in hand with proliferation of library-ism and github-ism. library in reality is the natural outcome of experienced practitioner isolating code that has no business freely mixing with other code. for use primarily by same person. but today the 99% see library as opaque boxes meant to pile up and put a little shit pile of new code on top
Mocky: i agree re average developer. stepanov says i video that 1% should write library and 99% should just use. but that's bs. if 99% don't know algos or time complexity, then shouldn't be trusted with anything
Mocky: german's greek to me
Mocky: haven't heard of klein tale
Mocky: stepanov strikes me as guy trying to do the right thing for a library to be used by millions of programs, while also being resigned to the shityness of c++ and of average developer
Mocky: this guy is the him, ru dude
Mocky: what did you think?
Mocky: good morning mod6, how goes?
Mocky: when I went opened comp this morning half expected chat window to be flashing with with ping "bot dun work!"
Mocky: good morning, how goes?
Mocky: correction Stepanov not Stepanoff
Mocky: dude was ultra focused on the generic usefulness
Mocky: there's just not a method that returns only bool , he insists on returning some additional potentially useful info that was gathered
Mocky: there are still ways to do it, e.g. with the count method, you have to test for count < 1.
Mocky: so instead the interface as methods that keep track of the info for the tasks you actually want to do
Mocky: the only reason to use contains() is to follow up and do something else, like add or remove. but if you do those things you have to repeat all the work of contains() contains throws out all the info
Mocky: i was trying to figure out what madness was behind an stl <set> not having a 'contains()' method, and turns out designer isn't dumb after all
Mocky: apparently stepanoff wrote the generic list processing for Ada but saw that c++ would be more popular so then wrote stl as researcher at HP
Mocky: standard template library for c++
Mocky: when stepanoff starts talking about a guy who writes 77k lines of code and earns a raise, should instead get a $77M fine, i started listening more closely
Mocky: talks about how his son came to him for help with stl homeowrk, and he's like 'i'm not dealing with that 5 pages of compile errors'
Mocky: guy seems very differnt from stroustrup. talks about all the bad shit with the good
Mocky: certainly in no danger of 'sufficiently smart compiler'
Mocky: afaik it was in c++ that the angle bracket template syntax was first used. mustta had no choice what with all the other brackets taken, but still way to go interfering with >> operator
Mocky: it's like programming in quirks mode
Mocky: compiler knows *exactly* what I want and emits it... except to the error stream instead of the output
Mocky: tldr; banned amazon user found it "dizzying and disorienting"
Mocky: omg, i "reached" 790k people. so powerful am i !!
Mocky: that was my last contribution iirc. flipped the bozo bit
Mocky: most upvoted answer: "XML is not a regular language. You cannot parse it using a regular expression."
Mocky: "accessing a protected computer"
Mocky: "look at our uber-drab office building with not a single person willing to get in the photo, it's awesome here I SWEAR!"
Mocky: re: earlier cia lulz, homepage of glassdoor.com today has (seemingly fresh) cia job ad in rotation, "Morale is great despite of the changing leadership"
http://imgur.com/UE7J72H Mocky: when I die, def want stone obelisk
Mocky: what's interesting at the big cemetery?
Mocky: i do see it now actually, yes
Mocky: it did occur to me. went to the dominican republic some years ago for a summer, started learning spanish. but had no use for it back in the states
Mocky: i'm not in a position to say!
Mocky: i can see that argument, but it completely sidesteps the "first language" claim
Mocky: s gonna chelate some fo that lead?
Mocky: so then "first langauge" less an issue than "only language"? so multi fluency
Mocky: sounds like a bill murrray, dan aykroyd "don't cross the streams" item
Mocky: gotta earn that gray beard
Mocky: good times... "fun never ends"
Mocky: I have nfi how much influence he still has on standard, but spends entire preface kissing feet of latest version
Mocky: but you repeat yourself
Mocky: re: hacksaw skills, yes, I can see the need for this quite clearly
Mocky: flying police don't shoot down without permission of Allah
Mocky: check the file permissions?
Mocky: wow, there's a wikipedia page for the number 50,000 "50,000 (fifty thousand) is the natural number that comes after 49,999 and before 50,001. It is a round number." marginal accuracy achieved thru absolute irrelevance
☟︎ Mocky: #eulora for one. personally i thought the asciiart dick bird dunking a basketball was a bit much but hey
Mocky: so many 'mocky's in there incl. sexualnepomocky and MockyJoke
Mocky: so in reading the logs I see that musl is a libc which is smaller and stricter than glibc. is there such a thing for c++ standard library or is it not needed?
Mocky: cool danielpbarron, thx