1700+ entries in 0.015s
Mocky: mircea_popescu, it's not new just sitting unused. I'll use blog, yes. If I find a use for the alternate, will be ready to go
Mocky: I'm getting "#pizarro :Cannot send to nick/channel" so will just drop this here: I created a dir named 'wwwhabeeb' in my shared hosting account. can you set me up to have domain mockyhabeeb.com be fed from that?
Mocky: every time my little brother got really annoying!
Mocky: my grandma would always tell me my name means kindhearted friend/brother...
Mocky: thx, this is quite exciting
Mocky: mircea_popescu, ok!
Mocky: I is
Mocky says from a coffee shop
Mocky: time warner cable sucks
Mocky: nope
Mocky: ok
Mocky: diana_coman, no matter where you put "if Mocky will keep eating waffles" it gets inlined, since it always evaluates to true
Mocky: I don't know of any but I will find out for sure
Mocky: 2 months
Mocky: 2-3 months sounds reasonable
Mocky: thx!
Mocky: oct 7 works
Mocky: holy shit, an hour ago i was eating waffles and now i'm going to qatar ☟︎
Mocky: I think that i can pull together enough to get me thru January
Mocky: what does that mean?
Mocky: not happening
Mocky: 5 benjies per week
Mocky: on serious consideration, my only obstacle is that I don't have with what to make my ongoing alimony payments. I'm not going to break that promise
Mocky: it is indeed a thing
Mocky: na, that wasn't one of my reasons
Mocky rates chances of her figuring out irc as low
Mocky: on a side note, evidently my ex is a log reader now, got the question last month "are you in Uruguay?" now expecting to get question "you in qatar?"
Mocky: fuck, i can't come up with a good reason not to
Mocky: lol!
Mocky: at least it's not china
Mocky: ok, well yes
Mocky: not fishing for compliments, just don't see how beneficial
Mocky: lets see, never been, don't speak lang, never started a business, in what way could i actually be a good partner other than willing to go?
Mocky: well what, that's how it sounds
Mocky: that sounds scary as fuck, lol
Mocky: i don't allah. i pantomimed allahing in mosques in my youff when visiting family. no arabic either
Mocky: came a breath away from visiting Kuwait in the drivers seat of a tank, but never actually arrived. No other even near misses.
Mocky: BingoBoingo, "to play *be* its own rulebook"
Mocky: 'depilation treatment' lol
Mocky: thx! will take a look
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-30#1845961 >> those glasses though! ☝︎
Mocky: mircea_popescu, was there an ro trilema piece about games of either balance or catch? iirc i couldn't make heads or tail of the auto translation some months ago
Mocky: grats on the tubers lol
Mocky: ve been thinking of setting up bouncer sincy my connection's been so iffy past week
Mocky: hanbot, i
Mocky: np
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-14#1841508 ^unclipped ☝︎
Mocky: ha!
Mocky: makes me wonder if bingoboingostan is like this
Mocky: and then on the way home traffic jam due to moped rider who not only unable to maintain 30 in a 45, but also (as seen when I finally passed him) had mirrors *taped* on, and not even with duck tape but with medical tape ☟︎
Mocky: http://imgur.com/a/YzXI2VH
Mocky: tiny blue 'my little pony' car pulled into the spot next to me, damn these things are small. I've seen before, i suppose many times but this one even had a gnome hop out and scurry off to the market.
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-29#1845648 >> and what him? it's me ☝︎
Mocky: ~everyone coming though the gates is wondering where it is
Mocky: I never saw it while there, rumored to be there tho
Mocky was marine corps tank driver in reserves, was active duty for some months on army base
Mocky: asciilifeform, 'i hate my job' is the internalization of the problem, opposite of questioning
Mocky: the ones who couldn't be 'trained not to question' failed training
Mocky: well not like a bunch of black dudes sayin 'wish my parents were white'... then some white kid would have been the son
Mocky: pick better numbers!
Mocky: then they will promptly take out a mortgage, lol ☟︎
Mocky: in the 90's all of the 'how to operate' tank training was in tanks and ~all the 'how to fight as effective tank platoon' was in shitty simulator. this for both army and marines. Makes me wonder about 'modern' pilot training
Mocky: marines just get carried around by the navy, dun 'take ships'
Mocky: I find gif quite interesting, I would not have thought to do that
Mocky: wow, full lolcat
Mocky: from my pov, stacking down to *any* 2 stacks is the bulk of the value. but in my mining the stacks are going to converge to q q-1 eventually. and in fact large piles of q q-1 are sitting around waiting to eat incoming small stacks
Mocky: the fewer server roundtrips would be preferable, assuming they can be had
Mocky: mircea_popescu, does ave1's example of stacking down to 7846x173q 1592x177q, actually violate any criteria, despite that it 'could' be stacked further, it could not be stacked down into fewer slots
Mocky: 3 piles must contain odd,odd or even, even pair therefore stackable
Mocky: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/0JK0r/?raw=true , elementarily, they are both odd qual...
Mocky: asciilifeform, ave1's above is not in fact example of immiscible quantities: ave1's final state can be stacked down to q, q-1 by my algo in 2 moves
Mocky: lolcat suggest some 'large enough' conditions, no?
Mocky: ok, lol
Mocky: I'm not clear on how you can backtrack piles directly though, as if they were from isolated branches, when possibly final 2 piles from mixed descent and not from isolated mixing
Mocky: i think that it can work, i don't see how it would work better than A* if heuristic was found, but I don't see how worse either
Mocky: other than not needing the guess the final state, I'm still trying to find a problem with it
Mocky: size of piles are computed by solving the two equations for x and y 1) floor(A)*x + ceil(A)*y = sum(mass) 2) x + y = sum(qty) ☟︎☟︎
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-24#1844275 >> let A = sum(mass) / sum(qty), final pile qualities will floor(A) and ceil(A) ☝︎
Mocky: well, maybe my maffs is wrong and someone can correct my work
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-24#1844275 >> why would you need initial guess for final 2 piles when you can compute them directly from given input? ☝︎
Mocky: ok, I see it
Mocky: maybe i'm dense, what do you mean reduce a pile at least in half?
Mocky: looks right, so my intuition is clearly ill informed. imma see what else I can see
Mocky: i'm going to take a minute and verify that. but i expect you to be right, and then im gonna come back and say "ah, but i chose a bad example"
Mocky: the 1xq1 item has a tiny mass compared to the 200 ~q1000 items, and will resolve into the q1000 pile. theres no way to mix a q1 up to q1000 using only ~q1000 items in 10 or less moves. it's just got a long way to go
Mocky: based on intuition, which i shall explain
Mocky: neither could it be done in 3*P. my given example I'd wager 50/50 if it could be done in 4*P
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-24#1844187 this was meant to read 2*P ☝︎
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-24#1844113 this is very nice ☝︎
Mocky: but looky, maybe not 20 steps exactly, but more than 2, *no question* ☟︎
Mocky: for sake of argument, possible it rejects 3/4 of worst moves
Mocky: noted
Mocky: asciilifeform, sure but demonstrating overtight constraint in extant algo dun do either. nor does proposing A* without heuristic
Mocky: asciilifeform, at the time, wasn't trying to confirm correctness of problem statement, was trying to deliver useful feature as described
Mocky: i get it now
Mocky: turns out oversimplification
Mocky: well, i was given a somewhat different problem statement 2 months ago. more of a software requirement than problem statement actually: http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-06-10.log.html#t18:59:23
Mocky: but i've been thinking on this, and I do think it's possible to come up with one that works in linear time
Mocky: for example this pile of 4 requires 2 moves: 1x1q 100x1000q 100x1001q 1x2001q, while if you do it without the last pile: the remaining 3 require 20 steps ☟︎
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-23#1843778 I initially ruled out A* for lack of admissible heuristic. maybe asciilifeform can see O(1) (or even O(n) ) heuristic to estimate remaining steps in e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1525884 without ever overestimating ☝︎☝︎