553 entries in 0.533s

tiberiusiv, you're saying that the USD has been deflating for 80 years
tiberiusiv : are you trolling or do you really believe what you're saying
tiberiusiv: good time to buy!
jurov: for example i have ignored after he came up with this: <
tiberiusiv> mircea has lost in 1month probably more bitcoins then 95% of this channel hold combined.
jurov: who are you talking to?
tiberiusiv? i am ignoring him for a reason
Bugpowder_: man, if today was the top on the SP500 too,
tiberiusiv's gloating is going to be so fucking annoying.
pigeons: if it happened before
tiberiusiv got here, like the other mpbor bond loss month, it didnt really happen
tiberiusiv: he's had more of a magnitude of that loss, see August 2012
thestringpuller: so mircea_popescu should we not trust your 100,000 btc empire because
tiberiusiv has said you are a scammer and claims to have proof of your malice?
pigeons: no one is a retard,
tiberiusiv just really really acts that way
pigeons: people might even agree with you some
tiberiusiv if you lost the racism, the eskimobobism, the blind rage ignoring facts, etc
tiberiusiv: don't speak unless you contribute something to economy other than being a troll
tiberiusiv, where will the price stabilize?
pigeons: has anybody actually seen
tiberiusiv and EskimoBob together at the same time?
tiberiusiv> btce did 50% of mtgox volume today
Lyspooner: there were several people who called it a bubble at 70, say. Are those people wrong? Why should we only remember the people who got it right, like
MJR_: smickles: you meant
tiberiusiv right?
tiberiusiv i don't understand the analogy
smickles: i want an ERB Luke-Jr vs
tiberiusiv dub:
tiberiusiv: srsly, nothing we can say to Luke-Jr is more fucked up than the shit floating around in his head
tiberiusiv: man, I kinda like your trolling style but Luke-Jr is the ubertroll, you should give up at this point
smickles: ;;rate
tiberiusiv 1 motivates people
tiberiusiv: 1-2 more straight up months with no late pullbacks, he will be in pain
smickles: (wow, that might look bad to someone who didn't see some of my conversations with
tiberiusiv: what's the deal? SP500 down... bitcoin up. :P
_aeon: totally normal
tiberiusiv smickles: <
tiberiusiv> mircea probably faked last months losses just to keep the bondholders $ << are you kidding? the bot is easy to take advantage of when there are movements like last month
tiberiusiv: Havelock is a savings medium different space than the others
tiberiusiv just make sure you are on the other side of the stick and more welth to you no'
tiberiusiv: keep talking you're making the stock shortable
jurov: <
tiberiusiv> mircea has lost in 1month probably more bitcoins then 95% of this channel hold combined.
benkay: what would your preferred implementation be,
KRS1: <
tiberiusiv> with BTC deflation
KRS1: <
tiberiusiv> and it will be even harder now
tiberiusiv, i actually did it once when everyone was like "half reward is coming, brace ur"
tiberiusiv, you forget there's someone who actually sees your portfolio and call you on your BS
thestrin1puller: mircea_popescu: it seems
tiberiusiv knows your financials because they are all public
tiberiusiv: there's mircea's private activities like MPHF
benkay: what sheet,
tiberiusiv: those who profited by buying calls see the credibility soar :)
tiberiusiv: ofc, if mp goes out of money he stops sellin options. happened before already
tiberiusiv: option writers make the most money when there is no volatility in the underlying security
OneMiner: Oh lord. +b
tiberiusiv He's just repeating himself over and over.
tiberiusiv nobody here agrees with you. so you must have indeed better understanding :)
tiberiusiv don't change the topic
tiberiusiv, all that "volume" and "liuquidity" on irl fin markets is thanks to leverage
tiberiusiv so how do you propose to get instantly into 1trillion mkt cap?
tiberiusiv because it is too risky to keep big amounts on exchanges
tiberiusiv: how come that video has a bunch of comments saying that it's not like that anymore?
tiberiusiv: that video looks decades old, is it still like that?
tiberiusiv: our current president is from one of the most corrupt places in 'merica
tiberiusiv: aslo, from what i've read of the polimedia financials, most of his money used to come from consulting
tiberiusiv: you don't think that activity could increase from other people in similar timezones to mircea_popescu ?
tiberiusiv: most of the activity happening when mircea_popescu is around, doesn't really indicate that mircea_popescu is the cause of said activity
tiberiusiv: though, that market cap does seem high to me, it is consistant with the amount of buys from people other than mircea_popescu that I know of myself
tiberiusiv: I haven't noticed an exaggeration. Are you talking about something you saw in irc or on a webpage?
tiberiusiv: i don't think he exaggerates, he just speaks of the notational numbers because they are bigger
tiberiusiv: I would be upset too if i had an operation the size of mpex and got left out of media attention
tiberiusiv: kk, fraud does seem more apt than scammer
tiberiusiv: so you suggest that he's a scammer b/c he's romainian and allows people to post pictures you don't like, i understand that. What would you suggest my course of action be based on this information?
tiberiusiv: you don't like bitcoin magazine?
MJR_III: ugh, it doesn't auto-ignore
tiberiusiv mircea_popescu: look at people like
tiberiusiv, ranting about how bad the world is. there's about one million towns on the globe nobody's heard of
tiberiusiv: too many bots in this chan, right?
tiberiusiv: that's not really my criteria for bigotry, and i don't really favor american political correctness, so far as i can tell
copumpkin: [23:42:54] <
tiberiusiv> wouldnt expect any less of a response from an mpex shareholder
copumpkin: [23:44:47] <
tiberiusiv> copumpkin offered to lend his vast holdings of BTC for short selling
tiberiusiv: can you give me any more information?
tiberiusiv: anyway, I'm curious what you think about me