12000+ entries in 0.537s
cazalla: actually,
i don't know the full story,
i think thestringpuller has that
hanbot: davout lol,
i don't know what the hubub's about. they're like two bux a box'a 16.
i don't think sound is inherently flawed, as long as you are in a controlled environment
mircea_popescu: clemens, centuries ago. "
i don't care what people say that
i don't know". duh.
mircea_popescu: decimation
i don't like it, because : as a way to transfer data between the two computers where there's a cable, it's stupid. even serial protocol is better, but we have tcp etc. as an airgapped solution is stupid, because sound.
I honestly
don't know what can scare Obama more than that.
I don't understand what you mean
mircea_popescu: your " without gestapo suddenly breaking down the door and demanding to see if you've multiplied unauthorized numbers" is exactly equivalent
i suspect to what
i call who are you again ? fuck off,
I don't give a shit" sort of approach to third parties of any man owning a computer
i don't propose that rms "shouldn't have" or that fsf shouldn't have been or anything of the sort. but really, the pretense that at some point the situation seriously was, red pill vs blue pill and o'reilly of all people tricked everyone into getting the wrong pill...
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "
I don't think a hard fork would be very difficult, but only if the following two points are taken into account:
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "
I don't perceive a smartphone's worth having. Much like an AK-47, if not for the same reason." <<
i think it's clearly stated. like an assault rifle, a smartphone's not worth having. not for the same reason tho, but nevertheless, not worth having.
i don't go down the street carrying a horse. or a boat.
mircea_popescu: nothing!
i have nothing against ice breakers and atomic shelters, either. but
i don't own any!
i don't mean the article's a scandal,
i just mean, it being so long is scandalous.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla bwahaha slander!
i'll bet you 1btc straight up they
don't do it this month.
mircea_popescu: decimation
i suspect you
don't understand how that world works.
mircea_popescu: well yeah, so,
i don't understand wtf he's saying either.
i don't get it. so, stallman-gcc, is at odds with stallman-emacs and they
don';t wanna talk inside his head because cacti ?
mircea_popescu: xe4l
i don't get what the attacker is supposed to think here. "oh, it's ok, that's just what that weird node does" ?
mircea_popescu: xe4l
i guess
i don't understand what the purpose would be
BingoBoingo: beautyon:
I don't see how they could not know.
I mean they can't even get their favorite to stop bleeding because they pay $145/CPM for TV marketing
i don't know that vessenes' happy scamfarm is or ever was involved in anything to do with standards.
mircea_popescu: beautyon
i don't think you understand how the us politico mind works.
PeterL: aha,
I see. please
don't ban me
i don't know if anyone saw that ipad game that pays out 0.0001..
i fucked around with it for an hour or so and earned 0.0003,
i'm sure some indian is setting up a sweatshop to farm it 24/7 as we speak
RagnarDanneskjol: re molokization of deedbot v2.0 - no idea what you're talkin about? has nothing to do with me. also
don't recall pestering anyone here ever..once in a blue moon
I will ask questions in pm if
I'm not authed/voiced.
I don't think so, not qualified nor time for it
i dunno lol,
i'm just saying you
don't need an intermediary to source the resolution data, the data is by definition public, right?
thestringpuller: davout: yea
I don't know how to word it.
i know how to bet on exchanges going down.
I applaud the test coverage, and
I do agree that OpenSSL is shitty, but
I don't understand the logic in writing from scratch
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Maybe? Then again
I don't have a community college degree. Maybe
I should stick around in the US just long enough to get an Obama degree.
mike_c: meh.
i don't mind replacing. rating shouldn't necessarily follow you forever.
mike_c: Jan. 10 "Fuck,
I don't know, stop asking"
i left that out of the guide as
I don't wish to presume which environment it should be built on.
i don't know that guy is anybody, outside of social engineering everyone. he doesn't have a rating from nano, the notion they know each other is improbable on the face, and if in fact this were a job you'd fully expect a bunch of unknowns talking authoritatively in such manner.
I don't think that'll happen soon enough. Maybe a modified ircd with a bolted on gribble in the meantime?
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> this in case anyone wonders why
i "have to" call gavin an idiot. same reason you have to beat the donkey. only way it groks. << People
don't deal with donkeys, they make Abbos sell them mules.
mircea_popescu: but
i somehow
don't like to think we're being opposed by people this thick.
I don't think he can propose until March, then Fork block before may.
ben_vulpes: because
i honestly
don't think that you see it.
BingoBoingo: Eventually, probably on a reconcilliation ballot or some shit.
I don't see a need for them to though. Their denial has only made his legend stronger.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> now is the theory here that what, the haxxor is using on bitbet the same address that nejc was using on bitbet prior to the "hack" ? because why ? <<
I don't see any new bets after the 4th. COuld just be a derp who wanted to "win" to his Bitstamp deposit address?
i don't see how every time
i'm accessing anything via
https/smtps i'm going to think whether this is the right cert
i don't contest that
I don't see why one couldn't route ircd on top of ascii's udp-wot-internet
i might be especially thick, but
i don't actually understand what decimation is saying.
mircea_popescu: this part is finnicky. it shouldn't, ideally, but
i don't see how it could be done.
I guess
I like the default sign because
I see myself as Panopticon.
I don't talk much. But
I watch and listen. Default-sign helps me.
i don't see much has improved since the recording machine era. do you ?
artifexd: it allows third parties to construct undeniable chatlogs << while true,
I don't see the issue with it
i don;'t see what in the spec would prevent anyone from so doing.
mircea_popescu: as far as it's in the form "either you or A X" the only answer is "
i don't care."
artifexd: That's why the fingerprint and the alias, right? Let the computer notice that the numbers
don't match the the numbers that
I identify as mircea.
i don't think you will find the computerized means to ensure immutability.
mircea_popescu: well,
i don't.
i more often have sex with someone in the bus
mircea_popescu: suppose
i make 50k 1btc txn. they
don't fit in a 1mn block. they do fit in a 10mb block. what now ?
artifexd: Fountain codes, insomuch as
I don't understand them, complicate the design. Padding the the structure that gets encrypted doesn't.
mircea_popescu: artifexd more's the point,
i don't specifically give a shit about "analysis"
i don't expect "the freenode folks" have technically very much at their disposal. this is the thing, frozen since the days lilo walked the earth.
I don't understand what is going on with that
mircea_popescu: (
i don't mean technically,
i mean financially, nobody's accepting it for value)
mircea_popescu: perhaps
i don't actually see the whole ball there tho.
mircea_popescu: if one doesn't buy into the entire "branding, even if or especially if before the fact" one's stuck with this.
i don't mind it so much.
mircea_popescu: <rithm> port 1337 tho kinda elitist
don't you think << yes,
i do.
i really
don't think they should be called books properly.
don't believe it.
i'm not for hire :)
mike_c: oh
i miss mpoe-pr: "Yes, for as long as you
don't try to take them out they're safe."
I don't expect it to be very easy to attack ...
I might suggest not using cloaks as the solution here. Using cidr entries in access list, and /cs why, it's quite trivial to look through them. We
don't want to "teach" whoever is ddosing here that -- he'd keep doing his thing.
diana_coman: btw, out of curiosity: why is this eulorom site apart entirely from mingame.bz?
I thought eulora was essentially made by minigame so
I don't quite follow the different sites/lack of links or is there something
I'm missing?
mircea_popescu: in the design as is, now you reject my junk because
i don't know the salts.
I donno man,
I don't really daytrade fx options
i don't get it either, ascii_modem. who takes drugs into planes in plainly labled "DRUGS" canisters?
i don't comprehend this "have to decrypt disk" bs. <<< again we can apply above principle. everybody complaining about the disk arse search - stop imagining that you have 'rights' and start apprehending the fact that you are being pursued by maniacs who will eventually like to turn you into a lampshade.
i don't per se care what yu do, it's a moral discussion.
mircea_popescu: on the 0 1 infinity scale
i readily see why 1 rather than 0,
i just
don't grok why infinity rather than one.
i don't follow the logic of how it would be useful "in general".
punkman: cazalla: if your hypothetical killer has economical motives,
I don't think it'd ever make sense not to try to steal/ransom.
cazalla: maybe you strangle the kid for good measure,
i don't know
i don't think
i've ever observed as much of it as since being here.
I don't agree. there are plenty of men, but none of them would be willing to give up their lives to further the cause of the transgendered in syria